New FTC + GRS thread. When will the slaughter end?
Aaron Robinson
Julian Bennett
My anus is sore.
Nolan Gonzalez
the question is
when to get out of GRS considering the branding is fucking horrible
Aaron Morales
What you don't like gristle?
Bentley Nelson
GRS seems to be dead in the water. FTC looks like it has another pump left in it.
Ethan Hughes
it's fucking impossible to type from memory
like wtf man
John Edwards
I'm tempted to say this is only the foot of the FTC spike. Compare the 1 minute chart today to the 1 minute chart of GRS a day ago.
If so, this could be huge.
Luis James
Agreed, we're just seeing price manipulation right now. The volume is still going up, FTC is gunna pump real soon. Anything under 22k is a good deal
Owen Clark
grs dead? hahaa pajeet come on bro
Nicholas Campbell
Green IDs confirm moon mission