If women always have been attracted to fit bodies why didn't the bodybuilding scene blow up until post 80-s ?
If women always have been attracted to fit bodies why didn't the bodybuilding scene blow up until post 80-s ?
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Bodybuilding has been a thing before Roman baths came equipped with workout equipment and tracks.
because men didn't need to bodybuild to look good before then
Bodybuilding is extremely homosexual. Just go to Veeky Forums.
It's recent that men need bodybuilding to be fit.
May be, except they have no historical perspective
They have been always attracted to fit bodies, it's just that "fit bodies" means "non-fat men with muscles", not roided out beasts.
The bodybuilding scene "blew up", as in became mainstream, in the beggining of the 70's, with men like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sergio Oliva, Franco Colombu and so on.
Makes no sense if the logic goes the bigger the better, (which it does to an extend that requires a certain amount of working out) and it's just like an aphrodisiac- except apparently that wasn't common knowledge until recently
>Makes no sense if the logic goes the bigger the better
But that's not the logic.
It's the same with women's lips or breast - generally bigger fluffier lips/breast are better, but there's a point in which they're too big for 99,99% of people. Obviously there are weirdos in both sexes that would like caricature-tier body parts, but that's very rare.
Pro-tip: bodybuilders do it to compete with themselves and/or other bodybuilders, not to attract women.
Standards of fitness and beauty change.
Bodybuilding isn't really a standard of attractiveness or fitness outside their own community either.
Even today women aren't into bodybuilders, they're into guys who work out to be attractively fit.
>literally change your entire physical appearance just because "women like it"
>cuntcucks will still deny they're serfs to the vagina
Was it a niche back then? Why didn't it become popular earlier than 20th century?
Big muscles are a sexual turn on to women.
This isn't about relationships but plain sexual attraction- don't tell me women are indifferent to muscular physiques
Most are not
there is a line user that is what op is talking about
like big tits and a nice ass is okay but nicki minaj is fucking disgusting
Are you autistic? There's a limit in which muscles look attractive.
Big lips are also very sexy and attractive, but pic related is not.
True that, though i think every woman who is just atracted to average fit guys would not resist 70s schwarzeneger if he wanted them. Which is what op means.. if bodybuilding has this sexual purpose why wasn't it a hit until recently
>but nicki minaj is fucking disgusting
Speak for yourself
It's fairly hard to make size gains that impact the chest and shoulders without affordable adjustable weights.
Those didn't exist until the 1900s (with the exception of maybe ancient Greece and Iran)
Nicki Minaj is fake. Fake ass, fake tits, fake hips, fake hair, ten pounds of makeup, whitened skin she's as plastic as a Barbie doll. Look at the walking catastrophe on the right, that's her before all the surgeries. Why are women allowed to get away with this shit?
Adjustable weights were a thing in Medieval Europe, if HEMA mock swords are any indication.
Also in Imperial China. Their traditional barbels resemble padlocks and are just carven stone.
>Big muscles are a sexual turn on to women.
They aren't, and most women find Arnold Schwarzenegger tier muscles offputting.
Women generally only care about height and face
Yeah why not until then, i imagine there was never a time men were not interested in provoking a woman's sexual attention
>lifting for girls
not gonna make it
Women care about money more than anything. And cock size.
Because he asked specifically about bodybuilding?
Big muscles on an overall aesthetically pleasing package.
Meaning right amount of muscle, fat, complexion, frame height with a good face.
Arnold is probably the biggest factor here
He was an actor and bodybuilder and in Pumping Iron he compares the ‘Pump’ you get from lifting to failure to orgasm
Men did not need to hit the gym six hours a day since they all worked just for their food 16 hours a day.
Same reason why men are attracted to large breasts yet women aren't pumping their tits to be the size of watermelons.
>Standards of fitness and beauty change.
This is such bullshit.
Look at this fucking hunk
It makes sense standards of beauty and fitness would change along with different standards like fashion hygiene and science.
Especially back in the day when fuckers like could just run a propaganda campaign and declare guys who look like him totally fucking hot.
Bodybuilding = sexual turn on -to a certain height
At a primal level human physical attraction has some health indicators
For men tall height and healthy muscular development suggests access to the nutrition required to sustain that and a good hormonal balance
Healthy skin suggests access to good shelter
For women larger breasts and fat storage around the buttocks suggests better estrogen and progesterone balance
Vs storage around the midline caused by excessive cortisol and testosterone
Yea and no man would achieve the right aka attractive side w/o substantial 'bodybuilding'
No, it doesn't make sense. 3000 years is nothing on an evolutionary scale and the purpose of physical attraction is identifying health.
That is technology advancement. The bodybuilding scene experienced a sudden boost from the 70's on. Why not already before?
There's more that goes into beauty and attraction than simple biology.
Yes, complex biology.
Bodybuilders are on steroids. Also, showing off your body was seen as pathetic and vain throughout most of history.
Compare bodybuilders to the guys who compete in world’s strongest man competitions. They’re fucking bears.
Bodybuilding is bulking up vanity muscles like biceps and pectoralis majoris. Their goal is looking good on a stage for judges, not putting their muscles to actual use.
that's not her on the right
And yet women naturally find it sexually arousing if not overdone. 'Not overdone' still amounting to an extend that requires modern day workout engagement.. which they didn't generally have back then.. so why not?
Veeky Forums here.
