What happens to a society when they become atheists and lose their spirituality?
What happens to a society when they become atheists and lose their spirituality?
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Sophisticated religions get replaced by less sophisticated religions.
They become fat consumerist amerimutts.
USSR never lost it’s spirituality. religion perhaps, but not spirituality.
>literally venerate and treat Lenin as a God
ok retard
>atheist don’t have material & biological idols
the denial is strong.
>materialism is the same as spirituality
the state of mutts, lmao.
no true scotsman
>treat Lenin as a God
It becomes Czech? Or Norwedian?
making room for something else
In all seriousness, why do people think it's a bad thing when people become atheists and lose their "spirituality"?
I'm atheist myself and I feel fine.
>individual is the same as society
ok dumb nigger
Less church attendance.
>They become fat consumerist amerimutts.
Goblins are religious, though.
Let's compare-
The 10 most religous countries:
Ethiopia - 99% feel religous
Malawi - 99%
Niger - 99%
Sri Lanka - 99%
Yemen - 99%
Burundi - 98%
Djibouti - 98%
Mauritania - 98%
Somalia - 98%
Afghanistan - 97%
10 least religous:
China - 7% feel religious
Japan - 13%
Estonia - 16%
Sweden - 19%
Norway - 21%
Czech Republic - 23%
Hong Kong - 26%
Netherlands - 26%
Israel - 30%
United Kingdom - 30%
So, what are your interpretations?
People cling to spirituality. It's comforting and I'd say it promotes social behaviours.
Can't have any discussion about it online of course because theist are so biased there's no discussion that can be had with basic logic.
now compare which countries are collapsing because of demographics.
>let's compare Nigger countries with Countries that used to be deeply religious
reading is not your thing i can see that.
religion spawned atheism actually you dumb muppet
only back in the day you couldnt say anything that opposed the pope or the religion or you got burned at the stake.
religion is literal subhumanism
they go down the turd flume
ah yes, all the people that got burnt at the stake because religion is so oppressive
let's also forget all the brilliant minds religion brought forth and the soul it gave to western civilization
The collapse of their culture
Yes indeed, I'm grateful that religion has brought men like Niels Bohr, Maimonides, Albert Einstein, Edward Teller and Sigmund Freud.
Not really compare the countries here, who countires already have collapsed or are in a state of civil war?
Einstein is religious you retard
ah yes, the countries where the native population is being ethnically replaced.
wow, this is the power of atheism.
almost all religion is materialistic
look at the fucking churches and mosques theyve built
fascinating but has nothing to do with worshiping god
Those African countries are growing in population and keep their culture. European countries are killing their cultures and the people are being replaced. China destroyed it's culture in the 70s.
Apparently being an atheist also affects your reading as I said culture not country
user im not saying religion is all bad
but when the religious cherrypick the good and sweep the bad under the carpet you know your a hypocrite
Inevitably they develop a worship of something tangible
Either themselves or science usually
>spend 300 years making a church
>people working on something only their offspring two centuries later will enjoy
materialism is fucking cancer.
nihilism is fucking cancer.
>all those salty spiritist soy-tears
They eventually go back to a religious society
If you like these places so much, no one is stopping you to go there. Have fun there.
Materialism/nihilism = subsets of Satanism
Satan is the ruler of the world. You deny him at your (worldly) peril
yes, good goy.
>quickly imports millions of niggers and beaners
half of germany under 25 is nigger or muslim retard.
>but le tip fedora
so its for the offspring then and not god correct ?
or what are you on about ?
That has nothing to do with my argument. Athiests also seem to enjoy attacking their birth culture and have no problem destroying it
religious people tend to have more children.
liberals tend to not have children.
this but unironically
1000 years ago christians fought the moors
now they import them by the millions
good go guys real upstanding morals there
congratulations for having the most irrelevant post in the thread user
also being a liberal doesnt exclusively mean your an atheist
>liberals tend to not have children.
where do liberals come from i wonder
we're not talking about individuals faggot but a society.
without spirituality (not all spiritual traditions are religion) a society loses it's social cohesion.
they experience existential dread until they find some other way to deal with it
No kidding
>inter the bodies of the saints in the open, aka Lenin
>follow the prophets scheme for Heaven on Earth no matter the consequences or how many heretics(bourgeoisie) have to be murdered
>the 1974 moral code for the builders of communism(the 12 commandments for commies)
>working is the new praying/labor is sacred
>ARTICLE 12: In the U.S.S.R. work is the obligation and a matter of honor of every able-bodied citizen, in accordance with the principle: "He who does not work, neither shall he eat."
