Is he a philosopher or just a thinker?
Varg Vikernes
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Arsonist first, game designer second
I dismiss anyone who has the slightest sympathy towards neo-paganism. They're either under-aged or retarded. Varg is retarded.
He's a thinker. Very rarely does he develop his own conclusions, and most of his videos are presentations of different European philosophies or histories.
His wife, he admits, is more knowledged about it.
All his criticisms are correct but not all of his solutions are.
Can't into it, pleb?
Brainlet, you haven't enough intelligence to understand Varg and hist ways of think.
but hes got decades more on her
surely he should be more knowledgeable?
Varg is easily one of the most relevant Occidental philosophers currently active. He is undoubtedly a lover of wisdom, a researcher, a genuine literary producer and truly inspired musician. His writing style is often clunky and convoluted, but it is thorough and honest (and he is of course ESL).
Fuck the academia. Academics are almost without exception only ever sucking their way up the dick pile that is bureaucratic capitalism. Someone like Varg is vita contemplativa and vita activa combined and balanced in one individual, which is much closer the majority of prePlatonic philosophers than anything that came within the Christian era.
Read his short, worthwhile books and watch his concise videos while remaining skeptical and antagonistic like a good pagan should.
At what point did Veeky Forums get overrun with anti-intellectuals?
The guy is an aged edgy teen that peaked when he killed Euronymous, in a sub-culture that wasn't relevant even at its apex.
When we realized the intellectualism is a futile endeavor.
So go to Veeky Forums if you want to role-play intelligence.
Has anyone read his wife's book that recently came out in English?
Pol pot did nothing wrong
/pol/.. easy on the youtube celebrity derailment
Also curious.
A funny vlogger.
Literally who?
I always see this man posted an I refuse to watch an episode celeb
What's up with him?
An interesting thinker at best. He definitely has an interesting perspective on things.
He can't think. He can't write.
Buddy, this ain't no "eceleb"
Remember when he tried to escape prison and join the French Foreign Legion? What an ass.
Christ, I agree with what he's saying but his metaphors are so fucking retarded
t. Petulant Christfag
I like it.
Still what the fuck does it have to do with this eccentric fellow, clearly he is more than just a mere artist
He makes a shitload of baseless claims so i guess he is a 'thinker'.
He's just an autistic nerd who made some pretty cool music back in the day and then spent too much time on /pol/ so now he lives a "self sustainable lifestyle while living off gibs from the French government.
His kids are probably gonna grow up to be total chads though
Burzum really legitimizes Varg. His musical output and progression over nearly thirty years is undeniable evidence of his inspiratory influences. He isn't "just" a thinker, he is also a professional audio artist (and amateur mechanic!), and that artistic impact, which has been hugely influential for a lot of people (and is by now clearly by far the best of what was happening at an origin point for a subculture around which a steadily increasing amount of people genuinely live their lives), really buoys what he has to say above the rest of the horde of WN racket.
I mean, most of what he says is pretty standard stuff, but the fact that he is not just a guy saying stuff adds a lot to what he has to say.
Christians are such cucks. They will never experience the strong, manly, vital heathenry of being forced to rent their wives and daughters out to the Temple of Aphrodite to get fucked by occupying legionaries from Provincia Africa Proconsularis, or burying their virgin daughters alive in their brother's tomb, or fighting endless wars to feed the coffers of the Spartan matriarchy, or engaging in Greek homosexuality. Surely such sacred cultural practices are the key to reversing the white race's demographic decline. Why can't the West be degeneracy-free like pagan countries like Japan? Excuse me but I'm tired of writing in this Semitic alphabet. Why doesn't this website use runes?
I guess you could say he's a thinker, but he doesn't think very well.
this but unironically
he thinks about philosophy
>more people know of Varg for his YouTube videos now than for Burzum or Mayhem
YouTube is a blight.
>Italians aren't white
What did he mean by this?
>i hate christians and love vikings
>so lets torch the most viking christian thing there is
couldn't he at least have burnt some 1300's church or something
though I guess those are stone
>people actually listen to a church burning murderer who makes shit music [spoiler]ok his old stuff is alright[/spoiler]
his roleplaying game is awful, too
Bitch, where do you think you are? This is Veeky Forums, not Veeky Forums, you retard.
hello varg the bogan here
well it seems to me that wh*Te civilization is doomed
my solution and recommendation to you: escape to forests and live there with your bogan families
braise odin
also my dog ate cat rofl
Simply eric
The thread was moved from Veeky Forums on account of being too dumb.
I did. It's shit.
