I've come to offer you my fealty. My sword and my cock are at your service, now and forever

>I've come to offer you my fealty. My sword and my cock are at your service, now and forever.
Jesus Christ this is literal soft core pornography now.

Other urls found in this thread:


>watching that shit show

>women serving in combat roles in literally any given context

Rip history

Shit show. Ragnar was a fun character, though, even while wearing modern hipster clothes.

>You'll never have a fat head cock suck all you want

*to suck

Jeanne D' Arc literally did Artillery. Pretty sure there was a woman in the American Revolutionary Army who was found out after taking a bullet in battle.

What did you just say about me?

She's a big girl

not the same. Jeanne was inspired by God Himself, and the american separatists were a bunch of traitors without any regard for social norms

This show died with Ragnar. Sad.


fuckiiing womeeenn with fuckinnng swords reeeeeeeee

women are not as strong as men. that's a biological fact. A 6' viking could fucking cut down a 5'4" woman with ease.


>even while wearing modern hipster clothes.

And haircut

I hate being a burger and living in a country founded by traitors to a rightful and legitimate monarch. Even more than I hate a*glos.

The show has started pushing the envelope when it comes to gore and sex in the past two seasons. Everyone is fucking everybody, women are getting gang-fucked to send a message. They show people's limbs being sawed off. The blood eagle seems tame in comparison to the shit we have witnessed recently.


>mfw I realize this my feel too

kill yourself, you stain on the nation

Is the show still mostly just Ivar screaming autistically/eyefucking the camera?

What do you mean, user?