>2 Thessalonians 3:10
>For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
They turn to drugs and alcohol
I think it's somewhat presumptuous for atheists to presume the lack of any divine force, especially with many of their penchants for obscure unprovable physics which is little more than a faith based philosophy. Their strict belief that there is no god/gods differs little from the idea that my god/gods is the only one and everyone else is wrong
As such I think widespread atheism is a symptom of a material culture and a shift away from transcendent art and thought. The beauty of the natural world and the wonderful mysteries of life seem to be getting pushed aside in favor of commercialism and apathy.
Im not even religious, just spiritual
i dont think that is possible
a whole society without spirituality
its what we do because we dont know shit but need comfort
>Im not even religious, just spiritual
That's so cringy it hurt to read.Very few people say they're not spiritual. This is the standard answer for 95%+ atheists.
Out of the upper ones, some have problems with hunger due to overpopulation
Out of the lower ones, only country there with serious demographical issues was China due to overbreeding, but they ""fixed it""
None of them is "collapsing because of demographics".
>birthrates under 2.1
>some as low as 1.5
sure dumb nigger.
"Spiritual" is such a buzzword, when spiritual people try to explain their beliefs they either somehow think finding flowers pretty is a religious experience, or sound like stoners, or have some new age syncretic religion.
At least religionfags happen to believe in something self-coherent, it's one thing to believe in a 2000 years old "revealed" religion and another to fall to magical thinking and invent some half-assed religion.
Even as a an atheist I have more respect for se christians than "spiritual" people.
I believe in gods, I just think they are unknowable and cultures around the world have attempted to interpret them in different ways. I believe human intelligence has divine influence. I also believe in nature spirits we can interact with.
Most people who say they are """spiritual""" just believe in ghosts or something
THANK YOU. It's like you predicted the person right beneath you.
>Most people who say they are """spiritual""" just believe in ghosts or something
i think it actually means that these people have a spiritual connection to god but do not follow any religion
spiritual people are people who don't believe in religion but still believe in the spiritual world (soul, karma, god).
I’m a fairly conservative dude myself, and I don’t want kids nor do I think life has any objective meaning. I believe there may or may not be an architect who designed the universe, but it’s not important to me, because value is what I and society make of it, not a pseudo mythical deity.
Are you really going to defend Afghanistan or Somalia? Those cultures already collapsed.
>war torn countries that are still in middle of a war
yeah, and religion caused syria to fall.
And where do you get the idea that these things are real? You just picked up elements you like from several religions yet you deny their authority when they claim to be the only true religion or claim things incomptatible with other elements of your spirituality.
Their lack of any significant, unified morality and beliefs creates a vacuum, leaving them vulnerable to invaders who do have a strong spirituality
>atheists lack morality and beliefs
humans developed a part of their brains that make them believe in spiritual shit, I guess that's the result of being aware of death or hallucinogens in religious rituals.
In any case, if you seek "scientific" shit, there's been plenty of documented cases of small childrens recalling previous lifes that were documented to be dead people from decades ago.
>using individuals to refer to a society
wew retards.
Sorry to hust your feelings, but that's not what collapsing is.
>In any case, if you seek "scientific" shit, there's been plenty of documented cases of small childrens recalling previous lifes that were documented to be dead people from decades ago.
I bet you will have a very trusthworthy source for that, right?
