Best ancestry service? I've heard good things about 23andMe from Veeky Forums but I wanted to make a thread about it.
MyHeritage is a meme is a meme.
What else is there? Specifically, how can I see haplogroups and such for myself?
Best ancestry service? I've heard good things about 23andMe from Veeky Forums but I wanted to make a thread about it.
MyHeritage is a meme is a meme.
What else is there? Specifically, how can I see haplogroups and such for myself?
Other urls found in this thread:
I am interested in it as well. I read somewhere that 23andMe alters results by adding black DNA.
found a article, dunno if it's real or not though.
Hi asking for a friend are there any ancestry services that to not include French, just Anglo and Saxon and such? Thanks.
it doesnt matter man they're all jew scams to harvest your biological data for their black ops genetic engineering programs
would there be anything inherently bad about part of you being cloned into the new super human?
its going to be someones gene, why shouldnt it be yours if yours fits there?
> is a meme.
What? Why? That's what I got.
They got some really questionable articles like claiming that Obama is planning to start a civil war and shit like that.
>Not using Myheritage because it is cheap
>Not adding your genetic profile to the mossad data bank
What's the matter goy, scared?
Am*ricans measuring their nationality in percents is one of the funniest things I've seen on this website so far
I did it. Paternally R1b master race, mtDNA was J1c5, which they said was fairly uncommon, looking it up I found hardly any info on it, isolated populations in Sakha, Arabia, Denmark, Cornwall.
What's the significance of y dna over mtdna? seems like there's way more on Y
desu im genuinely concerned the Khazars who run that thing will find out im one of the real jews and try to have me taken out
>picture of a chromosome
Do you have down syndrome, OP?
I just got my results back desu.
Mossad are interested in the DNA of random nobodies because?
>Giving your DNA AND money to a private company
The level of stupid in this world really never ceases to surprise.
>doesn't use quotes or sources for its claims
>is a textbook example for the layout of a tabloid blog
user there is probably good reason to be skeptical. Likewise, for people looking to haplospurg these services are best used when you download the raw data and upload to other opensourced databases, which they ethically cannot fudge.
You're Spanish yet no MENA admixture?
Sounds fishy to me
Strictly speaking, and this is pure speculation, but:
In the future when genetic engineering and gene therapy are as reliable and cheap as vaccinations- you could very well be able to (and even ENCOURAGED) to sell copies of your genetics. Already there are pharmaceuticals and large cooperation's who're trying to put patents on genetically engineered creatures and naturally occurring herbal processes... It isn't too outlandish to consider the notion that if your DNA is public access you could be giving away future equity.
Just as a personal example, but I only grew 3 Wisdom Teeth (my father only grew 2): I'd be thrilled if my genetics went towards engineering an inoculation that children could get in elementary school to prevent them from growing Wisdom Teeth- Wisdom Tooth removal is fucking HORRIBLE. And all the better if they pay me for my genes.
>Mossad are interested in the DNA of random nobodies because?
Genetic diversity and variation perhaps.
It's good to have a copy of a Gene you want, but it'd probably be better to have over a dozen different copies (or similar variations) of that Gene from unique sources.
That and I'm sure random nobodies have a surprise here and there every once in a while.
>Wisdom Tooth removal is fucking HORRIBLE.
I had all 4 in one day. it wasnt that bad
you throw on some ice, you'll be a bit swollen
you cant eat solid food for a few days,
really no big deal, there wont even be much pain and you can always request a heavier pain killer if there is
Depends how impacted they are and if you're anesthetized during it. They had to split one of my wisdom teeth to get it because it was so impacted which caused much more gum trauma. For some people they'd have to get some reconstruction done on the gums because of the specifics of their wisdom teeth.
It's like a break in that no two people are going to experience the same wisdom teeth growth and removal.
I also got 4 of my widsom teeth removed in one day. It was general anaesthesia and it really wasn't bad. The only inconvenience is I was bleeding a lot after waking up so I had to get a metal cup to spit in the blood, because swallowing it made me puke.
Also, like you said, solid food was difficult for a few days.
Im Austuro-Galician
>when your superior genetics allows the wisdom teeth to comes in just fine despite the ortho's plea to get them removed
scam artists
I read some article about deciding which genetic testing service to use, apparently 23 and me is mediocre and stuff like family tree dna and living dna are way better.
Apparently it’s not about whether or not there’s room, but because of how far back in the mouth they are and how deep their roots are they can grow into a nerve in your jaw that could paralyze part of your face and mouth.
Mesieur lloyd pls leave
I've always heard that they were removed because if they came in wrong, they could affect the entire alignment of your teeth and cause you to lose the rest of them quicker. Some people have them grow in just fine, but if there's not enough room, they'll go crooked and push other teeth.
Misaligned teeth can cause gaps and you to lose some if it's bad enough, and missing teeth makes you more susceptible to gum disease and bone damage in your jaw.
That feel when had all my wisdom teeth grow in just fine.
