Guys, is it that I'm depressed because I'm poor, or that I'm poor because I'm depressed?
>sleep at 9, wake up at 18
>Having a hard time calibrating my sleep
>after highschool, no objective in life, no friends, nothing.
>Too depressed to start studying
>Too depressed/unmotivated to try to make money
>Writing this thread was the most entertainment I got all day.
How much money to stop depression?
I've been like this for 3 months now.
Guys, is it that I'm depressed because I'm poor, or that I'm poor because I'm depressed?
Other urls found in this thread:
See a councillor fap 3 times a min
stop being a little bitch, time waits for no man.
Go seek professional help if you feel like that
Not even joking go do it
A bit same situation. I'm balancing between my school (programming 3rd year but failed 2 subj so prob gonna be 3.5...) and work (mechanic, tireing as hell but good pay).
Very depressed, haven't even had sex for 5 months now my life is a catastrophe.
Stop using the computer so much
Get sunlight and walk more
Stop watching porn
Start eating healthier
I have a psychological cabinet next door, but I'm highly skeptical, rather I'm sure it won't help.
Do i even need help?
I think about going out to run for half an hour, but then i realise i have to take a shower, and wash my clothes, and I just get more lazy and more depreased because I'm such a lazy fuck.
I don't know, I just want to sleep.
I have been feeling like that for 5 years now
>almost out of med school which was probably the dumbest decision I could have made in this easter eu shithole
>depressed, hate the field, bottom 10 percent grades, dunno if I land any residency which would pay 1000e/m anyway so fuck it
>no libido, sex doesnt do anything to me
>dont enjoy anything other than 1 second dopamine bursts of closing a shitcoin deal
Go to the gym.
Get sunlight.
if those two dont start to make you feel better go to a doctor.
its depression, I started running 4 years back, move on to cycling, swimming, gym etc.. I can swim 2k in 2min/100 pace and biked around 3k kms per year and I dont enjoy anything anyway
I got my sleep on track (i sleep 11pm-7am), eat healthy and I am still like that so I don't know if it would help you user
You can try it, but I would recc going straight for psy meds.
Nigga are u fucking retarded? Did you drop from med school in eastern eu? Go get your doctor title and start working at a hospital in western eu for 3-5 years and then you can open your own practice. Doctors in Germany easily earn 800k EUR per year with their own practices.
It's like being only physically alive, like my mind is a different entity watching tv from within me. It's very frustrating.
Go to the gym and work out until your drenched in sweat. Do this 5 days a week for 2 months and you'll feel great
>Did you drop from med school in eastern eu
No, Im in final year
Yeah, thats, my only option probably. It sounds more easy than it is though
also, dont ever start watching JOI or momcest porn
i've got (some) money and trust me, it won't help. depression of this magnitude is physiological
Is it okay to jog in short pants at 4 degrees C? I'm putting on my running shoes.
work out
I'm going to jog in hopes that I come back tired and sleepy.
Maybe I'll be back in an hour.
Hungarianfag here, I dropped out of medschool. Don't do it. Go finish it. I hated that shit and I still regret dropping out every day. Time is your most valuable asset, don't waste it.
Meditate everyday for 20 minutes. no matter what. you will see the results after a few months
your friendly Veeky Forums psycho-analyst here, OP. first off, answer a few intake questions:
1) are you fat and/or ugly
2) are you suicidal
3) are you a shitskin or are you white
4) what do you "want to do with your life" if you finally took steps to take total and direct control over your life, mind and actions.
answer these questions and i will provide useful feedback.
these are very important questions
what are u doing now?
(I was on the edge of dropping out probably 3 times)
Read the bible
Work out every other day
Eat healthy
Set a sleep schedule give or take 30 minutes
Read an hour or so before bed instead of electronics
I'm finishing my major at Psychology. The degree is a meme, my salary will be poverty tier. To top it off, the whole Uni is full of stupid vapid cunts and I have to deal with the turbo left shit (women make leftist echo chambers, go figure).
I'm 28, fat, and a manlet. My parents died 2 years ago. I can't get a girl, and I won't be able to get a normal job with this dumpster fire degree. Crypto was my last chance, but I put my money into alts, and the forks fucked me. I think I will probably kill myself in a few years.
So yeah, finish the Uni, and leave Estern Europe. Don't walk, run.
I'm worried no hospital will grand me residency since my grades suck ass and I only know English
But yeah, dont kill mate, learn to code I guess.
>haven't even had sex for 5 months now my life is a catastrophe
god reading this makes me feel like a loser
There is a general lack of doctors, at the very least in Easter Europe. Even with a shit degree, you could be a family doctor (I don't know the proper english term). I fucking hated medschool, but the time I lost with dropping out really hurt me. It's not fun being surrounded with people 5 years younger than you, you can't relate to them. Fuck your grades, just finish. Your grades won't matter that much. Having a huge gap in your cv does.
