>38 mil marketcap
>better backing and partnerships than omg
>an actual working prototype
Why do you buy omiseshit but not this dumbass, board the fucking moon mission
>38 mil marketcap
>better backing and partnerships than omg
>an actual working prototype
Why do you buy omiseshit but not this dumbass, board the fucking moon mission
The internet is going to be overrun with 3rd worlders soon just like out citys and towns
big news coming in the next couple days too. buy under 5$. going to be a game changer.
What news?
>I bought at the top
>buy my bags
what shit fuck pajeet exchange is this fag coin on jesus christ all these shitcoins on booty as exchanges are kilin me
>the top
I think it'll pump again/a bit more
another shitcoin promote PaD
When thailand wake up expect moon mission 2
that coin's not asian
We know OP, but biz apparently doesn't. Shame.
What kind of sick joke is this? Instead of trying to solve the poverty problem, let's try and include them in our market and make them users for our payment system.
this is another PnD beware noobs
Oh please
Rip /biz ~ 2013
You dislike money. It's not OK.
Not on my watch
The dumb ones will always fail financially, just like in developed countries. This at least gives opportunity to those born with a brain, even if the percentage of the total is low, it gives the opportunity to those intelligent few.
racists BTFO
we making real money now
what are the chances this gets on bittrex?
>racists BTFO
>we making real money now
So am I with my evx and u can't do shit bout it boi
also this meme needs to die, EVX is not a refugee coin. SEA migrant workers are a huge moving industry.
Idiots do not know this apparently. It's so ridiculous. EVX is a good project.
Everex has enough room to grow. Up from here!
I bought in at 20k sats
But since im poor I wont make much from it.
Some profit is better than no profits at all.
>1 post by this ID
what a fucking pajeet coin and pajeet OP to go with it.
When will Veeky Forums learn that REQ and Everex are complete scammy knockoffs of Omisego?
This, dark times ahead just realizing that /b/tards will be considered above average.