Late Victorian Holocausts

"Millions died, not outside the 'modern world system', but in the very process of being forcibly incorporated into its economic and political structures. "

>British come to India
>enclose land
>export grain
>drought happens
>people can't access previously communal forests for cow fodder
>can't access previously communal waterways
>All the grain reserves have been transported to central holdings to be exported by British merchants in their millions of tons per year
>30 million die between 1876 and 1900
>exact same thing happens in China after the Opium wars and 30 million die after the grain is appropriated.

I'm British and only found this out today, what the fuck, we were the bad guys of history.

Other urls found in this thread:

>indi*n lives
>Worth anything

indians breed like rabbits and committed countless atrocities against peaceful british migrant workers

fuck the chinese

>anime reaction faces

Nothing east of finland or south of france is even human

>If I deny that others are human, I can ignore atrocities which challenge my simplistic worldview

>grossly exaggerated for the purpose of guilting Europeans

Like pottery

Why is it that /pol/acks love to claim that the holocaust was "greatly exaggerated", but when pressed to prove this they're consistently found to be full of shit?

Sorry, you're right, how dare I doubt the holy number of the Talmud, let me just open up my borders for you Schlomo

Still smarting after being BTFO in holocaust threads, I see.

What pisses me off is not the racist anglos. but their smug attitude of "they shoudl thank us, they were better when they were our servants" attitude.
I really prefer someone who says yeah fuck those pajeets we expolited them for good thna someone who sugar coats colonialism and bongistan dindu nuffinism.

btw not a pajeet, I'm from a muslims hellhole, but seen this attitude again and again. Similarly dutch apporach to indonesia in this way

Churchill is a hero.for starving the indi*ns

>before colonialism
India 27% of World Economy
>After colonialism

b-b-but we helped them!

>Fucking nothing

.t morroccan

page 263

>for the purpose of guilting Europeans
damn, so the real victims are the Europeans?
guess we need to retrace our steps

>there was a world economy before colonialism

What do you want me to do about it? Both of those places have nukes and space programs now and we don't colonise anymore.

The former is just as harmful as the latter because atrocities are handled off or even displayed in a positive light lol.

Those people were never shown how fucked shit got in many areas or think being 2nd class citizens us comparable to being a permanent resident.

Now apply this logic to abortion.

Maybe un-create Pakistan and suggest they reunite into a single country?

Daily reminder that when the Anglo invaded India, the Indian hindus had created a semi-meritocratic confederation known as the Marathas and had recently btfo the muslims and on their way to control the entire Indian subcontinent. They are also responsible for the creation of Pakistan.

Pajeets have a right to be angry for a reason, even if you set the Anglo crime against humanity aside.

indians are human, but they're hypocrites
chinese dogs are subhuman

acknowledge it.

That is extremely against British character.

Well if you can somehow bullshit that holocaust victims weren't 100% European I'd like to see it. Of course Europeans were the real victims.

give back the diamond

eat a donkey's shit and well think about it

>btw not a pajeet, I'm from a muslims hellhole, but seen this attitude again and again

Why do you care what whites living several hundred kilometers away from your home think about you?

Why do all poo coloured people have this inferiority complex that they simply cannot mind their own business?

They were all slaves before

>Looking for handouts under disguise of muh history

India needs to lower it's birth rates and start using toilets.

The British empire is likely the worst thing that has ever happened ever, that little shitty archipelago should of of been cleansed of people when they decided to disobey the Pope.

>Why do you care what whites living several hundred kilometers away from your home think about you?

Because that effects a ton of things user if you bother to think about it because it effects international interactions lol. Why do you think nasty stereotypes are harmful?

But their birth rates are lowered a ton though. You are kinda avoiding the point of the discussion and resorting to name calling

Your father was right about you and you know it

Anyone in a position in which they can die by famine is not ethically significant.

Tell me where the Indian cucked you

>international interactions

So you basically wish to live in a white country. White people do not owe you a better life you brown leech

>But their birth rates are lowered a ton though

No they are not. The population of India is steadily increasing. Indians have 2x more children than some Europeans while being much poorer

>Anglo prosperity
>not an active evil that should be fought

if britain didnt have a tight grip on ireland and they were independent, as a staunchly catholic nation, they would have been natural allies of some of our most powerful rivals
people just seem to think that britain fucked ireland for all those years because they were evil powerhungry dickheads who couldnt stand the idea of a free irishman

they're are retards on both sides unfortunately

>Why do you care what whites living several hundred kilometers away from your home think about you?
amerimutt shut the fuck up

you see this fucking stupid argument again and again and agiain whenever some european takes any sort of interest in american politics, they say why do you care about we are so far away what does it matter what we do
even when every action of the most powerful country in the world affects the rest of the world so fucking much
but honeslty this kind of attitude belies the fact that americans do not give a care nor know about the rest of the world and it makes them genuinly uncomfortable when someone from a country they've never heard of critisises their foreign policy as it activly tries to rip apart their country, y do you care hurr durr just suk a dik faggit just let us rape ur granny

> "W-Whites unite, White ethnostate now!"
> Irish population today still didn't lower than it was in 1840 when it crashed by almost half as the English exported food under force of arms using superior numbers from fellow Whites during the height of an epic famine.
> Hitler supports the killing of millions of Poles and Balts
>" B- based English Empire and Nazis. Guardians of white lives!"

tried hard to find a coherent thought here but couldn't
i'm sure it was really fascinating tho

And what about the miscarriages that happens when the zygote is so small that it can only be seen in a microscope?

Check your size privileges, shitlord!

>we had grainz n' shit before the white man took it away
they were growing dyes instead of grain because of taxes that disincentived growing and hording grain and higher profits of dyes
Commissar Smith didn't size grain from starving pajeets

Mean post

>Why do you care what whites living several hundred kilometers away from your home think about you?
Because this is a historical board and I like to discuss historical events on it. I don't specifically care about what people think but it's nice to talk about it
>Why do all poo coloured people have this inferiority complex that they simply cannot mind their own business?
Fuck off

>no fire involved