Why were Arabs and Turks so much better than Persians at taking Roman land?
Why were Arabs and Turks so much better than Persians at taking Roman land?
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Better question is why are Arabs and Turks so good at losing to Jews?
Best question why do jews control everything in the solar system ?
blind zealotry
when did turks and jews even fight?
Because Muslims are better warriors
The Jews always get an outsider to help, even in the bible Persians free the Jews from Arab (Akkadian) rule
>free the Jews from Arab (Akkadian) rule
He said Roman LAND you inarticulate barbarians
>Jews from Arab (Akkadian) rule
Because the Sasanians and the Byzantines ruined each other with several extraordinarily destructive yet totally pointless wars. When the Arabs attacked, they were swept away, the Persians entirely so.
because eastern roman empire was destroyed by the war with sasanian so you only win the province of a weakened empire
Turks never lost to jews.
Turks never lost to jews, in fact before ww2 Ataturk accepted tons of jewish thinkers into Turkey too boost its education and economy. Turks love jews, we would never fight our jewish brothers
Ataturk was Jewish
Don't compare Dönmeh masterrace with savage israelites, faggot.
>entirely so.
STFU, faggot.
Being genetically superior BLACK BÜLLS made to genocide wh*Te scum.
>that soymouth
obviously not a soysmile you faggot
Because by then Rome was crumbling/fallen?
Next thread.
this thread is autistic
Please don't insult the Arabs by confusing them with the turkroaches, the Arabs are a noble and proud people.
Proud enough to live under turks for almost a millenium?
Arabs, because they did so at a crucial moment when the Romans and Persians were occupied with each other. No body expected the Arabs.
Turks continued the tradition of Attila, and were further emboldened by adopting Islam and aspects of Persian culture.
I'm no expert though so I'm just generalising based on what I've read in the past.
t. (F)ersian
Because they attacked when the Empire was at it's weakest as if it was a big feat.
Turkey became a legitimate Caliphate and since most Arabs were Muslim there was no reason to rebel against the strongest Islamic power.
Persians saw Romans as equals.
Ar*bs and T*rks saw Byzantines as infidel dogs ready to be beheaded.
The Ottomans were illegitimate as caliphs from an islamic point of view.
No, from a Sunni pov anyone of any race can be a caliph as long as he is accepted by the Muslims, in Shi'ism the caliph must be a descendant of Muhammed
Persians sound like cucks
Nope, they were neither Arabs or Qrayshites.
Persians had wayy too much Dravidian DNA to conquer anything outside their realm.
Fuck off you filthy (F)ersian
Silence, swineherd.
From multiple Sunni hadiths:
If the Qurashi caliphate grows weak, and one who is stronger and more powerful seizes the position of caliph and rules in accordance with the Book of Allah, and he is more beneficial to the Muslims, his rule is legitimate and valid, and it is obligatory to hear and obey in his case.
Now go fuck your sister you Zoroastrian monkey
I think you're talking to an arap supremacist
I respect Persians for their high culture, Turks for their military prowess, and other Muslim cultures for at least not being as retarded as arabs, I can't respect arabs, they're the worst, they manage to be the most radical out of stone age Muslims while also being the most degenerate and western cocksucking, I just can't respect them Islam would unironically be much better without them
They have the crusaders and other Barbarian filth from Western and Northern Europe to thank for that
Nah it's a Shia, they're autistic about their caliph who descends from Ahl Al Bayt
Then they would complain about the Shia Shah / Imamate / Ayatollah rather than about Sunni Ottoman caliph, which've been their enemy from the beginning
The necessity to be an Arab to lead the Ummah is an implicit obligation, unless you're a crypto-Khawarij. Not to mention the Ottomans extorted the caliphate from the Abbassids. At least the Mamluks were orthodox enough to "respect" them as symbolical leaders.
>Now go fuck your sister you Zoroastrian monkey
I disagree with you, and therefore must be a Persian/Shia/Arab supremacist. Retardation and butthurt over 9000
>The necessity to be an Arab to lead the Ummah is an implicit obligation
Nope this is Islam, not Judaism, none of that 'muh chosen people' rubbish
Yeah, and that's why muslims are supposed to mimic 7th century Arabs in every aspect of their life. No wonder why until the advent of the Abbassids (and yet...), non-Arab muslims were considered second-class citizens.
Arabization and Turkification