Why isn't he made fun of for this?

Why isn't he made fun of for this?
Is Hollywood worried he will be compared to Stalin and people will laugh at communism because of it?

Other urls found in this thread:


Stalin had a sissy voice

It's because he had classic virgin posture and mannerisms

5'9 was tall for the time (average in Germany or the US).

That's drugs + sped up footage

this is your brain on meth

175 is fine, stop memeing.
t. 169

So did Mao, I listened to him speak recently and it sounded like he was about to cry.
Probably just the warbled shitty recorder, though.

>tfw 1.5 m subhuman

not really
but he was a shit orator overall and could barely speak Russian, that's why he hired Yuri Levitan(who had a deep voice) to do his announcements

This was a few cm over average.

How much of a failure in every single aspect of your life do you have to be that the last thing you can fall on to feel good about yourself is your height?

t. 1.75m manlet

>why isn't he made fun of for being of completely average height?

It's not sped up footage.

"men" below 6' are laughed at in Hollywood by though

Stalin spoke good Russian. His just had a heavy Georgian accent.

Compare this


to this


I would legit kill myself if i was that much of a nano infant.

his fucking voice
you can hear people trying not to laugh lmao

Being a manlet is failure and leads to failure in every single aspect of your life, so your point is stupid.

Because Churchill and Stalin were both far shorter.

>In adulthood, Stalin measured 5 feet 4 inches (1.63 m) tall. To give the impression that he was taller, he wore stacked shoes, and stood on a small wooden platform during parades

>Being a manlet is failure and leads to failure in every single aspect of your life

Nappy wasn't a manlet for his time.

>posts failure

>Lost everything, shat himself to death

1.75 was above average then

Jesus Christ this is some massive autism

This is how the average gambling addict watches horse racing tbqh



good luck user