>inb4 le hat meme
What has been the major cause of conflict thorough out history and why has it been religion?
Other urls found in this thread:
>there would be no conflict without religion
Overpopulation is the answer you seek.
Most conflicts have been because some guy thought another guy was a dick
>100 years war
Cousin Philippe sure is a dick, I should be king of France
t. Edward
>1st crusade
Turks are dicks
t. Urban
>3rd Punic War
Carthage is a city populated by child murdering walking dicks
t. Cato
>2nd Roman civil war
Antony is a dick
t. Octavian
Octavian is a dick
t. Antony
Explain why I'm wrong and you're right?
Yes they were all motivated by religion
In order
>family squabble
>territory loses and opportunity
>dick measuring and infighting
The 30 year war was more about everyone hating G*rms than about religion
but the leaders in charge used to religion to justify their actions and control the masses.
Conquest stems from envy and covetousness.
In which war?
The first crusade started with the Byzantine empire asking for help against advancing Seljuks, a bunch of Franks cane over and where so successful they advanced and took Jerusalem.
It was a war for territory, Frankish nobles establishing Latin states in the Levant, that it was holy land was just a bonus.
I think if you check, it's been land. That guy has it, we want it, let's go get it.
My god stop rekting this guy so much
>Cause and justification are the same thing
Go back to school, OP.
>What has been the major cause of conflict thorough out history and has it been control of the means of production?
Fixed that for you, OP
misinformation, misleading, mishearing, mistakes and various combinations
Came here to post this
>WW1 and WW2 were religious wars
>why has it been religion?
Monotheist religion makes slave class humans think they're kings and teaches slave class humans to treat noble class humans like enemies of the people - for example the church daring to sentence Galileo to life under house arrest for telling the truth about the Earth not being the center of the universe.
It's a religion by barbarians, for barbarians.
Majority of the time its a desire for wealth/resources. War itself started from tribal raids to steal resources including women.
I appreciate you have an axe to grind against religion but you are wrong.
They believed in other things
Mostly "who rightfully owns this wealth"