>Americans think they have produced anything of note or of high culture for the world stage
>Burgers think their culture will be remembered hundreds of years down the line
Americans think they have produced anything of note or of high culture for the world stage
Other urls found in this thread:
>high culture
Delet this
>Americans have never produced anything of high culture
So this is the power of eurocentrism
warfare is the highest form of art. And the conquest of Iraq is a masterpiece
>>Burgers think their culture
>their culture
I always chuckle when Americans get asked what great writers and painters did they produce and they start naming literal whos like Harper Lee or whatever
american culture has already permeated the entire globe. there is literally not a single country on this earth that has not been influenced by american culture, and that influence will reverberate through the rest of time. sorry faggot you lost
>Nathaniel Hawthorne
>Edgar Allen Poe
>Mark Twain
>Henry James
>Ernest Hemingway
>Frederic Remington
>Jackson Pollock
>Andy Warhol
>Jeff Koons
>Roy Lichtenstein
Yes I know several of these choices will make you butturt but they are not “literal who’s”
>inb4 yes they are
Their culture will be the only one eventually
dios mio
el goblino
all the world is heading the same path nor chinese european or american will endurance the destructive force of glovalcapitalism
At least american are the ones surfing the wafe of the new era
Let's not forget:
James Baldwin
Arthur Miller
John Steinbeck
Herman Melville
Kurt Vonnegut
Joseph Heller
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Henry David Thoreau
Ralph Waldo Emerson
W.E.B. Dubois
Is it even possible to ironically pretend that there are no notable American authors without looking either extremely uncultured or absurdly contrarian?
Only Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway are not "literal whos"
You being an uncultured, uneducated retard doesn’t make them “literal who’s”
"No", being cultured is not something defined by an individual who has gone trough american education.
eurocums BTFO once again
Reminder that while yuropoors were pretending a urinal was a work of art Americans were still producing true works of art like the Chrysler building.
for you as a german i have the highest respect for poe and whitman that by the way is not is this list
I didnt learn about most of those authors in school. If you genuinely have never heard of Henry David Thoreau then you’re just uneducated.
stop with this bullshit they are not european the ones who are spreding this bullshit maybe they are america only the ones dont included in the ones who built the country and have zero affinity or responsabilty toward them
>Andy Warhol, celebrated international artist whose work got recently whored out by JAPANESE brand uniqlo
Wow, I don't usually come to Veeky Forums, and it looks like that's a good habit to keep up
you have the enemy withing i will never be happy to the decline of my european american brothers
Here's something by Mark Twain you might enjoy:
>Yuropoors still butthurt about playing catch up cultural relevancy wise since 1945
>Nathaniel Hawthorne
>Henry James
>Frederic Remington
>Jeff Koons
>Roy Lichtenstein
Literally who? I legit never heard of these people.
Pollock and Warhol are not literal whos I guess even though their "art" was literal dogshit.
>James Baldwin
>Herman Melville
>Henry David Thoreau
>Ralph Wlado Emerson
>W.E.B. Dubois
>Arthur Miller
Never heard of them. I've read Heller and Vonnegut though, the latter was good. Heller is overrated as fuck.
Also that Arthur Miller guy is supposedly just a playwright so does he even qualify?
>I don't know who Henry James is
The absolute state of European English literature """"""""""education""""""""""
>I've never heard of Thoreau or Emerson
>I also don't know probably two of the most well known black intellectuals from the US
>playwrights don't count as writers
>and surely nobody still remembers Moby Dick
You're either joking or have no business claiming to have any idea what high culture is.
>never heard of them
Says more about you than it does about their work
>My ignorance makes me smart
So I googled that Dubois guy.
>William Edward Burghardt "W. E. B." Du Bois (/duːˈbɔJs/ doo-BOYSS; February 23, 1868 – August 27, 1963) was an American sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, author, writer and editor.
>Racism was the main target of Du Bois's polemics, and he strongly protested against lynching, Jim Crow laws, and discrimination in education and employment.
>Du Bois was a prolific author. His collection of essays, The Souls of Black Folk, was a seminal work in African-American literature; and his 1935 magnum opus Black Reconstruction in America challenged the prevailing orthodoxy that blacks were responsible for the failures of the Reconstruction Era.
>Du Bois believed that capitalism was a primary cause of racism, and he was generally sympathetic to socialist causes throughout his life. He was an ardent peace activist and advocated nuclear disarmament.
Wow so another American memelord figure known primarily for being a nigger communist and not actually creating something of an artistic value.
>black intellectuals
Hearty kek. This might be surprising to you but we don't learn about your meme negroids in here. Also from Heller I've read Catch 22 which is a shittier, burgerized version of Good Soldier Svejk, and Good as Gold which was pure garbage. If all the authors you mentioned are as good as him then I'm probably not missing out on much.
Also let's note some more authors:
Ayn Rand
J.D. Salinger
Norman Mailer
James Agee
T.S. Eliot
Euros BTFO
>People still think this is /int/
>haha you caught me I'm actually completely uncultured, but if I shoehorn as much racism and snooty dismissal of things I don't know into my post as possible I'll prove that really I'm the intelligent one
>Ayn Rand
Nice try Euro.
>if you don't know some meme nigger who's primarily known for his political positions and activism, you're uncultured!
50 years from now you faggots will scold us for not reading Anita Sarkeesian and other gems of the American cultural spectrum.
>I’ve been exposed as an uneducated /int/ poster so I’ll just go full racist
I'm fucking crying
You really are a product of /int/
You should be, you've resulted to literally memeing it up one or two authors out of the list like it means anything even though you more than likely wouldn't hesitate to bring up Dumas.
None of this prevents outliers from existing, but anons like you seem to have a hard time with this concept.
>muh Communism
maybe Booker T Washington is more your speed
>I’m fucking deflecting
that’s more accurate
>inb4 someone starts bitching about sectarian violence when we toppled the Iraqi government and national standing army in 28 days
>black literature in a nutshell
/pol/ will pretend it's not influential but blues and jazz paved the way for rock n roll and even hip hop.
Also, just because the only hip hop you've ever heard is radio trash chimping, doesn't mean there aren't great works of wordplay out there
The irony of the image is astounding
>user deflects so hard, they end up in another thread
Andy Worhol is more relevant than any European artist after 1950
>W.E.B. Dubois
WE. B. Du Bois!