Whats the best guerilla tactic to take over a town Veeky Forums?
Whats the best guerilla tactic to take over a town Veeky Forums?
You’ll never need to know
Be a cult leader
Breed ten million skunks.
Over a decade foster a close relationship with the buzzards of your area.
Leave large carcasses out for them everyday in the same spot and soon you will be the proud own of at least 50 buzzards
I mean in a short time.
Take control of the food supplies.
Breed five million skunks.
>taking control of a town
firebomb it into nothing
Run for mayor.
the "JUST DO IT" strategy
Fuck with their water supply. I got that one out of the Soros playbook.
I'd start with the lowest echelons of society, using demagougery and scapegoats, once I have gained enough support, I'll start reaching out to the more affluent classes and win their support willingly or through coercion. Once most of the population is on my side, I'll have to identify the people in key positions (e.g. energy, finance, justice, police etc.) and either win them over to my side or resort to blackmail or outright assasination to gain control of those sectors. Once all of this has been accomplished all that needs to be done is to ensure a facade of a normal, unassuming town in order to not attract the national government and its military.
Through this method, minimal violence will be needed by you or by your organization in seizing power.
But if you're talking about outright insurgency, then I suggest striking at their power grid and after that their water supply, the next step would be to send some units to blend in with the local population and command them to raise public opinion to win the people to your side or to carry out extensive hit-and-run attacks in order to demoralize the town and its defenders.
Do it like Al Capone. Control the black market, raise a power base accordingly, coerce and coopt the political order and law enforcement, intimidate opposition as necessary
Build a wall around it.
poison water wells and food storages
There's probably tons of books on guerrilla warfare. Mao wrote one, though it's probably not specifically about taking towns.
What size and what force are we talking about here? If you mean alone it's impossible, you'd be assassinated
Actually you mean vultures, you stupid fucking burger
Take away the peoples guns
Get a hundred niggas, some trusted comrades and assault the city with a small army and auxiliary artillery strikes.
you mean like seven niggas
SOROS györgy millionyi migrándsokat akar betelepíteni európába. Ez veszélyes. SOROSSOROSSOROSOROSOROSOROSOROSOROSOROSOROS