Feels neanderthal man
Apparently Living DNA is good, especially in regard to haploshits and if you have ancestry from the British Isles.
My buddy did it from there and he got regional English admixtures.
He is Dutch, the company can't distinguish because someone got Anglo-Saxon'd hard.
>it's not the jews even thoigh it is
"Spanish" on the website probably already includes some NA admixture, even thought NA genes in the iberian peninsula make up a tiny percentage and came from neolithic populations rather than islamic invaders.
This is an issue that affects all tests due to overlap between populations. North-West Europeans for example are so genetically close that it's hard to draw perfect distinctions between populations.
Are you European? I hope you;ve never posted a mutt meme, nigger.
This both my "Haplomemes" are Neolithic
U6a as my maternal
RP311 as my paternal
Like I stated my family comes from a region in spain that both the Romans and Moores has trouble getting into. As far as I know my brother and I are the first people in the family to be born outside of that region in at least 200 odd years .
My grandfathers grandfather was born there and so was his grandfather
Im a mutt in my region
also .2 african
.1 east asian
and .3 undetermined
desu I was expecting at least 5% MENA and at least 5% JOOOOO
You're aware that .2 is like norm right....?
humanity was born of Africa, It would be silly to think that noone has at least .1 or more.
>tfw not a mutt
I don't.
Not a drop.
Did you get 100% of your heritage accounted for? I heard sometimes it gets less than half
Is this 23andme?
Yep. Just look two posts up.
But there is something weird. Literally my great grandmother came straight from Sweden, but I've got nearly no Swedish. My mother had even less than I do.
And I didn't know I had any eastern European, Finnish, or Iberian. Though I did expect to be very British.
Youre Anglo...Im so sorry for you....
Might wanna check your math on these numbers you have at least a full 1.5% missing :^) MUTT
Just to add, I did the health and ancestry .Pretty cool . basically have no genetic trackers for all the shit they test for.
Thx bb's
My only concern on this is that I read that police can now use this DNA in investigations. Not that I'm worried about it, just the general principle.
It's 99.5~, and that's only because of the >1% Irish. I typically count it as a full 1%.
The best people.
>harvest your biological data for their black ops genetic engineering programs
>tfw I've used my data at least 10 times
We wuz super soldiers n shiet
See , You're rounding up and assuming . I also noticed how your report doesnt work in anything BUT full % So it can be safe to say that all those numbers are also rounded to the nearest full %
Also Im more Iberian than you are Angol, You rape baby.
>who's a mutt?
A true Kang
Anglo and proud my dude
>You rape baby
I'm a Yank. Those are from the other settlers.
You're right about it being full percentages, but we should always assume the best.
>Blue Eyes
>non-kinky hair
He's whiter than you, Mohammed.
I really enjoy how triggered americans get by this race stuff.
I only did my out of curiosity . You seem to havr gotten yours as a way to affirm your own self worth.
I'm just having some shitposting fun. I only got it because my mother wanted to. I just spit in her tube.
is that an innuendo...?
If you want it to be.
I spit in your mom’s tube too user.
The average Iberian is around 10% North-African. I would not call it tiny but not large either.
Well, on 23andme Iberian includes the older strains of north african dna from Neolithic migration come into Iberia from north africa, U6a . later strains that showed up during the moorish invasions are believed to be u6a1 which is seen as "Modern north african" so yes most Iberian have norrh african its prehistoric north african . The whole moorish settlement of iberian never really crawled further north than Toledo or Lisbon.
And wasnt numerous enough to really shift the population demographics outside of the very south of Iberia ( The Algarve in Portugal and Andalusia in Spain)
Though people of the south also tend to have alot more italic and greek to them because of Hellenic and later Roman colonies , Considering southern Iberia later because a senatorial province. While the harsh Mountians and forests of the north left a more "Celtic" Population that had already interbred with the Neolithic and Pre-Indo-European people groups of Iberia.
Turn off speculative and put it on conservative friend.
what does that mean how do i do that
At the bottom where it shows the chromosomes, click change confidence level. set it to conservative . Thats where itll ONLY show the Dna that theyre 90% they actually read right. I become alot less Iberian and alot more Italian .
But like I said its basically them not filling in the gaps
haha yes get it! still 99.9% conservatively!
I'd like to take this time to say fuck the kraut huns
Lmao nice.
cheers user!
Tfw Celtiberian mountain nigger
La creatura coming through
>.8 JEW
Ya 100% mutt is right
In all seriousness though. I find the mixes that can crop up are interesting. Leave me wondering who left for where and why.
can i own a casino or what
yeah the only thing on mine was 0.1% Sardinian, that just seems bizarre to be 99.9% anglo and of all the things to be 0.1%... fucking sardines?
>0.1 Yakut
It is very interesting. The 1% Ashkenazi came up on another test I took as well, and my mother has around 2%, so chances are I do in fact have some distant Jewish ancestry. I just wonder what the circumstances of that were. If a Jewish woman converted to Catholicism to marry a gentile, or if there was an extramarital affair, and so on. Other than that blip, the rest of the percentages are pretty much consistent with what I know of my ancestry.