2 years and counting. I'm a fucking loser though, so it's only natural.
Holy fucking shit I'm back, I'm very numb, can hardly move my fingers to type this.
My chest feels like it's being stabbed, I'm feeling light headed. have been spitting through all my jog (now i know why people spit on the sidewalk, kinda tastes like iron).
You're a real chad compared to me.
I'm a 28 year old KHV & professional NEET.
You shouldn't come straight back to your pc
fuck a hooker mate.. sometimes they are pretty nice
I did once. That ended a 4 year old dry period. If you don't get ass for a long time, you develop mental blocks, you basically start to view sex as a larger than life shit. Hookers are good for putting things in perspective. After fucking that hooker I got a gf. Maybe I will visit one.
178cm 71 Kg
average looking
white arab (you couldn't notice unless I told you)
not sucidal, but extremely unmotivated.
My goal in life is to make enough money, doing a not very demanding job that I enjoy to take care of my mother and make me financially independent.
Happiness is a state of mind. Doesn’t come with money. Be happy first with what you have and you’ll have the strength to get more money. First, get rid of your laziness, it cripples your progression. Force yourself to do sport daily. Then, you’ll get the strength to progress.
Fuck a prostitue, its really nice. Thats how i escape from my depression. She sucked my cock uktil i came in her mouth and the i fuck her. oooo sooooo nice. Im mariied now but still have to find a nice hooker to fuck every week.
>>Writing this thread was the most entertainment I got all day.
This is why you need to see someone to talk to for help. It sounds really gay but having a neutral third party to bitch to for an hour will make you feel better.
I hope it does, this shit is fucking painful.
Block everything but your study sites for a couple of hours each day. You'll either be so bored you go out and socialize. Or you'll be so focused you get something done. Either way it's better than wasting your life here.
underrated advice. The ease of access to entertainment on the internet totally fucks with your reptilian brain, which only thinks in terms of "pleasure vs effort". It sees this magic activity which requires almost no effort and makes you feel good, so you end up gravitating towards it all the time. It sucks because I'm completely conscious of this, but I'm still a slave to the fast food-esque bullshit that is browsing the internet.
Thanks for entertaining me for the last hour and a half, I"ll try to go to sleep now, hope I snap out of this and return the favor in the future, to someone in the same shoes. And people say Biz is full of shitcoiner trash, I think this community is great.
GO LIFT WEIGHTS FAGGOT! Goddamnit, it will literally fix 90% of your problem. Find a routine (and I mean find, dont make one because you dont know shit) and stick with it. Everything will improve. Try Stronglifts 5x5.
>read the bible
kill yourself
no it wont
I've been lifting since I was 16 yo
It helps short term but not in a long run
And get on crazybux after a couple of years
Eventually you'll realize that you won't kill yourself, so you're here to stay. Then you'll realize that you're 25+ years old, if you start studying (or do whatever) now, then you'll (barely) be somewhere before you're 30 and it's too late. Then you'll realize that you have a choice between doing something now, or being an old man in your parents house like a kiddo, forever.
Oh right, you are a kiddo. 19 years old? You may have missed out on the teen youth experiences, but you have no idea how much worse it is to grow old as a non-independent grown man.
tl;dr - Buy cryptos. jk, spend a few months learning something like programming from pirated books, then go to uni and study it. Or skip uni and get a trash job and invest your salary. Just don't sit at home and masturbate and post on Veeky Forums.
Stronglifts 5x5 is perfect for a beginner.. every exercise is pretty much described into detail and even has an app to keep track off progress. Ofc JW 5/3/1 or nsuns is better but I wouldn't advice a beginner to jump one of those without even knowing the compounds.
>it will literally fix 90% of your problem
It wont
I was not commenting on that particular routine
ahh my bad, apologies user
Actually, in contrast to what you say, reading the bible is a good idea
If you're typically awake from 18 to 6, get a night shift job.
You are going to give your wife an std
You're probally deficient in something because of your diet. Supplement with Multivitamins, Fish Oil and S-Adenosyl Methionine
No you fucking idiot.
Fix your shit. Dont do this.
>Guys, is it that I'm depressed because I'm poor, or that I'm poor because I'm depressed?
>>sleep at 9, wake up at 18
>>Having a hard time calibrating my sleep
>>after highschool, no objective in life, no friends, nothing.
>>Too depressed to start studying
>>Too depressed/unmotivated to try to make money
>>Writing this thread was the most entertainment I got all day.
>How much money to stop depression?
>I've been like this for 3 months now.
I'll be your friend op. Just give me money to cover the friendship fee