>"It's inaccurate!"
>ok, what part is inaccurate?
I keep hearing this, but I get no response.
what exactly is inaccurate about this movie? not enough really happened in the story for it to even tell inaccurate events.
>"It's inaccurate!"
>ok, what part is inaccurate?
I keep hearing this, but I get no response.
what exactly is inaccurate about this movie? not enough really happened in the story for it to even tell inaccurate events.
I saw it, there really wasn't anything big to criticize, some people just want a reason to bitch and moan about something
2 hours of
and a kid killing himself on a doorknob. Christ, what a shitty movie.
you still haven't pointed out any inaccuracies
Someone on /k/ mentioned how they wouldn't belly flop if they were being hit by bombing runs because the concussion traveling through the ground would still hurt you, so they would have likely squatted down and covered their heads instead.
that seems like a hyper autistic nitpick
Its hyper autistic and wrong. 99% of wounds from bombs and artillery come from the shrapnel not any concussive effect
>Brits do nothing and run away
I'd say it's pretty accurate. It's a metaphor for the entire British military history if you wish.
Blast wave from shell would rarely kill like jdam that sucks and superheat the air
The only thing that bothered me was the lack of soldiers. They seemed to few on that beach for 300k or whatever their number is supposed to be. Atonement did it better in that regard.
extras aint cheap my dude
No frogs
They could've CGI'd a bunch in the background.
what are these
but there was.. this fag was one of the first characters we were introduced to. it was major part of the first story where this guy stole english clothes to survive. the one direction guy even yelled "a goddamned frog!"
>The town of Dunkirk is untouched and intact
>Modern buildings appearing in the background once in a while
>Few ships at most appearing in single shot -
La Manche not swarming with boats and any kind of shipping
>Untouched bodies after bombing
>Undynamic dogfights (but shown ,more realisticly than most films though)
Anyway, I liked the film. It nailed the atmosphere. But as I pointed out, it's not an accuracy ace.
the inaccurate part is where the movie pretends a bunch of pathetic loser frogs and anglos retreating is """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""heroic"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
are you sure? because in the movie the only "heroic" character was the pilot who let himself be captured and the old guy/kids on the boat. Pretty much all of the soldiers are portrayed as strung out maniacs or apathetic rocks who just let death take them.
hardly heroic
The lighting mainly. In reality there wouldn't have been a blue/green tint over everything.
I don't think he actually watched it desu
If I put fire on it, would it burn?
it would be extremely conspicuous
You are a man of great stature
For you
There were no orderly lines at the beach. Shit was chaos.
>soldiers standing in the water
for what purpose? it's fucking cold, why make yourself wet when you can sit on a dry beach?
>pilot's unpowered turn to shoot down the enemy aircraft at the end
that was dumb.
the private ships did next to nothing
not enough equipment on the shore
only a few shots of french fighting, while they were holding a perimeter in heavy fighting while brits were standing in queue
mr heroic english pilot wouldnt do that, wasting an able pilot and his aircraft
the hiding in the ship and hating the frog was completely out of picture
if you want to get a better picture of dunkirk, read robert merle: weekend at zuydcoote
he was there fighting and got captured at jun4, unironically theres almost nothing about this book on wikipedia, fucking anglos
>like jdam that sucks and superheat the air
99% you're referring to a fuel-air explosive bomb and not a JDAM which is a type of GPS-guided munition
>main character literally runs into the French army who are the only ones shown actually fighting on the ground
What did he mean by this?
>litterally ends with the main character moping that they aren't heroes and Churchills speech that wars are not won by evacuations
>entire movie is about survival
You know how I know you havent actually seen it?
I think he burned his aircraft to prevent the Germans from getting it.
no he just burnt it because it looked cool
It was a 10 mile long beach they weren't all crammed into one area of it
would panicked troops have rationally thought about it?
Too much gun time for spitfires, no ones smoking, when the British ship gets torpedoed you see prop chop even though German torpedoed used compressed air.
>wounded by concussion from the ground
ah yes
How many fucking times am I going to see stupid posts like this? Do you REALLY think they had 300,000 on a single beach?
>Nolan's films are typically rooted in epistemological and metaphysical themes, exploring human morality, the construction of time, and the malleable nature of memory and personal identity. His body of work is permeated by materialistic perspectives, nonlinear storytelling, practical special effects, innovative soundscapes, large-format film photography, and analogous relationships between visual language and narrative elements. In addition to his filmmaking, he is an advocate for film preservation and the continued availability of film stock.
Is this true?
Sounds about right, the story in Dunkirk went all the fuck over the place.
