Also, general Russia thread.
Is Russian history ultimately a tragedy?
It, unironically, could have been much worse.
Such as if the russians had never united and it remained several irrelevant slav states killing each other while sucking mongol and european cock
>get raped so hard you invite your rapists to rule over you
>rapist turns out to be really good at protecting your ass and raping other bitches
>rapist eventually forms an empire and decides to call itself uber ceaser rapist
most of human history is pure misery tb h
>Russians don't know what living in a non-autocratic state feels like
The darkest nation of the darkest timeline.
Maintaining serfdom past the 1700s was a mistake. Although I guess it was either that or have a bunch of noblemen autistically screeching at the Russian monarch.
>Get raped by mongols
>Forced to pay tribute
>Finally whoop their ass
>Raises sword pointing down
>Slams sword down into ground
I can smell the Hollywood/Russian propaganda that could come from a tatar russia movie
But many German states maintained serfdom until the 1830s/40s.
The manner of Russian emancipation was the real mistake. They were freed in terms of legal status, but remained economically impotent, resulting in a form of quasi-serfdom that was similar to share-cropping.
Retard tier. Without the industrial revolution, mass emancipation wouldn't have been possible. Britain, the US, Russia, most other European nations liberated it's peoples in the 19th century. The US and Russia did it within two years of each other. They had the timeline right. Russia wasn't as tragic until the 20th century, when it stopped being Russia.
>They were freed in terms of legal status, but remained economically impotent, resulting in a form of quasi-serfdom that was similar to share-cropping.
Yeah that was a shitty mistake as well, although I recall reading they weren't very reluctant to do away with total freedom of serfs, because they were afraid this would lead to a massive unemployed proletariat, resulting in a Socialist revolution in the Monarchy.
Fair enough, didn't really focus o nthe social situations of the West, mainly looked at Russia, my bad.
>Russia wasn't as tragic until the 20th century
Excuse me?
>Mongol invasion
>Neverending wars
>The fucking time of troubles
>Ever-worsening conditions of the serfs
>One retarded tsar after another
The second half of the 20th century was the best time to live in out of this country's 1000+ years of history
t. Russian
When you fail to put things into proper context, perhaps.
But in reality Russians today live the best they ever lived, Russia is overall an okay-tier country (from a global perspective) and a great power.
>Russians today live the best they ever lived
That depends on the perspective from which you are looking. Yes, the average Russian can afford to buy more shit than before. But consuming is not all there is to life. Our birthrates are below replacement rate. We were once a triumphant nation. The most well-read nation. Now we are nothing but a bunch of vapid consumerists who are slowly being replaced with migrants. The future of this people is what we paid for being able to buy iPhones every year.
>we were most read nation
You're delusional. 100 years ago most of people were illiterate.
During the 2nd half of the Soviet Union's existence.
>wah why did they have to fight mongol
Why the fuck are you even on Veeky Forums?? Are you not aware that Mongols were raping everyone from Hungary to Korea down to Iran? Maybe you forgot that all the worst mass killings the Mongols performed were in central Asia? And the "time of troubles" was unusual for Russia, but not for literally everyone else a couple hundred miles south of them. The fact they called it that should clue you in that they're not used to that sort of thing and weren't prepared to be. Worse conditions of the serfs? They started out with shit. Their bottomline could only improve over time, which it did. Serfs were freed before American slaves were. And the Tsars really weren't that bad. Compare the Duma to Nicky II. He had to dissolve it because they kept blocking every reform and tried cancelling war time preparations for WW2. Democracy was a mistake in Russia, objectively.
>t. Russian
Apparently not. Doesn't matter where you're born, it matters what you are. And you are not a Russian.
Communism was a phase, it's over, and it was futile. I don't think it was all negative of course.
But you seem to appreciate illusion of grandeur more than reality. Modern Russia is the richest, most stable Russia ever.
Despite the faults of Putin, he laid the ground for a real progress in the future. Things will be fixed slowly. Show some optimism.
>The most well-read nation
>being replaced with migrants
Da, Igor, da.
When was the golden age of Russian literature again? Not in the USSR.
>war time preparations for WW2.
Typo, meant WW1
how bad the replacement is?
for every russian that dies, 5 churkas take his place
But that's false.
Russian empire had a sophisticated upper class and a pleb lower lass, USSR was all pleb with no culture or intelligentsia. Pure bydlotopia.
let's NOT have Russia related threads because they attract two worst kind of Russians and it's really painful for me to see
this is Finland thread now
t. Russian
>going from being the eastern part of Sweden to the footstool of the Kremlin
>unironically thinking it's a good thing
>cannot into NATO
>wants a military alliance with Sweden
>hopes that "die dumme Schweden" won't realize how they will be corrupted by finnish Sklavenmoral
t. Swede
>Is Russian history ultimately a tragedy?
Not even remotely. Look at Iran, China, Greece and India for real tragedies.
Russia for comparison was and is much better off
>how the fuck is the salt tax even real just make your own salt nigga, boil some seawater Lmao
>it's really painful for me to see this is Finland thread now
you're the same so that's no biggie