What happened to the Scythians?
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Absorbed into various tribes.
>Absorbed into various tribes.
Because they got cucked out of being the top horse niggers
It just happens like that sometimes. Turkic and Slavic peoples eventually replaced Scythians
Is it safe to assume that the Scythians lived a lifestyle and had culture almost identical to the Proto-Indo-Europeans?
>is it safe to assume that the Scythians lived a lifestyle and had culture almost identical to the Proto-Indo-Europeans?
Well, they spoke an Indo-European language; that's when the similarities ended. The Scythian golden plow, yoke, battle axe, and drinking cup can be related to a Turkic mythological basis.
Many Scythians lived a nomadic lifestyle similar to that of the Turks. Even their religion was influenced by the Hungarians and Turks. Pretty safe to say that they lived in a culture similar to the Proto-Indo-Europeans with heavy Turkic and Hungarian influence.
>The Scythian golden plow, yoke, battle axe, and drinking cup can be related to a Turkic mythological basis.
You have it the other way around. It's the consensus that Turkic peoples were VERY influenced by the Indo-European Scythian peoples. Scythians are older than Turkics.
Not according to my source.
"The Scythian golden plow, yoke, battle-axe, and drinking-cup that fell from the sky do have a Türkic mythological basis in the astronomical nomenclature."
they evolved into Slavs
Proto-Indo-Europeans mainly herded cattle, horses were a much smaller part of their economy.
Horses weren't ridden yet either, only used to draw carts, and they also didn't have composite bows.
consumed by the slavic horde just like the the turkic tribes were as well (magyars, bulgars, avars etc)
Doubtful, battle axes were also used by related fellow Corded-Ware derived Nordics.
Got overrun by the Gokturks, Khazars, Avars, and others, then migrated and assimilated into other lands.
one of the early victims of yt genocide
the lucky surviving blondes were raped and spawned the elliot rodger race of tatars
The greeks descibed them as a tall and blonde people. Does not sound like Turks.
Do you have any academic sources user?
Nah tatars came from ukrainians and turkics who mixed.
Most of nomadic Iranian peoples of the Eurasian steppe were defeated and assimilated by Turkic tribes, except for the Alans, the ancestors of modern Ossetians.
because /d/