New age spiritualists dont believe in gods, they just think we are all harmonizing on the same wavelength or something. Nothing like anything I said
I had a neighbor who was part of a cult to Demeter and a teacher that was part of an Isis reconstructionist cult. The former was entirely new age due to lack of authenticity and shameless self-assertion of beliefs and attempting to pass them off as old religion. The latter seemed authentic because they actually did their homework and admitted certain idea's were not "convenient" morally but absolute truths. Less room made for personal relativity gave it a concrete philosophy. That's the difference. New Agers can and often do have "gods".
Yeah, sure.
there's a psychologist who has done research on kids who recall previous lifes.
It's always Isis/Demeter/Cernunnos. I really hate wiccans and satanic "pagans," they give everyone else a bad rap
>I really hate wiccans and satanic "pagans," they give everyone else a bad rap
The Isis one was the only one I had respect for.
christians have no spirituality since the Catholic church became a thing so you're already living in it.
>Goblins are religious, though.
HAHAHAHAHAHHA. We haven't had a sincerely religious population for decades. Cafeteria Christianity doesn't count.
Because when a society has no solid basis for its highest values they start to collapse, people start to lose confidence in their society and its values. This is what Nietzsche meant when he said 'God is dead', he saw the real problem as finding something to replace God with.
How fucking retarded can u be to not realize that less advanced countries would obviously be more religious?
Political religion. All the behaviors of various religions, particularly Abrahamic monotheism occur in modernity, they can't really be shaken off, as modernity is underpinned by these. Also human nature. E.g: feminism, Marxism (literally a 4th Abrahamism with an apocalyptic battle between Capitalist and Proletarian that will render heaven on earth, saintly Communist fathers Marx, Engels, Lenin, a new flock/ummah/chosen people that is the working class etc), fascism (more pagan than anything else), DeGrasse Tyson atheism and science-worship (praise be to the scientistTM caste that renders the mysteries of the universe unto us!), general egalitarianism, atheism in general (literal Abrahamic zealotry to purge what has come before), the Free Market, and many many more
Well I'm an atheist, without any problems related to it and probably not the Ubermensch.
Other people should be fine too then.
Good post.
If one of the bricks in your house loses its integrity the house will still stand, not so if too many of them fail.
>I'm alright Jack!
One day you'll grow up, shed the solipsism and realise how important a cohesive belief system is.
>DeGrasse Tyson atheism and science-worship (praise be to the scientistTM caste that renders the mysteries of the universe unto us!)
Whoah LARPing is gonna save the West!
No, I'm never going to pretend Jesus roses from the grave, that I know anything about hypothetical souls and afterlife or make politically speechs about "spirituality".
Get over it.
>atheism soars
>radical politics begin taking place
wtf i love atheism now
the West has reached the end stage of atheism/nihilism: "Life has not purpose/meaning, better endulge in hedonism and commit suicide"
See Communism
You don't have to be a bible literalist to appreciate how important the maxims and traditions are. Belief in objective values underpinned by something greater than ourselves is all you need.
Are you sure it's not just projection? what is the most nihilistic? liking life as life really is or needing something made up and completely external to it for you to not want to kill yourself and find some meaning in it?
dude, literally open /pol/ right now to see the west nihilism.
white people are literally cheering their own destruction, retard.
That's just some spiritualist intellectually dishonest nonsense, if you don't believe is true then why give it any validity? It's just men writing more or less inspiring stuff for other men.
I didn't say I didn't believe in God, I'm just not a Bible literalist.
And I don't believe in the bible at all, like what I said I'm not gonna larp because of your conspiracy theories.
The Bible isn't a textbook anyways. It's got some history, some philosophy, yes some childrens tales too(don't make fun of the bald guy). It's more than just a set of rules.
makes my blood boil every time
>Conspiracy theories
It's logical deduction pal. We failed to replace God with something iron clad and because we are curious chimps we will pick apart everything until there are no values. The leviathan falls and we succumb to nihilism. It doesn't have to be God per se, but some equivilent.
Pogroms, gulags, concentration camps, work prisons, etc.
Because unlike reprobates such as yourself, normal people can value uplifting morality tales.
Why not doing that without larping?
I'm not expecting you to pretend to believe in God, I'm just saying western society no longer has a metaphysical basis for its value system, so it has begun to unravel.