It's because even with a lot of dedication natty lifting only gets you so far and being noticably big while noticably lean isn't possible for many guys not on roids.
1970s is when roids began to be much easier to procure.
Lots of regular fucking gym rats are weighing close to Arnold's weight now and almost as lean. The drugs are just way better.
Slender = more attractive than bulky. Whether in a muscular sense or not.
Well dianobol and AAS were not even created earlier.
hes fucking majestic
>bodybuilders are weak
Please do your part to help end this meme
The real reason strongmen are so much stronger is because of the sheer god damn size of them
Man on the left Brian Shaw is the strongest man in the world standing 6’9” 400lbs
Right is Arnie
I never understood why would anyone want to look like this
>Ywn 4pl8 a back squat
Feels bad man
To be one of the literal strongest humans to walk the face of the earth
To say they are weak is ridiculous. But the goal of bodybuilding is aesthetics, not just strength, which is why the absolute strongest men generally do not look like bodybuilders.
Maybe it blew up more when steroids became more prevalent
>me strong me can lift big weight
>not being a Bloatknight
Pick one twinkcels.
free dominoes pizza too if you call/text : (416) 834-4162
>tfw you will never be able to mogg Veeky Forumslets
Eugen Sandow pioneered bodybuilding in the 1890's.
>without affordable adjustable weights
You just need several stones, logs or kegs of different weights, they don't need to be adjustable. Even in gyms today there are racks with non-adjustable dumbbells and kettlebells.
a man employed in physical labor wouldn't need to go to the gym to lift weights - his job would be moving heavy stuff around. Therefore, "bodybuilding culture" wasn't necessary to get the level of muscularity seen in pic to the right.
in the 1800's they used cocaine to cut fat without losing much muscle. So even if they didn't use steroids they weren't natty. Same principle as the DNP and ECA stacks of our day.
You forget that most people aren't on steroids and the scene has exponentially grown like every year. What you think the roiders were at the helm of fitness promotion, without the actual promotion of steroids itself?
Yeah? I mean it's one thing to green text on the internet, but this is a literal case of instantly losing an argument if it was in person.
You're right. Why have i never read anyone say this before
Why all you fucking brainlets fail to understand that people doing thT shit doesn't mean anything because Relatively bodybuilding has blown up.
So yes people did it before. It's not the same!!
Brian Shaw is 6'0. Arnold is 5'11
All those abs trained in physical labor...
hello red;dit
Standards change. Ancient sources claim that Cyrus the Great was the standard of beauty in the Archaemenid empire.
This. Work any labor intensive job like your ancestors did and you'll find yourself in great physical shape in less than a year. I started working in construction about 3 months ago and already I've lost almost all non-essential body fat and my arms have swollen up to twice their old size. Bodybuilding became a phenomena as more and more men were able to make more and more money living a sedentary lifestyle
So what girls' attraction to sixpack cam out of the blue? Because those require very specifically isolated attention.
im pretty sure thats not her on the right
a better example would be all the korean plastic dolls walking the streets, hitching up with some poor sod and then having the poor sod realize that their baby is a fucking monstrosity due to mommy's shit genes covered up with permanent make-up
Pretty sure that's a meme though.
>>Waaaaah why wont you people just tell me how im right instead of correcting my retarded preconceived notions
Worst of all
>surgeries removing dat shape asian girls tend have in their calves
Men were less interested in vanity in the past.
You also see more and more men grooming themselves, shaving, etc.
I fell less disgust looking at baboon ass
The grotesque baby maybe, but koreans realy hate their natural look
The modern bodybuilding scene isn't about attracting women, and it didn't blow up until the 80s because that's when steroid use became prevalent.
There had always been fitness models before them, like Jack Lalanne (RIP).
wrong. i started developing abs with only chest workouts. you use your abs more than you think for stabilizing. as long as you have low body fat, your abs will be visible.
because bodybuilding is an art that requirs and autistic level of dedication and it was a irrelevent meme until Arnold came along. Also, steroid are a new thing
seriously, whats up with south east asians/polynesian girls having giant calves and thighs?
Don't know. probably some selective pressure and/or trait from a common ancestor, but gotdamn if it doesn't make me diamonds
lanklet and skinnyfat are not "good"
just look at the guy he's sitting on though, that guy has a gross body
This. Arnold is one iconic man of the second half of the 20th century. I remember watching the movies with him as a kid, he's something of a father figure to me, and I guess I'm not alone.
the ideal male body is natural looking muscles, none of that heavy roid shit
People are subconsciously judged as attractive or not based on facial aesthetics almost immediately. Body comes after unless they're seriously fucking fat etc.
why did you post skinny dudes, instead of dudes with natural looking muscles
Bodybuilding looks so much better with the steroids and growth hormones.
Body builders use drugs and look unnatural
Athletic bodies were achieved through physical labour and other forms of excercise
There is a difference between physical beauty and desirable indicators of wealth/status. The former is biological and static, the latter is socially-defined and elastic.
Because women's definition of fit bodies aren't bodybuilders. There have been actual studies where it came out that for women, the most beautiful athletes' bodies belong to soccer players.
More like the real reason why strongmen are so damn big is that you can't actually maintain their level of strength on bodybuilders bf%. After a certain point, bodybuilding start going right opposite to functional strength.
There's a difference between being fit and being a bodybuilder.
I think women are in general attracted to fit men, but only a small portion of women are attracted to monstrously hypertrophic men. Less is more tbqh.