What kind of haircuts were used during the Middle Ages? Is ir true that Crusaders cut their hair like Justin Bieber?
What kind of haircuts were used during the Middle Ages? Is ir true that Crusaders cut their hair like Justin Bieber?
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History was a mistek
no like this
Pretty sure thats just the result of not cutting your hair.
Look at illustrations, and paintings, from the middle ages, and there you will find your answer, you lazy fuck.
>illustrations, and paintings, from the middle ages
Those aren't very good pictures from an "accurate depiction of reality" perspective.
Scissors did not exist so haircuts would not exist until 1674
Both of these hairstyles would have existed during the Middle Ages, and even ancient times. In fact, going past the Medieval Era, one sometimes encounters hair similar to this in portraits of the Early Modern Period. Hair like this did not just spring out of the 1960s decade.
>you need scissors to do a haircut
How do you think they cut their hair, fuckwit? By rubbing twigs together and praying for the rain god to cut their hair?
Short knives worked fine. And it's historically what many groups of people used.
here you go
the eternal mullet
the 80s knew what's up
It would take YEARS, if not decades, to cut your hair that way. These people couldn't even READ for fuck's sake.
Hairdressers are well known for their high levels of literacy...
Scissors and snips have been around since the Bronze Age...
Behold the bangs
Is that Christoph Waltz?
Here's an accurate depiction of hairstyles, fashion and beauty standards in 21 century Japan.
That guy's hair literally looks like mine.
Except Medieval illustrations weren't fantasy cartoons. It's all about the context of the art in question.
You're trying too hard
>It would take YEARS, if not decades, to cut your hair that way. These people couldn't even READ for fuck's sake.
>grown men warriors with bangs
That’s hard to imagine today. Imagine something like Seal team six rocking mop tops
>Except Medieval illustrations weren't fantasy cartoons
The guy who founded seal team six has a ponytail
>metaphor of a hero facing humanity's oldest danger
wyrms are humanities oldest danger. europe hating dragons is cuckoldry
I just meant reptiles in general
Not every European is a nordshit.
This was the common Norman haircut
>Reptiles are humanities oldest danger
Wew lad
holy shit, qt
The bowl crop
Do you love boob?
me on the left
t. Dragon
he looks just like me holy shit, like exactly like the picture on my drivers liscense
I guess i want to fuck me
you must be really cute then