>be inferior civilization
>get dominated and subjugated by superior like it happened thousands of times throughout history
>present time
>demand reparations for being the white men's bitch for a few centuries
Please explain this, Veeky Forums
>be inferior civilization
>get dominated and subjugated by superior like it happened thousands of times throughout history
>present time
>demand reparations for being the white men's bitch for a few centuries
Please explain this, Veeky Forums
The word reparation literally contains your answer. But I'm assuming you don't want an answer you want to call blacks bitches online to compensate for your perceived inferiority irl.
Reparations for being stronger. Lmao
Reparations doesn't make sense to me. Not because "blacks are inferior" maymay or racialism but because we have no reason to view slavery as an illegitimate institution outside of modern morality. Is this saying modern slavery is acceptable? No, because we have criminalized such institutions. But it's not like slaves are "owed" anything by their masters by virtue of the fact that they performed labor which was compensated by money. On the contrary, it's people who had had their property taken away from them that would be entitled to any form of reparations.
If part of my white ancestry came from white slave owners, do I owe money other families?
Nice moral relativism faggot
>On the contrary, it's people who had had their property taken away from them that would be entitled to any form of reparations.
Based on what, modern morality?
No, I don't think reparations should be a thing because I don't believe in the sins of the father being carried on to the son.
Based on having something tangible taken from them.
Are you intentionally being obtuse?
>I don't believe in the sins of the father being carried on to the son.
If the father encouraged and taught that sin to his sin then yes. Just because your father was an ass doesn't mean you are absolved of his issues when his burdens and responsibilities are passed into you.
Yeah but w-what if taking things from people is actually morally right?
Checkmate moralists!
>No, I don't think reparations should be a thing because I don't believe in the sins of the father being carried on to the son.
A nation is responsible for the things it did in the past.
it isn't payed by the slave owners children so no sin is being passed on
Why is it always the blacks to pull this reparation shit? You don't see other nations doing this sort of shit.
Also is there an expiration date on reparations? Do Slavs get to claim reparations because some Slavs were enslaved by the Arabs 1500 years ago? Do the English get to ask for reparations from Denmark because of Danelaw? What makes niggers special?
>wealth of the father should be inherited by the son
>Why is it always the blacks to pull this reparation shit? You don't see other nations doing this sort of shit.
Really gets the noggin joggin
Not because of slavery but occupation brainlet
>right click
>search in google
>google feedback says "fake news about germany"
try hard nigger
An occupation during which absolutely no slavery happened.
Being this dumb, do you even know what slavery means
literally fake news
nice try, nog
The inherent state of the white man is one of labor and industriousness
We won't request reparations because it's not in our nature. Leave that to bl*cks
>absolved of his issues when his burdens and responsibilities are passed into you.
which are?
Blacks in America have benefited from slavery.
Chattel slavery isn't the only type of slavery user
the yankes were too soft on the southerners during the reconstruction.
are you bad at reading or just stupid? that poster removes morality from the ledger entirely and says property owners should be compensated for loss of property.