So i’ve spent time researching faiths and searching for truth and came to this conclusion
Islam = Debunked by the Gog and Magog story
Judaism = Debunked by fossils showing life existed longer than 6000 years
Christianity = *see Judaism*
Gnosticism = Made up on the spot
New Age = Garbage, spiritual colonialism
Buddhism = fetish of western cucks
Taoism = fetish of western cucks
Hinduism = fetish of sophisticated western cucks
Neopaganism = MMORPG
So in the end I’ve settled on Neoplatonism
Is there something I didn’t research, have you guys any opinions on Neoplatonism, let me know!
Neoplatonism stands out
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The only thing you settled on is your dads fucking cock
>fetish by western cucks
Not an argument.
Hinduism with pure deism is the only true way
Neoplatonism isn't a religion.
>life existed longer than 6000 years
>this debunks Christianity
You know damn well that this is the truth
I’m sorry but it’s true, Moses and his dudes were high on Harmal when they spoke with G-d
What about Zoroastrianism?
Also, explain neoplatonism pls.
>Buddhism = fetish of western cucks
Do you faggots hear yourself? Jesus Christ. Someone this insecure doesn't need religion but a doctor.
Personally as a philosophical pessimist, Buddhism was the only thing that allowed me to live in good faith instead of committing hypothetical suicide every waking moment.
Zoroastrianism I also considered, but the creation myth and stuff doesn’t make sense with science, not to be a fedora or anything, Neoplatonism is basically Ideas of Plato mixed with Basic Judeochristian Philosophy; first the One was there, unconscious being, then the “Nous” and basically the deal is: we humans are locked in matter and need to get to the higher being through contemplation I presume
Offended buddhacuck, the Dalai Lhama literally said stick to your own roots don’t steal from other cultures, U a big cuck bro
No that’s just depression, I was depressed too but now I pray around one hour per day (Islamic prayer) I’m an Arab so I just sticked with what my parents learned me in this regard, it’s the western form of yoga
I don't want to rid myself of depression tho. I've recogized that my personal happiness is not important.
>Offended buddhacuck, the Dalai Lhama literally said stick to your own roots don’t steal from other cultures, U a big cuck bro
It's like you're parodying yourself. I was talking about you basing life decisions on not being associated with le unpopular group. Repeating cuck that much doesn't make you look tougher it just shows you compensating.
That said neither do I believe the Dalai Lhama opposes people agreeing with Buddhism nor does he have the right to speak for buddhism as a whole. As for you: You don't seek a religion you seek a social group to give you status and confidence. My best advice is hit the gym and get a job. Then take a good look at what you are doing.
>all Christians are YEC
You don't know many Christians then?
Well its a good thing Buddhism is about as culturally siginificant as Hegelianism or Pyrrhonism then
Christians acknowledging errors in the bible doesn't make errors in the bible any less proof against christianity
I don’t even know whether depression makes you less happy
>Basing everything around groups
Reflecting bro, big time
The only way to take the Bible is LITERal, it’s a written scripture and it is the biggest corruption of Christianity that they don’t take things literally anymore, why, do you also not take gods word as the literal word of god then? You’re not a real Christian bro, convert to Neoplatonism and become a true Alpha
bible is a book of metaphors involving metaphysics and spirituality. Prima Scriptura was used since before Christ and continues to be used by most Christians (including orthodox and catholic) in the present day. Sola Scriptura is a protestnant meme only amerimutts care about.
>I don't even know if cold makes you less warm
t. Petersonite
How is a six thousand year family tree a metaphor for anything
Depression lowers serotonin levels, which are not associated with happiness
So if you’re super happy you won’t be the exact opposite of a depressed person, that’s what people know who read about this
>The only way to take the Bible is LITERal, it’s a written scripture and it is the biggest corruption of Christianity that they don’t take things literally anymore, why, do you also not take gods word as the literal word of god then?
It never says 6k years old. That idea is based on combining two verses, one says that creation was made in a day each(apparently not a solar day), and that each day is like a thousand years in the eyes of the lord. Already a literary device
>You’re not a real Christian bro, convert to Neoplatonism and become a true Alpha
Cringiest thing I've ever heard, and I don't say that lightly. I hope this is one big joke, or for entertainment.
because we a litterally dealing with gods/aeons, not biological men? Noah’s mythological counterpart generally thought to be Deucalion
>implying I care about some made up kike excuse to sell pills
Yeah I’m kidding;
Anyways the 6000 years come to you when you combine all the years of Adam and his descendants, and since Adam named all the animals, he existed probably before them, even though there are two versions (???) and one of them says this
On that I wholeheartedly agree with you pal
Sola scripturadoes not mean what you think itmeans. And it certainly doesn't make God fucking up his holy book any less pathetic. Also the bible believes in biblical historicity. Significantly so. Paul says as through one man Adam death came into the world through one man eternal life came. Not that literary questions are theonly errors the bible makes. But I k ow you're just christlarping and can not discuss these things honestly. Just post something about sola scriptura or deus vult or whatever buzz replies help you evade.