Wish i could have seen more gun fights rather than some poor kid dying from a concussion.
Huh? My father had mandatory military education. They always went down on the ground.
What really bothered my autismo during dogfights was how the pilot was trying to bring the enemy to the center of crosshairs before opening fire instead of deflecting his aim as anyone who ever played a flight sim would have done.
what should have triggered your autismo is bf109s engaging in a turning fight instead of dive and strike then climb
also muh yellow-painted nose cones
>Being such an autist you think everyone is going to consider things like this when being bombed
No it would hide the specs of the craft. preventing any new information about engines/weapon loadouts from being properly obtained. No serial numbers which could guide bombing raids onto supply factories. All sorts of info that can be gained from a landed, intact plane.
>It's a metaphor for the entire British military history if you wish.
kek, you shitlord
Yeah! Where were the car chases? And who was even the bad guy! Dumb movie!
A kang and his entourage.
Deflection shooting is only for the flight autismo's who can pull it off, otherwise it's a bad use of limited ammunition
Dunkirk was basically the British evacuating while the French were fighting the germans as a rearguard
In the movies you see the British, the German (a bit), but somehow, no sign of the French who were in between these two
>no sign of the French
If you haven't seen the movie, why are you talking about it?
I've never, ever once seen a post from someone criticizing this film where it wasn't obvious they hadn't seen it and just pretended to.
Yeah, you see a few French troops on the beach at the beginning, one French coward trying to pass as a Brit, but you don't see the rearguard
Near the end, when the Germans are closing in, you don't see the French rearguard retreating and joining the Brits on the beach
You just see the Germans closing in, as if there wasn't anything between them and Brits
The part where the Spitfire runs out of gasoline then proceeds to not only engage in like miles and miles more level flight, but also fucking shoots down a dive bomber ... and then more level flight along the beach ... that shit was fuckin' retarded.
Also the way this film was edited made it a pain to keep track of what order things were happening in.
It's almost like they were trying to tell a story about survival instead of shooty bangbang, or something...
I ain't saying it should have depicted the fighting between the French and the advancing Germans
But at the end, when the Germans are closing in, they could easily have depicted the French rearguard retreating and joining the Brits on the beach, so people would understand that during the whole movie while bitch ass Brits were sitting on a beach dodging a few bombs there and there, the French were fighting to slow down the Germans
Instead of that it looks like there was nothing between the beach and the krauts, and that they're so late just because they did some tourism on the way
Kenneth Branagh says he's going to stay behind to help the French as his last lines of dialogue...
When you actually get around to watching the film you'll discover that the opening sequence has the main brit escaping to the beach through a position being held by the french. It even makes a point of showing one of the frogs giving him a dirty look.
Not him and never watched the movie, but if it actually depicted what the French did to save the evacuation I don't think Lindybeige could have spinned his video about that movie into "See how the French were fucking cowards while we Bongs were heroic" like he did
>taking a French dance instructors comedy history channel seriously
Lindy obvious mentally blanked out any scene depicting fr*gs.
I love playing his vids in the background but don't fucking take him as an authoritative figure.
>Stukas not dive bombing and not even shooting with their mgs on the allied troops
>there's never more than 3 of them on the screen by the way, it's not like you can show more with a $100 million budget anyway
>oh and I don't recall ever seeing someone just trying to shoot them
>evacuation beach is almost perfectly clean while on historical pictures it looks like a gigantic mess (pic related)
>movie is called dunkirk but you barely even see the city, although most of the evacuation was done in the port and not on the surrounding beaches
The film was supposed to show the mayhem the evacuation was but it just shows a bunch of guys dying of boredom on a beach waiting for ships with a few stukas dropping some bombs once or twice.
>Modern buildings appearing in the background once in a while
every scene with buildings
>don't recall ever seeing someone just trying to shoot them
It was litterally in the trailer...
Ok fair enough, but you'll admit we don't see the british soldiers trying to defend themselves very much in the movie.
There weren’t any cigarettes or smoking in the movie.
No you fucking mong
It's procedure to either burn your aircraft if you're an airman or put explosives inside of your tank if you're a tank crewman and bail out
This bothered me to no end, especially in the last few scenes of Bane just drifting over the town
Fuck you, it looks iconic
That 109 model is capable of doing so with reasonable parity with the Spitfire. It's the later ones that wouldn't (or at least shouldn't) do that.
Not that unreasonable. If you have speed (or altitude, which is really only saved up speed) you can glide and maneuver for a decent time.
The only thing that bothered me was the He-111 rear gun that sounded like a fucking 40mm.
