Volkswagen to use Volks coin blockchain on self driving cars so they can communicate with each other

Volkswagen to use Volks coin blockchain on self driving cars so they can communicate with each other

Volks coin is available on Novaexchange currently at 1 sat with no resistance

1 sat per coin on nova right now. You literally cant' lose money.

literally this all in time to make up my link losses

Why would Volkswagen be using a Shithole like Nova exchange?

It can below 1 sat. Whoever says you cant lose money is an idiot or a crypto noob.

Yes you can fuck face. If nobody buys it you're still literally losing your money.

once fomo picks up you'll be sucking my big ole dick to get some volks at 1 sat

is this actually a coin made by volkswagon? wtf

>doesnt understand that its a private coin
why would companies use public coins again?


Article states nothing about a coin or blockchain

I wonder how legal it is to use Volkswagen's name? Either way Volkswagen will be thrilled to learn a team of pajeets is using there name to shill their coin for them for no cost! Will forward this to a high level exec!

oops I linked the wrong article my mistake

fuck it I'm putting in .1 bitcoin I'm desperate

Where's the real deal then?

>pajeet literally has a POO colored ID
fuck off with your garbage shilling, nobody wants to buy your scamcoin bags for 2sats

don't be an idiot, this is the most obvious of scams
a blockchain doesn't need tokens, and even if they were for whatever reason to launch a token, it wouldn't be on a shit exchange like nova

idk man people are starting to put orders in, seems pretty legit

Still don't say where they say they're going to use the blockchain technology to make the cars comunicate with each other in that article...

Thanks but I pass, it looks fishy to me.

ctrl f

"block chain"

