Explain racial purity to me, i really don't get it. Do these people believe they have been "pure" since the dawn of mankind or just for a couple of generations?
Explain racial purity to me, i really don't get it...
Other urls found in this thread:
If you have white dna in you you're subhuman
>explain racial purity
it's a meme that started about 1-200 years ago
>Explain racial purity to me
Think of it as a religion. Like how some ancient LARPed to be descended from gods. It's kinda like that.
>Ib4: hapfaggot talking about things that dont understand and calling "germanic-european" or some shit like that
If by racial purity you mean don't fuck niggers, it started when children started popping out looking nothing like their parents and thus causing alienation in the parents.
>thus causing alienation in the parents
Source? I've only seen alienation from people in fear of sexual competition.
The idea that over many thousands of years, generations of people living in a certain geographical area develop characteristics similar to each other (this is true).
Further that those positive characteristics may be lost when you breed with people from another geographical area e.g. your offspring is dumber (this is controversial).
Sure people living together develop similiar cultures but i really don't get if people who believe in purity think their saxon ancestor never mixed with jutes or angles (OP pic)
Racial purity can mean two things.
For racists, it refers to a project of refusing mixing of their race as it currently exists and its epuration of recent additions (2-3 generations usually).
For antiracists, it refers to the idea that some races are pure, which makes no sense and is open to ridicule.
They don't.
>2-3 generations
Ah, thanks that makes more sense to me, i always heard some retards talking about how there isn't "a single drop of mixed blood" in their veins even though they're from a country like Portugal or France.
>only 6 germanic tribes
If only it was this simple...
>5 germanic tribes*
Angles and saxons aren't separated? Also, the Jutes are pictured in that image, i just saw them now.
Racemixing isn't even that bad unless you mix with niggers. Blacks are the biological bomb, you're essentially flushing your genes down the toilet by actively creating retarded offsprings.
Pretty much, niggers and native americans are the main problem but, if you have at least some european ancestry together with the native ancestry you can actually become a decent person and not sucumb to nigger instincts.
Christ, just do it with assimilated blacks with higher IQs.
Observation of white plantation owners' behavior in regards to their mixed-race offspring. White male plantation owners often raped black slave women in order for them to get pregnant and create more slaves for the plantation, especially after the prohibition of the African slave-trade in 1807 which limited the supply of slaves in the United States. Those children were children of a white father, yet their white fathers pretty much never recognized them as their own, and were more than happy to keep them labeled as inferior blacks to be used as slaves.
Blacks are not only dumb as shit but their genes are extremely dominant.
So let's say you mix with an Australian aboriginal who are also dumb. Their genes are very recessive so by re-mixing with whites, 2nd generation will be mostly white and the 3rd generation will be lilly white again. With blacks, big nope.
>if you have at least some european ancestry together with the native ancestry you can actually become a decent person and not sucumb to nigger instincts.
There's a lot crime on reservations user
Jesus. Kill yourself already if other people cause such bile to spew forth from your mouth.
but blacks, particularly west africans more than likely have a higher IQ than abbos. Nigeria even has a higher IQ then Ethiopia. I have no idea what you're getting at with your image either. How do abbos have more recessive genes with dark eyes, heavy brows and even wider noses?
Most Native Americans living on reservations tend to be fully Amerindian, not mixed.
user seems to be implying you need only a bit of European blood to not end up like that, but most native americans have more european blood than native.
Okay let's see. Pic is pure aboriginal vs a half blood aboriginal. The half blood already looks MUCH more European than Aboriginal. Her Abo traits are barely even noticeable.
Witch blacks, the mulattos will still look like fucking niggers.
>most native americans have more european blood than native
Not on reservations other than tribal council which are typically full blooded Anglos roleplaying in order to get money.
And since you posted Dumas, this was his father who was half French half Haitian black. Looks pretty much fully black to me, the only European trait is his nose.
So? She looks waaay different than the other halfie you posted. how do know this is the norm?