Not like this debate would convince any of us two of christianity lol
You agree with me and yet you wasted that time explaining the neurological state of depression as if calling normal human emotions diseases has some legitimacy?
You say these aren’t figures made up but truly existed, I can in no way say this is true or false.. I can just say the reason we’re here IS definitely something beyond our capacity to understand but are our forefathers gods, idk
I didn’t call human states diseases
Depression is a human state not an illness
Mental (((illnesses))) don’t exist
>Mental (((illnesses))) don’t exist
Are you sure? Because I'm seeing evidence of them r/n
I Chuckled, I admit
I’m just ironically implying it’s the Jews, that’s fun
What an insufferable teenager. Denying yourself wisdom because you’re afraid of appropriating culture just shows you’re not seriously considering any of this, I bet you just started this soul-quest last night on Wikipedia. If you can’t view information without some political lens or if you feel the need to compare what you’re doing to others you have no business here. Hit the fucking books kid.
The defense mechanism of the week is soyboy, you must have missed the memo.
No, the correct answer is to be a Platonist and follow the teachings contained in the works of Plato and Aristotle. Neoplatonism is based on perverse and incoherent ideas like something "existing outside of being. It's a metaphysical and theological train wreck, an absolute embarrassment on par with Christianity.
The Jew word for year can also mean month and the word for day can also mean an unspecified time period in general. The B-BUT IT'S LITERAL argument hardly refutes this if words can have multiple meanings.
>and it was evening and it was morning first [time period]
You don't believe that yourself and there is nothing in the text to defend this reading. Not to mention that the text is just as wrong if you adopt the time period meaning
Might as well be God created the Earth in 6 phases.
Each phase ending after evening on morning. You know what phase the author had in mind. You just know better than him about the origin of the world. As I said there are otherissues regarding the story beyond the word for time period. Like birds before land animals. The earth being covered with water. Heck accprding to genesis earth was only created by separating the space water from the water underneath the heaven. At countless places the bible describes the world as immovable
>Taoism = fetish of western cucks
I don't remember Tao being big in Western world.
Man the only non-Asians who take interest in Taoism are big see-you-see-Kay-ess
>Interpretating the bible based on literal Statements and thinking they are not supposed to have a deeper meaning
Have you ever considered that people that wrote the bible may have had some basic scientific knowledge and made the stories more mythical and metaphorical so they would get popular?
Why can't you simply analyze something considered divine by itself, with normal human measures to see what it really is?
>At the begin there was nothing, but God
This already tells alot about what God was, in the mind of Christians.
>He created the world in 7 days
The chronological order of his creations matches the actual biological evolution.
>Debunked by fossils showing life existed longer than 6000 years
All fossils are about 4680 years old, being preserved by the sediment of Noah's flood.
Expand upon this
I just see that the Bible authors thought humanity and earth were created atriums the same time, and it makes sense if you don’t have ANY fossils that show non-human life existed for years then was wiped out then was created again then wiped out etc
No, please don’t
God is one, eternal, undefinable, he presonifies through different deities or forms or ideas which in turn materialize in different humans, animals, nature etc. Hinduism is not a mostly polytheistic belief. There has always been a notion of onenees in a godlike being. The deities are metaphors for real life stuff, situations, events but not believing in them could be argued as being only a deist. I plan on reading more on hinduism in the future and it is very interesting alltoghether.
>Taoism = fetish of western cucks
Read Chuang Tzu
Neoplatonism is Advaita Vedanta for brainlets
>"""debunking"" a religion
Go fetishize eastern philosophy somewhere else pls
I’m good with Greek and oriental stuff thank you
Go fetishize eastern philosophy somewhere else pls
I’m good with Greek and middle eastern thought thank you
How does our Gog and Magog story debunk our religion?
It doesn't, he's a moron who believes the Earth is older than 6000 years.
Here's the thing: atheists like to contrive brilliant theories about the universe and existence that show that it's devoid of meaning. That there was a world without us. And that there will be. As if that could ever happen. In our reality, God would not let us die out. Not even with the great flood, i.e. a reset, did he let us die out. He saved our human species with Noah.
I get that he's a fedora but I just wondered what specifically about Islam's Gog and Magog story debunked the religion
The OP, i believe, is trying to say the gates of Gog and Magog have been broken. Therefore, based on Muslim beliefs, Jesus should have been here by now.
Also that the Gog and Magog are supposedly central asians. But the majority of central asians were conquered and converted by muslims. How can they fight jesus and his muslim followers if they themselves are muslims.
The last poster gives a crucial point, first of all the story in itself is pure bollocks anyways, how can a man build a huge iron wall on the far outreaches of civilization. Not possible.
Second how can Gog and Magog break an iron wall on the day of judgement, another crucial point that exposes MoDawg as a charlatan, given that this story came to him after weeks and his followers started to lose hope.
By the way, the whole earth has been explored with no trace of gog and magog, but Mohammed didn’t think that far and satisfied the followers of his time with this Alexander romance fiction