What philosophy is this?

I believe that there are 2 paths one can take to live a completely fulfilled life without suffering

A: The path of the Mind: Seeking true and total enlightenment

B: The path of the Heart (knowing your values, and living them regardless of circumstance)

I'd also like to know if anyone agrees with me, or if anyone thinks I am retarded, and why

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Oh and I also believe that attempting to mix the paths will only lead to mental suffering and "feeling lost"

what separates this two paths? how do you get to ‘know’ your values without seeking ‘enlightenment’?

user that's called being 17

What is true and total enlightenment?

Our "values" are created by ourselves. I should have specified that what the "heart" tends to value are things like dedicating your life to art, for example.

By "enlightenment," I am referring to finding the essence or "answer" to the universe. Discovering what that is, you abandon absolutely everything else. I believe, and you can disagree, that the answer is that there is no obtainable answer, anything is possible, and absolutely nothing matters, so if I followed the path, I predict that I would end up killing myself.

Being this delusional. I hope you are still a teen

Read Plato please

I take no offense if you calling me delusional but could you at the least point out why?

>What philosophy is this?

you do realize philosophy (philosopiha / phílos- sophía) means "love of wisdom", right? I think it is important to dwell upon this coinage by the Greeks.

By bifurcating practical and theoretical you cleave the totality of knowledge in half by definition.

Good intro:

>a completely fulfilled life without suffering

How's your depression user

I'm not depressed. Nobody lives without suffering.

teens have their minds blown by all of the most obvious cliches because they're experiencing those things for the first time.

this isn't restricted to teens though, imagine the way that old people are interacting with memes today - maybe you had a grandparent or parent show you a meme.

Likewise, talking about the "mind vs the heart" or talking about "true and total enlightment" fall into this exact kind of category.

Think about how much effort you've had to expend to have those thoughts. This isn't years of scholarly research

Think about how buzz-wordy and empty those phrases actually are.

>Living without suffering
Nice meme

>Oh and I also believe that attempting to mix the paths will only lead to mental suffering and "feeling lost"

Yes, you shouldn't try to mix the paths, you should pick one, but you need to let the paths mix when they inevitably do.

This is the idea of the yinyang. A and B are two different things, but they are completely and utterly inseparable. Particularly, you can relate those two ideas to North and South. North is Money, South is Love. The man who chases two rabbits catches none.

North is science, cold hard facts, death, facing death, work, truth, money

South is religion, art, meaningfulness, music, life, love

North and South is just a way to think about separating yin and yang, but you can never do that, they are inseparable. So if you follow the North path, South will inevitably come with it.

If you want to make money, you will have to lose money, or lose something that's worth money, like your labor. Thermodynamically, this is free energy vs dispersed energy. If you want to do good you will have to do a little bit of evil. And the more good you do, the more evil you will also do.

Even if you purposely set out not to care about meaning and only care about truth, you are inadvertently bringing with that the meaningfulness that the truth has to you.

If you purposely set out your life to find meaning, then "meaningfulness" for you is an end in-and-of itself, it justifies itself with circular reasoning and therefore you can say it's ultimately meaningless.

Yes, we actually need to suffer or else we can't be "happy". That's how we evolved and we evolved that way because that's how the universe actually is. Happiness and suffering are a yinyang, they are inseparable.

You can either have a happy life, or you can be happy about your life, but not both.

This is like the reddit version of what Hesse explores in "Narcissus and Goldmund"

I recommend you read that book. Super thought provoking when you're young. The distinction you've made is semi-true, but far more nuanced than your juvenile distinction.

Live and learn young pseud

When suffering is for passion, it no longer becomes suffering

so yes, you can

you can’t be passionate all the time, you’re just lying and trying to play-pretend in the eyes of others for status by doing anything like “living for passion”. Its fake and even if it was possible it’d numb you to large parts of existence, there are a thousand forces you can’t avoid you have no perceptual control over. You can’t use perception to elude gamma rays or magnetic fields user, you can’t shut out physical reality permanently with dopamine and a myopic vision, thought killing and all the other tricks yogis and mystics use to escape suffering. There will come an immovable object that breaks you against it. Inevitable

how delusional can one man be