Low market cap ($13m) coin that will moon in the NEXT FEW DAYS

Their v2 iOS app will be approved this week

Their new website is up (www.lomostar.com) and not yet announced

Looking at the site, they have some halloween marketing events planned.

Their marketing has been rough so far, but they hired an American firm to help out with that recently.

Their idea (Pokemon Go with crypto) has major potential and can be a *worldwide* phenomenon if it goes viral.

Most lomocoin supporters are not American, so you heard this one here first. You're welcome in advance.

Other urls found in this thread:



hmmm I like the idea alot, but like you mentioned the marketing is quite crappy.. Where did you find that they hired a firm?

What is this logo? I can't figure it out. Will they change it when the re-brand?

PS I liked your tip when you first posted and bought in. Waiting for good things to happen.

Wasn't it a somekind of Pomekon Go, did they change it?

It is coupons, discounts, freebies, etc. just for going to certain places the app tell you to go.

They said they hired a marketing firm on slack.

They have a working product, and they've been working on this since 2016. The only thing holding them back is their marketing. Look at it this way: if they had good marketing, they wouldn't be at $13m market cap. Because you're taking a risk on their marketing, that's why it's so cheap. It's similar to Walton, Antshares in the early days. You have to take a risk in order to make money.

I think it's a good risk to take since they already have a working product and they go way back so it's not some fly-by-night operation.

Oh yeah, they have their own blockchain, have a new exchange in the works (maybe released in a few months), it's Proof of Stake (you get interest on the lomocoins you're holding)... all of it looks very attractive, just wish they would get their marketing together. But that is the RISK you take in order to make BIG money.

Basically it's for fun things like you can do treasure hunts by dropping lomocoins at certain locations, social media like connecting and chatting with people in your location, and for businesses to draw people to their storefronts with lomocoin offerings. This thing could be HUGE if it goes viral. Asians, in particular, love this kind of thing. we'll see.


> you can do treasure hunts by dropping lomocoins at certain locations
Can I drop them on a railroad track?

Good stuff. Definitely worth the risk for me. Having their own blockchain is huge! So many possibilities.

How do I contact the team regarding an idea?

Why do people like you even bother to post. Do you know how ignorant you sound? Do you think this is humor?

lmao lomocoin.


buy eboost.

Already +40% since the original shill, that guy fucking knows his stuff

Their slack should be on their reddit:


Also their twitter:


Their community manager is named Milano or w/o. He's a good dude, very friendly, but I'm not sure if English is his first language, and subtle things like that may have been driving investors away.

Go back to upvote or downvote bullshit elsewhere, faggot.



Anyone who had started with $100 and invested & sold the top of everything he shilled sofar would have around $1400 by now.

i'd like to drop you on a railroad track, if you know what i mean.


maybe lomocoin can help people find your shitty threads.

Deal lay lomo if you want to deal.

this coin is lambo ticket right here, already filled my bags at 800 not selling til atleast 3k , if you do your own research you'lll understand why

Glad I found the thread on this yesterday, it's gone up over 10% since then


>bought at 1.1k


on dat slow climb just how i like it

I bought at $1100 fuck you OP.

enjoy getting dumped on by the 1k-1.2k bagholders and dropping back to 700 sat lmao

Lel, where'd you come from? Seriously, how did you end up here?

This can easily x10 the next feew weeks, very low market cap, the coins has a real use case, what else?

OP what should be a good price to enter

Not gonna moon that hard in a few weeks. But it has the potential to easily 10x in the near future sure. If asia gets hold of this.

OP, how widespread are cryptos in Asia? Do normies use it at all? Because this is a normie app. I don't see people like us ever using this.

It's one of those cryptos that doesn't require the general user to ever get on an exchange or buy LMC. That's where the potential is.


