Comfy holding thread
Doesn't matter what you're holding, no FUD, no shill. This is just a place for comfy hodlers.
Comfy holding thread
Doesn't matter what you're holding, no FUD, no shill. This is just a place for comfy hodlers.
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Sleep tight motherpupper
cant even say it cus Veeky Forums thinks its spam
Comfy holding REQ and COSS. They might be worthless bags now, but by EOY they're going to moon just the waiting game now
Sleep t h i g h t pupper. I'm hodling REQ, MTL and STRAT. Thoughts?
sleep tight motherpupper
>mfw went all in on EVX at 25000 sats
may the skateboard give me strength
Anyone holding anything but Bitcoin must be a newfag.
Enjoy your game of musical chairs when your scamcoin inevitably gets dumped
Nebl and Mod. Got in early on both. Own 0 BTC/ETH /comfy
what a cute dog, makes me want to shill link to him until he goes crazy
Pls. I said no shill in this thread. This is a comfy thread.
Well since we're shilling anyway: just sold my MOD, going to buy back in in one or two days.
I told you this because I love you, Veeky Forums. Except for the Indians.
I've got the perfect set of coins for moon missions:
3.7mil Moon
2.4mil UFO
1.2mil DGB
Gonna sit back and forget about them for around 5 years, not wasting my time chasing the market.
If they tank then oh well, if not then i'll make mad dosh.
Goddamnit user I wouldnt close an eye if I was holding that pile of crap.
heard the same in 2011
Slowly getting rid of most of my shitcoins, going to be holding BTC, ETH, XMR, NEO, OMG, LTC long term. I got burned trying to daytrade shitcoins, lost 1.3btc to bad trading. Sitting at a comfy 3btc total
LINK, soooooo comfy, we are above ico price.
Went All in on WTC at $1.10
Comfy as FUCK
Waiting for it to hit $25 by EoY
Why WTC? Just memes? Really strikes me as either a scam (top 3 hold 70%) or simply a soon-to-be failed concept that's never applied IRL.
s|eep tigh+ pupper
>tfw 87% bitcoin, 6.5% LTC, 6.5% link
strat and doge feels ok
comfy fucker
Sleep tight, Pupper
lost 74 because this shit ever goes down.
overall, still comfy
Feeling pretty comfy, put about 5-10 dollars into most tokens that have an interesting niche, more into REQ and MOD. About 9 tokens in total, I'm doing it right, right? No real risk.
I feel you. Went from 8 to 6 trying to daytrade so now I just kinda hope my shitcoins will moon.