Imagine marrying a black women and having a black son, who is absorbed into black culture, says nigger while all the time while you dance around it, and gets shoved the media potrayal of race struggle. How could a white man be his father?
Purple existing doesn't negate the fact that blue and red exist.
>still doesn't demonstrate why a dominate trait like dark skin or dark eyes are now magically recessive
>ignores the other points about IQ
>doesn't post her parents
I thought that was a huge reason to hate nigs but now I have no idea what the narrative is now.
Redpill me on iberians, they are a mix of celt, roman, visigothic and moorish rapebabies and sudenly they became "white" europeans? How did that happened?
>She looks waaay different than the other halfie
She doesn't really, the first halfie is just uglier and much older. But still looks more European than Abo. Lacks the stereotypical giga brow ridge pureblood abos have, for one.
>Wentworth Miller
Knowing how mixed American blacks are, he's probably an octoroon or a quadroon at best. Steph Curry likewise isn't a mulatto.
Just looked it up.
>His father is of African-American, Jamaican, German, and English ancestry
>his mother is of Russian, French, Dutch, Syrian, and Lebanese ancestry
Miller is barely even black. Total mutt.
Are you retarded or just amerimutt?
>still looks good
>intelligent enough to become famous
>>intelligent enough to become famous
Call me a mutt or whatever, just give me a quick rundown on how small christian kingdoms of visigothic ancestry managed to bleach all those moors.
>But still looks more European than Abo
No she still does just with a smaller brow and she does not look even remotely as European as the other one you posted.
>intelligence means discovering the law of universal gravitation
I'm not sure what your point is, he's barely even black genetically while you were trying to pass him for a halfie.
>intelligent enough to become famous
Fame has nothing to do with intelligence.
Doesn't make him less of a subhuman
This what an actual mulatto looks like (Ugandan father, Italian mother), AKA what deluded Americans think full blacks look like.
Sauce on the girl?
>intelligent enough to become famous
Elina Moscheni
>famous people are intelligent
What's the source on her parents?
People that look like you, should not breed with people that don't look like you.
Migrations and interbreeding have been common along people of related and unrelated ethnic groups, but things like a Negroid Invasion of Europe or Central Asians migrating to the Americas aren't necessary and have not happened in the past.
You are purely descendant of your predecessors, know who your predecessors are and think who you want to have children with.
This counts for every single race.
Btw, you aren't obligated to be salty about everything regarding racial affairs, just because /pol/ has no knowledge of them
Dude if you ask any italians they'll also tell you that guy looks nothing but black.
This is what a black person looks like
and his grandson ended up Lilly white
I have no idea what counts as subhuman to you people anymore
His hair was literally nigger tier.
>that guy looks nothing but black.
Well it's true, that's just the reality of mixing with negroids
All of those people are the same race but of different tribes
>Wavy hair is now nigger tier
fascism according to mussolini is not about racial purity, but about being, feeling and thinking italian or like an italian. He even says something along the lines of"there is no racial purity, with hunderds of generations of humanity... how can we know?"
It's pure autism combined with sub-species the typical virgin sex-deprived autism, in which people imagine wars and overall occupations consisted of constant rape from super foreign and different army which produced live children 100% of the time and which completely changes everything in a nation or country.
you still haven't posted parents and their ancestry while trying to pass it off as the norm
>niggers think this hair looks European
It looks like a balding jewfro.
what makes him a subhuman, especially compared to abbos
>retard thinks he's talking to a single poster
>Knowing how mixed American blacks are
Didn't abbos already have some gene transfer from india for some time?
It's probably just an racist autist saying that because he is black.
Shit like this always taken out of contextx he meant the distinction between swiss and sicillians at the most, not that of africans and swedes
>Portugal or France
And? What are you implying here? you think you are really smart don't you?
Abbos are probably more subhuman but mixing with them produces better offsprings than mixing with blacks.