Be my Yakut gf
The most outlandish I have is that .1 Broadly east asian. which leaves me wondering how far will man travel for booty.
>these services are best used when you download the raw data and upload to other opensourced databases
care to elaborate? where's a good site to do this
What is the most accurate test region wise? Some seem to just say "Great Britain" or other shit which can be drastically different depending on the region. Just wondering if they show more than that, or if they give a map or something.
haplogroups give you a better idea usually, the idea is that ancestries generally blend through political borders
pic related they narrowed mine down to frisian
Are there tests that give you results in haplogroups?
23and me gice maternal and paternal
Howdy there Veeky Forums I'm an aspiring connoseiur of human ancestry. I'd like recommendations on who I should fuck next to add another ethnic group to my and my family's collection. Please help me on my quest to catch 'em all!
I cant find where Rp311 is from wtf
Mongolian. Start with me .
Each company will compare the percentage of similarity between your genome (autosomal DNA) and those of individuals from other countries, although their accuracy still needs to be improved. All tests have a similar number of autosomal SNP's.
LivingDNA has the most detailed autosomal ancestry report in terms of reference populations. It shows the percentage of similarity with populations from 80 regions in the world (but planning to expand considerably), including 20 subregions within the United Kingdom for people of British ancestry. Besides the UK, Europe is subdivided in 15 regions, while the Middle East has 10 ancestral regions. Those regions are designed to match ethnic groups (e.g. North vs South Italians, North vs South Slavs, Basques, Sardinians, Greeks, Armenians, Kurds, etc.). Unfortunately there is no PCA plot nor chromosome composition.
Geno 2.0 Next Generation claims to use 60 reference populations, but the report only shows 7 broad regions. Europe is only divided in 'Northern European' and 'Mediterranean'. The Middle East is unified under the category 'Southwest Asian'. Other regions are Southeast Asian, Northeast Asian, Sub-Saharan African, and Native American. Only the reference populations are subdivided in smaller regions, but it's not what you will see in your results.
FTDNA My Origins uses 18 populations, including 7 European populations. They are divided by region rather than actual ancestry (e.g. Portuguese, Spaniards and Italians, including Basques and Sardinians, are lumped together under 'North Mediterranean Basin'). FTDNA has added a new report in 2016 named ancientOrigins, which aims at determing the percentage of Mesolithic European, Near Eastern farmers and Metal-age invaders. However the results do not match at all those obtained from other calculators based on actual ancient samples from academic research. This report is so misleading that we recommend that you ignore it altogether.
AncestryDNA's report is very similiar to FTDNA My Origins, but with 26 populations instead of 18, with a higher degree of differentiation inside Africa in particular. There are 9 European regions - essentially the same but with different names. 'North Mediterranean Basin' has been divided in Iberian peninsula vs Italy/Greece, but it still does not differentiate the genetically distinct Basques and Sardinians, nor the North vs South Italians. The other diffence with FTDNA is that 'British Isles' has been divided into Britain and Ireland.
MyHeritageDNA compares your DNA with that of 5,000 participants from 25 ethnicities in its report. They plan to grow this number to more than 100 ethnicities as they gather more data. MyHeritage did not do the same mistake as FTDNA or AncestryDNA of dividing regions solely by geography, but also included actual ethnicities like the Sardinians, Finns/Karelians or Ashkenazi Jews. On the other hand, there are only eight European populations, including those three, so it's not as detailed as LivingDNA or even 23andMe. One of the company's strength is that they support 42 languages, while other companies have only English. Like AncestryDNA, they do not offer Y-DNA or mtDNA tests though, which is disappointing for anybody interested in ancient ancestry.
23andMe's Ancestry Composition is subdivided in 10 European and 13 non-European ancestral populations, but the results rely heavily on other customers' self-reported ancestry. Non Europeans will typically fall in broad categories like East Asian, South Asian or Sub-Saharan African, which is not very informative. Furthermore, 23andMe claims that its Ancestry Composition only assesses ancestry over the last 500 years, but our analysis showed that it really distinguishes between Late Ancient and Early Medieval populations. The modern appellation like 'French & German' have been mislabled and should read more like 'ancient continental Germanic'. This explains why their Ancestry Timeline is completely unreliable, as they greatly underestimate the number of generations elapsed.
What is important to understand is that autosomal reports provided by testing companies have little scientific value at present because they do not distinguish between enough populations at the national and regional level to be really accurate. LivingDNA is the only company to provide regional differentiation, and it is based on relatively good data from Oxford University's People of the British Isles (PoBI) project. However it only applies to people with British ancestry. Even with 80 worldwide reference populations, the accuracy of predictions is only reliable at the broader continental or subcontinental level (e.g. Northwest vs Northeast European, East Asian vs Siberian), but remains shaky at the national level. It is often far more interesting to compare autosomal admixtures with calculators like Dodecad or Eurogenes, which are provided for free at GEDMatch