What did Catalonia mean by this?
What did Catalonia mean by this?
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Jesus christ it's true
What stage are we in?
What are the racial demographics of Catalonia? Wikipedia doesn't mention it in its demographics section.
algierian commies
If you compare crypto adoption to internet adoption, we're in 1995.
sounds extremely fake, but in any case Catalonia will never be independent as no country of any importance supports them
In b4 they are found to be developing womd.
its a national crypto...nothing that we can buy or hodl now.
They don't need to be politically independent, if they manage to be economically independent using crypto they won't be paying taxes anymore and the spanish government will only have two choices, wither step back and let them have their independence or try to crack down their cryptocurrency with violence and become the bad guys in the eyes of the international community and Catalonia will gain a lot of support for their independence.
Not trying to Shill but go to CMC
and look at how Euros are being pumped into GRS over the last week.
suddenly catalonian independence is interesting.
the fire is rising
I'm guessing, mostly Catalans, some other Spaniards from other provinces and a few African and Asian minorities. There you go, /pol/
It is possible Spain sends their army though.
>economically independent using crypto
and how would they do that
>crack down their cryptocurrency with violence and become the bad guys in the eyes of the international community
this has already happened, the Spanish government has been cracking skulls for weeks. it doesn't matter, because nobody with power wants to see 1) separatist movements succeeding, as it sets a bad precedent for similar movements in other countries; 2) the EU further destabilized. the "international community" is a fictional entity of no importance, except in cases in which the US needs to fabricate some justification for regime change in a hostile country, and Spain doesn't fit that mold
Are commies gonna make us rich?
Creating their own cryptocurrency and convincing all business to work exclusively with it?
They haven't actually been that harsh, they sent the military police for the referendum because they argued it was unconstitutional and they were pretty soft, no one was seriously injured. But they don't have the same excuse for persecuting people doing private business between them, they could do it but it would look extremely bad.
That's how you fight this kind of asymmetric conflict, you make your enemy look bad avoiding violence at all costs until they're position is unsustainable, see India or apartheid South Africa.
They could actually do it, the difficulty will be coordinating so many people to join the movement and stop using euros altogether.
I live in Catalonia and even we are having problems with banks it will take years to admit cryptocurrencies, these are not really known by most of people.
Visca Catalunya Lliure!
is this the wealth redistribution commies talk about?
>Creating their own cryptocurrency and convincing all business to work exclusively with it?
no country of importance has ever done anything like that and it sounds extremely implausible that it could be done now
they've been harsh enough that most leftist-minded people have been to Catalonia's side. it's unimportant because the governments of France, the US, Germany, the UK, etc, all oppose their independence
the success of Indian passive resistance is actually a bit of a myth. what actually happened is that the UK realized after WW2 that holding onto their colonies was untenable in the long-term and simply gave them up. Gandhi himself expressed surprise at the occurrence
South Africa didn't fall because of political pressure, they fell because of exacerbated economic isolation after the friendly neighbouring countries of Rhodesia and Portugal (through colonial Mozambique) underwent regime change, at a time when they were already the target of economic sanctions by the rest of the western world. nobody's going to sanction Spain over this
Are you for or against independence
By the way i visited barcelona a couple of months ago, la basilica de la sagrada familia is the sickest building i've ever seen brah
>the success of Indian passive resistance is actually a bit of a myth. what actually happened is that the UK realized after WW2 that holding onto their colonies was untenable in the long-term and simply gave them up. Gandhi himself expressed surprise at the occurrence
Guess what happens when you are not able to collect taxes from someone anymore?
Not him, but...
Yes I support the Catalonian independence. Spain is a country that lives in the XIX-XX century and we, the catalonians have been under their laws by force ( they conquered us in 1714 when we were a Country from 1200) for centuries but we are really diferent and more european and we want to go forward, but it's impossible in Spain
>What did Catalonia mean by this?
They meant "buy CATHER."
Formerly known as EtherCat.
1 hour and 30 minutes left on the ICO.
A tolerant country with bright future.
I'm in.