>a country like Portugal or France
Unlike Americans, European people don't have the urge to breed with every negress they run across.
So you agree with the other user about Australians? You found the second image posted to be compelling without providing the ancestral background of her parents or do you know source already?
>Abbos are probably more subhuman
>more subhuman
>better offspring
yes and?
Jews are not white.
>Jews are black
>I still don't understand what recessive genes are because I'm a stupid nigger
Stolen generations literally happened because white Australians discovered they can breed the monkey out of the abos instantly by mixing them with whites.
They're mongrels. Point is you can't look "Lilly white" if you sport a jewfro.
t. joaquim mouro
t. zinedine zidane
Before refrigeration, global transport and the Internet made neet armchair warriors possible, you needed tight, coherent tribes.
Defense reinforced this. Before the machine gun, if the enemy had 200 men, and you had 100, you lost. Tonight you dined in Hell.
The best way to promote unity was through culture. Romans ate pork. Therefore, pork was forbidden to Jews. Jews bonded over wine. Ban alcohol to Muslims.
Want to hate blacks? Make up some fake data about IQ, bleat over and over that it's genetic, and repeat it until everyone believes it.
It's just tribalism.
Jutes, Angles, Saxons, Franks, Vandals, Goths and Alans were NORDICS, and they destroyed Rome easily because Romans were racially mixed as fuck by the 5th century
Zidane is algerian and Mouro is a common last name in Brazil too, what is your point, mutt?
Actually he was born in France so that makes him french :^)
>I still don't understand what recessive genes are because I'm a stupid nigger
Because you're calling dominate genes recessive and now you're actually acknowledging there have been previous periods of mixing with whites just like with everyone else, while claiming that is no way part of a line of several mixes but is actually half abbo despite looking radically different than the one other example and with no evidence to substantiate this claim
Really? a lot of Roman and Greek statues have curly hair as well. What are the stats on hair texture in Europe?
>tfw every single poltard posting in this thread has multiple dark skinned ancestors
You're part egg plant numbnuts
>dark skin is automatically dominant
>being dumb enough to think separate genes can't cause similar phenotypical expression
Nigger education
>being dumb enough to think separate genes can't cause similar phenotypical expression
>Nigger education
Oh the irony. You had numerous opportunities to present this as the case in this specific instance and instead you return with name calling. So here:
>Investigations into dark skinned populations in South Asia and Melanesia indicate that skin pigmentation in these populations is due to the preservation of this ancestral state and not due to new variations on a previously lightened population.[10][32]
> This is consistent with positive selection for the high-eumelanin phenotype seen in Africa and other environments with high UV exposure.[31][32]
the conqueror replace the elites this is why italian dont look germans or germans finnish
the post aryan invasion in europe dint nearly change anything the most asian dna wise hungarians for only have 3.1 of asian blood so yes europe as whole is pure
Statistically speaking everyone here also had multiple ancestors that fucked literal monkeys, that doesn't make fucking monkeys ok.
Dark skin isn't really dominant or recessive, it goes along a really complicated gradient. That is why we get many shades of brown instead of just peach-colored people and coal-colored people.
As for the abo eyes, maybe their dark eyes relate to a different gene. Like, melanesians have blond hair, but not because of any genes they could share with northern europeans, it is a thing of their own.
If whites are so pure and civilized then how the fuck do you explain slavs
I a white British man have more in common with my European ancestors than even today's subSaharan Africans.
However, general society is pretty shit today and very different to that of the ancestors, it changes things.
Still, one drop rule means you are in fact a nigger. Can't escape it, no matter how you try.
Easy. Slavs aren't white.
in the frontier always fighting against and orde of hunns mongols ottoman arabs in this circustances is really hard to stablish a longlive civilization
The problem it dates back to the roman empire the slavs were the far away from the frontiers ,so never were able to been subjugated to the benefict effect of civilization,, only if romans would have conquer them europe would have became in china like civilization