Omg 30,000%
Cliff high promised me 30k up on this shitcoin. Why it hasnt happened?
Omg 30,000%
Cliff high promised me 30k up on this shitcoin. Why it hasnt happened?
nigger just wait until people sell their bitcoin gold and have spending money
Because Clif High is a crackpot.
I'm amazed he's still around.
It will happen. Infact both OmiseGo and TenX will moon. Both of these Singaporean companies started and moon together. It takes times to accumulate. This is crypto. If you don't have patience or believe in a project, invest in fuckcoin.
Pick one.
Imagine where OMG will be in 3 years. We're all going to be rich. Too bad user can't even hold a single coin for more than a week.
>holding alts for more than week
enjoy your bags
Overvalued before?
I got cliff'd :/
Fuck his ALTA reports
omisego is overvalued as it gets. no ethereum token should be in the top 100. they are all offering the same thing and none of them have any product.