Bolton literally says he's staying to evacuate the French
No. I thought it did portray the BEF as slightly too lost and out of their depth. That was certainly the situation, but it was the French collapse that created the pocket, and strong British resistance can be found, like in the counterattack at Arras.
why is there a killer whale flying towards him
Everyone knows the world was black and white before the 50s
People always seem to maintain that only the French were fighting in the rearguard and only the British were being evacuated.
The French exhibited heroism of the highest order whilst fighting in the rearguard. But British troops were also heavily involved in defending key towns outside Dunkirk to give time for the evacuation. Look up the defence of Cassel by the 2nd Gloucesters and Oxford and Bucks LInfantry.
As for the final perimeter defence around the beachhead itself, here is a list of British units involved in that rearguard, British and French troops were split up, with the French responsible for defending the line Mardyck - Bergues, and the British Bergues - Furnes - Nieuport.
Fuck for some reason the list of units got deleted but here it is:
the Loyals, Leicesters, Sherwood Foresters, Warwickshires, East Lancashires, Borders, Coldstream Guards, Duke of Wellington's, Green Howards, Durham Light Infantry, King's Own Scottish Borderers, Royal Ulster Rifles, Grenadier Guards, Berkshires, Suffolks, Bedfordshire and Herts, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, East Surreys, Royal Fusiliers, South Lancashires and the Black Watch
Yeah, a few Brits were involved in the rearguard too
Pic related, the rearguard numbers
>would panicked troops have rationally thought about it?
They're not civvies. They're highly trained fighting men, whose lives are pledged to the defense and maintenance of the state. If a soldier cannot follow his training in combat, he will be executed by those who can.
>who let himself be captured
And thus loses the right to call himself """""""""""""""""""""""""""hero""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
> 3 Stukas comes in for a HUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE diving bomb
> carpet bomb the beach
The only thing my autism was triggered by was that the bombs that went off underwater had no effect on the men swimming right next to them. In real life bombs are extremely effective in water because of the shock waves.
Nolan (director) absolutely detests using CGI in live action movies, and relies more on practical effects. For some shots, they used wooden cutouts of soldiers in the distant to make them look many.
It was terrible. Didn’t even come out in 3D and at no point was “It Ain’t Me” played.
what a fag lmao
>hurr fuck technological progress durr!
>I aint gonna use that car when I can has a good horse, derp!
>all cgi is good
Of the top of my head
The front line in the movie is directly behind the beach if that was true the British and french would have been wiped out on the beach straight away
The destroyers and cruisers etc alarms are not blaring and no call to action stations when the ships been attacked and taking water.
Dates for those figures? The initial perimeter defence for the beachhead actually put far more British troops in contact with the advancing German forces. Obviously towards the last 2-3 days of the evacuation French troops took over more of the front, but as you can see from the map I posted, the British defended the line from Bergues up to Nieuport, around 65% of the total perimeter.
>Also the way this film was edited made it a pain to keep track of what order things were happening in.
That's literally the point.
>People don't dive for cover when a FUCKING shell hits the ground next to them, instead crouching and providing a larger silhouette for the fucking shrapnel
At one point in time the British pilot is going after a HE-111 and you hear the mg on it open up to defend its self. If you listen to it that is a 20mm gun that is in that turret not the 7.92mm gun that was put into the German bombers as defensive weaponry.
An other issue with the film is that they did not really show the amount of gear that the British left behind in France they showed at most a few crates not the everything the British brought with them.
Other then those 2 things not much I can think of other then more ju-87s needed to show the how the Germans were like the Luftwaffe will do it for us
the ending scene was retarded and the germans being so close yet not doing anything but it's still pretty accurate. then again, that's mostly because it doesn't really go into too much depth. pretty good for anglo propaganda
this. the sounds were fucking annoying as fuck after being blasted so continuously and the music felt mismatched at times. it wasn't that bad though.
And it cost him in this film. Cgi exists for a reason.
He was at 3k feet at most. Airspeed bleeds off very quickly once the engine is off and then it’s either descend or stall. They’re spitfires, they’re not starting at Mach 2. You sure as shit aren’t going to have the energy left for an engagement and level flight of any kind is out of the question. It was just typical Nolan nonsense.
Have you ever interacted with British people? ;)
It bleeds off, but the spit is light with a low stall speed, so you can absolutely do stuff afterwards, and level flight or maneuvering is possible at the expense of speed, which you can regain by dumping altitude. The film may play a little fast and loose with the time-line (hard to tell without keeping exact track of altitude, speed and time between cuts) but it happening at all isn't unreasonable. I've flown enough with total loss of power in sims to have experienced as much.
Saw it in 70mm, real marvelous sight and sound to behold.