>Oh and I also believe that attempting to mix the paths will only lead to mental suffering and "feeling lost"
Yes, you shouldn't try to mix the paths, you should pick one, but you need to let the paths mix when they inevitably do.
This is the idea of the yinyang. A and B are two different things, but they are completely and utterly inseparable. Particularly, you can relate those two ideas to North and South. North is Money, South is Love. The man who chases two rabbits catches none.
North is science, cold hard facts, death, facing death, work, truth, money
South is religion, art, meaningfulness, music, life, love
North and South is just a way to think about separating yin and yang, but you can never do that, they are inseparable. So if you follow the North path, South will inevitably come with it.
If you want to make money, you will have to lose money, or lose something that's worth money, like your labor. Thermodynamically, this is free energy vs dispersed energy. If you want to do good you will have to do a little bit of evil. And the more good you do, the more evil you will also do.
Even if you purposely set out not to care about meaning and only care about truth, you are inadvertently bringing with that the meaningfulness that the truth has to you.
If you purposely set out your life to find meaning, then "meaningfulness" for you is an end in-and-of itself, it justifies itself with circular reasoning and therefore you can say it's ultimately meaningless.
Yes, we actually need to suffer or else we can't be "happy". That's how we evolved and we evolved that way because that's how the universe actually is. Happiness and suffering are a yinyang, they are inseparable.
You can either have a happy life, or you can be happy about your life, but not both.