Why did it always get shit on? Why was everyone constantly invading it? From what I can see it was capable of winning wars on its own but it was usually attacked in groups and had lots of rebellions and shit.
Were Polacks just really bad at diplomacy?
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
prussia wanted to unite their lands, they could expect no friendliness from them. russia wanted ukrainian farmlands because most of their country is frozen wasteland, they had no friend in the russians. the holy roman emperors were always embroiled in divisive shittery and their focus was never really on eastern europe. sweden wants to control the baltic and is geographically easier to defend so they didn't need polish alliances. the ottomans were not christian, there was no way they'd get along.
poland just never had any nearby friends to protect it by virtue of bad circumstances.
>Why did it always get shit on? Why was everyone constantly invading it?
Jesus fuckin christ, the state of this board
Is it from some American history cartoon? It was 17th century everyone was fighting each other and it wasn't just the Commonwealth that was "invaded" all the time. They were actually winning most of their wars unlike Turks.
>Tfw there never was a polish-swedish alliance
They were the perfect alliance to protect against russia and the german states.
Ambition fucked them up
>Professor Andrzej Rottermund, manager of the Royal Castle in Warsaw, claims that the Swedish army robbed Poland of her most precious goods - thousands of works of art, books and valuables
>Most of these items have never been returned to Poland and are kept both in private Swedish hands, and in Stockholm museums
>Huber Kowalski of the University of Warsaw Institute of Archeology says that Swedes stole anything they could lay their hands on windows, stairs
chimneys, sculptures, floors, doors and gates.
>Swedish troops stole such items as:
>both Polish and Lithuanian state records /the royal library from Warsaw,
>libraries from Ujazdów Castle, Toruń, Bydgoszcz, Malbork, Poznań, Grudziądz, Gniezno, Lublin, Jarosław, Vilnius, Sandomierz, Radom, and Kraków, also archives and libraries from most towns
>all Warsaw palaces – completely robbed were the Kazanowski Palace, the Ossoliński Palace, the Daniłłowicz Palace, the Primate Palace, the Bishophoric Palace, the Royal Palace and the Royal Castle,
>castles and churches, which were robbed and destroyed, as were almost all Polish towns; the most notable examples are Golub-Dobrzyń, Krzyżtopór, Wieluń, Krasnystaw, Wawel, Tęczyn, Lanckorona, Pieskowa Skała, Kielce, Sandomierz, Chęciny Niepołomice, Ojców, Wiśnicz, Łobzów, Kruszwica, Rabsztyn.
>According to the estimates of Polish scholars I. Ihnatowicz, Z. Landau, A. Mączak and B. Zientara, the invasion by the Swedish army and its allies (Brandenburg-Prussia and Transilvania), resulted in the loss of 25% of the population in four core Polish provinces. Lesser Poland lost 23% of population, Mazovia 40% in villages and 70% in towns, Greater Poland 50% in villages and 60% in towns.
> In 2002, the Warsaw Royal Castle organized an exhibition, "Eagle and Three Crowns", which presented many items stolen from Poland, and kept in Swedish museums. After the Deluge, the Commonwealth became a "cultural desert".
> In January 2013 Marek Poznański, a Palikot Movement member of the Polish parliament, announced his plan to send thousands of postcards to European politicians and journalists, in which he wanted to convince the recipients that Poland should get financial compensation from Sweden for the destruction of the country in the deluge.
>the number of soldier fighting in a war in a war in the 17th century would be the amount of soldiers fighting in a battle in the 19th century and a sub battle 100 years later
>only niggers ask for gib me da....
Hopefully they'll get some of that back once Sweden falls.
>financial compensation
Top kek fucking Polacks. But seriously, Sweden should return the shit they stole.
Maybe it wouldn't be hard to convince them that keeping their loot is racism and institutional colonialism or something.
>But seriously, Sweden should return the shit they stole.
Because stealing is bad.
>poles dindu nuffin
Uhhh sweaty where did I say that
I think they would look better and more complete in their original place. Part of the set with other insignia not in some other country with no historical connection.
So.... asking to be attacked?
because the treaty says so
sweden is not a dishonourable country that would break its promise r..right
If only the Hungarians weren't defeated by the Turks, they could have helped.
>all these consecutive (yous)
And fuck the treaty
Russians don't return what they stole.
That puts Sweden in well definitely some company.
the key word is "...lithuanian"
Poland basically made a pact with lithuanians that gives them equal right in the state and makes it so that they dont get swallowed by orthodox/russian culture and in return it had to protect these vast and useless shitholes
nothing good ever came from ukrainian/belarussian (albeit belarussians were a lot more chill) lands, only troubles
the only person who benefited from these shitholes were magnates who didn't pay shit because why would you vote in parliament in favour of putting large tax over your own class?
For some time it worked because it practised non interventionist stance and it was in position to do that because it was self sustaining country due to shitload of grain but the series of really bad kings ruined everything apart
in the entire elective period that lasted through 1572-1795 years there were only 2 (TWO) good kings (well, 3 if we count the dude who got exiled due to intervention of our neighbours when the real decline had began) all others were shit, especially Vasa dynasty (pic related, Sigimund Vasa was the sole man responsible for failure of polish-muscovite war that tarnished our relations forever when we were in historical moment of potentially forging a real alliance based on common respect)
If it continued non interventionist, defensive stance it would be a different story but i dont want to go into "what if" territory because its retarded
TLDR: bad politics, disastrous experimenting with democracy, shit kangz
well someone needs to contribute to their intellectualism
>victors should return whatever spoils they took
They didn't win the war. That's why they had to return it.
well the Poles are gonna have to win a war to claim it back then
Wining against modern Swedes would be like beating the shit out of mentally handicaped children
how are poles gonna defeat all the black bulls in the no go zones
with hussars ?
>>Noraj De Ton Sodomisage
I'll bet everything I have that the cunt that wrote that was a Poole
>inb4 Simon Mol
Women are whores. Men don't tolerate niggers.
tfw you realize that could actually work
no, poles are racist wh*Te subhumans. BLACK swedes owe nothing to them
That doesn't mean the Swedens of today wouldn't bent over after marking them as racists or something if they don't return what they stole.
cant be racist against wh*Tes sweetie :^)
Brianlet, has Blackpole taught you nothing? The original Slavs and Poles were BLACK.
I would fucking slaughter wh*Te g*Rmanoids for calling my brothers wh*Te.
yes, the original poles, aka the SARMATIANS were black. but then wh*Te subhumans from g*Rmany came and killed them all. todays "poles" are just self-hating g*Rmanoids LARPing as a superior people.
shut up wh*Te colonialist, go back to g*Rmania