Murderer first, autistic viking larper second
He's a murderer, arsonist, and a sperg who has a victim complex regarding MUH PAGAN GENOCIDE. He lashes out at Christians and blames them for everything in a country that's like 2% Christian. Maybe he should study basic history and theology to get a better understanding of reality or better yet go back to prison where he deserves to be in.
Unlike Jordan Peterson he'll still be somewhat useful in the near future
what does that mean?
Can someone explain why he’s living in France, don’t immigrating to another country go against his philosophy?
He come to the free pussy that come along with inheritance that can provide him the means to live his dream.
living as a neet and making social media content is the thinking mans lifestyle
>Tips fedora
>not relevant
>has a huge cult-like fanbase 30 years later
Louis cachet is a simple farmer bard, some of his ideas about living are good but his neopaganism and general national socialism are ridiculous
>looking up to someone who unironically insisted that people refer to him as count grishnackh
t. Crusader larper
One shouldn't take this man seriously. He complains that society is degenerate yet he is a murdering arsonist who escaped prison several times and held a family at gun point. Not to mention he took advantage of an autistic girl and pumped her full of 7 kids.
>took advantage of an autieic girl
t.White knight who thinks a girls dindu nuffin.
Brainlet. Opinion discarded.
Only a horde of useless 20 year olds who haven't worked a day in their life could find wisdom in the words of a convicted murderer and church burner.
reminder one of the church burnings also resulted in the death of a firefighter
>not semitic
There is nothing wrong with autism though, it's an aryan trait that was accepted and useful in pre-christian societies.
Well he has 1000+ hours in Mount & Blade, that's something.
from what i here about norways prisons he was probably playing it in there
>naming your kid Baldur
>naming your kid jesus
is that baldr? When was he hung?
yeah, you dont have to agree with him to think thuleanperspective is comfy as fuck
Neither. He's just insane. That said, I've still got more respect for him than like 90% of his ilk on Storm front.
He genuinely believes this
Varg is a nobody who 99.9 percent of people would never recognize.
>has a huge cult-like fanbase
So did Jim Jones, and I guarantee you that he will remain more influential than Varg for the rest of time. Jones's cult didn't make anything he said worth taking seriously and neither does Varg's.
Uneducated and retarded are two different things. Varg doesn't have much education to speak of but he's probably highly intelligent.
>church burning murderer
You're saying it like it's a bad thing.
>his roleplaying game is awful, too
Why? I own it and it's surprisingly decent.
He's a retard.
he is a murderer, an animal abuser, lives from wellfare
just an idiot
>an animal abuser
He killed Euronymous
he regularly kills cats and he justifies it by saying cats are illegal african immigrants
im not even joking
Cats that are allowed to run wild are fucking cancer
I think Varg is fucking stupid, but you're taking that out of context.
>literally believes a Neanderthal and female Bear had sex to produce North Sea Peoples.
It's out there, really out there.
I think his wife is the one with the ideas, he just puts them out there. Philosopher? Yes.
Good one? I don't buy it.
nice try, Varg
>"pagans don't believe in gods"
this was when I realized it was just ethnic atheism.
preferable to ATHEISM!+ but not preferable to the immediately accessible and widespread Christianity.
Lol ok Varg
>naming your kid
>not naming your kid after some random event or attribute
t. he-who-finally-left-his room
He's a murderer that should be executed
The guy is absolute legend and a madman and I mean it in most literal way.
>blasts filosofem
awwh man I really wish I could just go to cushy Norwegian jail and not get raped and make laptop music and read books all day instead of being a wagecuck
aastru is an american thing
How can you expect it to be "racialy pure"?
it's le 56% larping as his traitoures ancestors
>held a family at gun point
wait what? when was this?
Hes a faggot with a youtube channel who needs to go to bed before posting threads on Veeky Forums.
They are tho. I live just outside a big city in Europe and every morning when i walk to work, i can see multiple cats toying with indigenous birds before killing them for fun. According to a study you can find by googling, cats in Sweden kill about 7 million birds yearly. Its a huge strain on the natural balance.
>Be present in Europe for thousands of years
>dude invasive species lmao
by that reasoning we are all niggers that should fuck off back to Africa
He's even worse! He's a primitivst. His little utopia will last only until a new mounted upperclass forms. (Not that I would complain, because I can ride.)
Good method always trumps experience.
>The guy is an aged edgy teen that peaked when he killed Euronymous, in a sub-culture that wasn't relevant even at its apex.
He was genuinely not a part of the metal subculture, he always hated the metal musicians calling them white niggers and such. That's the reason why he started producing ambient, because metal is music with nigger roots and niggerish musicians.
hes a failed mesiah. odalism is the reactionary interpretation of old pagan mythology that is built to counter modern cultural problems.