What does God do?
What does God do?
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He gods over people and things
>looks at the current state of the world and the known history
Saying that he isn't doing a particularly good job would be a colossal understatement.
how would you know? maybe he stopped a meteor from hitting earth last week
shitposts vicariously through our dumb asses.
he protec
rules over the immaterial (aether) and makes plans for humanity
Maintains preordained harmony.
Read the end of Job for that answer.
>What does God do?
Usual Smite
whatever it wants
Fail to be real.
this too
>"God won't wipe my ass for me he's so evil despite giving me...everything wagh I want more!"
God is.
not exist
Chill out, max, relax all cool, shoot up some b-ball outside the gates till a couple of Pharisees who were up to no good started making trouble in the neighborhood He got in one little fight Pontius got scared he said "you're climbing with your mommy and brother to Calvary"
Eat french fries
If god is real, it's not the abrahamic one. It's far weirder and more complicated than you can understand.
Masturbate to anime
Wow great minds think alike ah?
God is an omnipresent, intergalactic, extra-3-space "spirit" being.
Spends his entire day either laughing at our stupidity or crying himself to sleep for the evil shit we've done to each other.
So why don't you kill yourself then ungrateful bitch? Hm?
>What does God do?
gets blamed for all the shit you do
Provide meaning.
Also functions as a unmoved mover/demiurge/something outside our time-and-space that resolves various paradoxes and makes your conioursness non-absurd . Also he has a son
Prepares for the Second Coming
He created us. Jesus saved us, and the Holy Spirit guides us.
just kinda hangs out with jesus, banters satan a bit, and then maybe gives a few faggots AIDS to be cheeky. nothing you wouldn't do in his position
you are thinking pretty highly of yourself user
Make more consumer hominoids to fill the void in his immortal life.
God simply does. He's a force akin to that of nature. How he works is unknown to us.
Dafak he wants, except dice. God does not play dice.
Do you actually think we understand Him? When people wrote the Bible, they had to use human emotions to describe what He does. People had to make comparisons or there would be no way for them to write down anything. The only thing we know about Him are the important things He wants us to know.
He does.
I'm actually writing a graphic novel about a dude who was the human vision of "god." He created the multiverse and all that was in it, but his god powers were taken away and he walks the earth as an immortal humanoid.
I personally believe there has to be something that happens when we die, but I don't bother asking questions, I'm just going to wait until it happens. I don't think (s)he is as all knowing and all seeing as we would think, and there's a reason the world is the way it is. I think god is supposed to watch over the people kind of like kami from Dragonball Z but (s)he doesn't actually do anything. (s)he already created everything. God is basically just the universe's greatest carpenter.
God has the least chill out of any real person or character in history
Fuck shit up like when he wrecked Israel in Ezekiel