I was wasn't surprised when my sell was hit at 1150, gonna enjoy buying back at 900

Under 1000 sats

now would be a good time. it's nowhere near its ATH, which was reached off of rumors that the v2 app would be released. now it's actually happening. it's also been hit hard with china FUD recently, so it's been targeting international markets. if it can re-enter china safely, where it can do marketing on its turf, that would be huge.

not correct, i don't think. one of the biggest limitations i see is that it requires users to input their driver's license or some kind of ID because they'll be interacting with cryptocurrencies including bitcoins if they wish. this shows they're committed to doing things the right way, which is promising, but it's also a barrier to use that i worry might deter some people away.

not sure about cryptos, but asians are freakin' addicted to their phones, and they love cute stuff like this. i wouldn't be surprised at all if this caught on, but again that depends on successful marketing. it's at least a short-term moon, however, when they get a working app released and china pays attention.

I'm using the app and haven't input my ID at all though. You can use the app to treasure hunt, social stuff and get LMC without the ID: You only need it to actually withdraw the LMC outside of the app, or to deposit.

I'm trusting you, don't let me down my man.

Thanks, OP. I'll try and catch the next dip if I can free up some funds. Currently getting REQed and shit on with EDO as well.

Where did you enter REQ?

oh okay, didn't know that. i have an iphone so haven't tried the app yet. how's it working so far? i heard there some map loading issues for some parts of the world.

be sure to take profits on the way up. lots of potential here, but also considerable risk. i don't entirely trust their marketing and communications so far. hoping they turn that around.

It's working pretty okay. I'm from northen EU though so not really a lot of treasure hunting going on here. There's a lot of people posting LMC rewards for follows though so i've just been getting into the community. It's active but nothing crazy really happens at the moment, from where I am anyway.

alright great to hear. a working product, their own blockchain, a new exchange in the works to add to the ecosystem - seems like a no-brainer to me.

just wish they would hire a more professional community manager and get a western community going. all the price fluctuations show that people want to buy in to the idea, but are skittish about the execution largely because of the marketing and communications side.

1800 during a FOMO period of us thinking Binance would have to buy back a lot.


Neck yourself you nigger loving faggot. You don't know where you are right now.

OP what's the reason the coin performed so shit earlier in the year?

China fud, and people doubting they could release app/rebrand themselves

true, can't wait for the iOS release -> public release. I have faith that they will promote the game in a good way.

from their telegram:

We are focussed here on developing a sustainable product for our users and investors and aim to become the biggest blockchain mobile entertainment app the in the world. Our aim is to bring value to society not to offer satisfaction for short-term speculators. Every new user that came into this chat please take this into consideration and keep the ‘price speculation’ at a minimum…

As you can see, they don't want to have a useless p&d shit coin. That's why I love LMC.

If this cryptocurrency hunting game goes viral because they are the first company ever to do this, the rise will be batshit crazy

Time to get in boys

This is exactly the kind of dumb shit that inexplicably moons like crazy



give it time, their iOS app hasn't even released yet

is there a date on that

Wow, that is truly remarkable TA user

they avoid dates because of obvious pump and dump action. it will probably be out in a week.

Ya could you post a screen shot or something related to when there ios app drops?

Always have faith in the chinese.

Knowing how autistic the chinks are is exactly why I don't doubt this will moon.

i bought in at 900 and sold at 1.6k
made like $300 nice

Fucking bitch ass normies trying to spread their bullshit. Go choke to death on a dick you white knight cuck

Good thing I didn't FOMO in.

This shit looks prime

can someone please tell me some similar coins with similar techs competitors?

TRX with no working product and just a whitepaper at 200M cap

Closest one I can think of is BAT, both are advertising driven tokens with reward incentives for normies using them. Except that one will rely on coin distribution depending on where people browse & observe ads online. This one is like if BAT & Pokemon Go! had a baby.

Have you ever wanted to be rich user? I know I have.. Well look no further because this coin has changed my life irrevocably. Give it's golden comfiness just a taste and you will experience the wonders of companies being very fucking interested in being able to incentivize and influence the physical location of their customers

Obviously it'd still have to catch on for that to happen, but its at the very least a solid and somewhat original idea, which puts it leagues ahead of so many of these worthless shitcoins us fuckers fawn over