EVX is now $3 on BX Thailand, which easily has the most volume. Why didn't you listen to me Veeky Forums, why?
EVX is now $3 on BX Thailand, which easily has the most volume. Why didn't you listen to me Veeky Forums, why?
shut up faggot, I bought in way below ico and if you don't calm down I'm going to dump my 15k EVX on your ass.
Biz missed out on yet another pump. We, however, did not. Feels good man!
That said I bought below ICO kek
evx > omg > reqt
There's never enough. You should know that by now.This is biz. We pump and we shill.
Lol @ the graph on CMC with an obvious pump and dump at the middle of it. Of course Veeky Forums takes the bait and goes for the 2nd round.
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, my name is Veeky Forums
You clearly haven't done your research on this piece of gem. I'm guessing you missed out and is now mad. Look at their whitepaper, website, people are talking about it in a matter of days.
biz moon soon
I did my research and its crap. "Hey dear Consuela, I am working very hard in the gold mines today. I send you money through Everex platform to feed family for next week. Oh, what's that? 0/2 Confirmations pending? Let me e-mail customer support, should only take few days!"
"But muh rewards!"
Just use venmo you faggots. Doesn't even have its own blockchain or plasma implementation
cry more, I'm making money you aren't. Thats all I care about, now if you want to make money which you should since you're an investor then buy some, its not too late
Let them sit this one out. We can have more for ourselves. Sharing is caring, but some like being broke instead. Can't help those that don't want to be helped.
a 100% gain is not a pump and dump
its the market realizing an asset is undervauled
What does this mean?
whales are accumulating
it means if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight
It means money
ITS only cause the everex titie memes this is moving.
who care tho AMIRITE?
if you don't reply to this reply your mother will die in her sleep tonight
Nay we just want more evx and even more moon.
Meme magic my dude
EVX moon