It's going to be OKAY

Just calm down you psychopaths. Successful investors don't let their emotions control them. Remember, you only lose money when you sell. Look at the history of any stock or coin in the past and you will see fluctuations in price. It is almost inevitable that this coin will recover to it's ATH. Have patience.

Other urls found in this thread:

You only lose time by holding onto bags for years at a time as you lose money. Cut you are a losses. Move on towards!


This is just a straight out dump. I bought in at ICO and even I am worried at this point. As long as Sergey stays silent, this shit will dump


You all make me cringe. The coin has been out for 2 months. Do you even know what investing is? Hold your fucking assets you uneducated plebs or go and read a book on investment.


Kek down another 10% today.
just wait for market open tomorrow it will be killed

Nice English there pajeet

LINK is great, absolutely. Reasons I bought in haven't changed, but if you were looking for a flip and didnt sell, you fucked up. If you are holding long term (like me) and havent been swing trading to increase your stack (which I have 50 k --> 93k) you fucked up too.

Go off to reddit if you want to hold hands while your haemmorhage the money you earned.

>market open tomorrow
Wtf you talking about nigga, this is crypto not stocks

Holy shit, what an unbelievable shitcoin, it's even worse than fucking digibyte, at least that coin had a big moon before bleeding to death.
I'm so sorry for the people who fell for this scam...valuable lesson: never listen to Veeky Forums shills.

At this stage I can only pray for you linkies...

Anyone selling now at all time low is a complete fuckhead. You deserve to sell low and buy ath... stupid fuks lol


all I can do is laugh desu

every time I think we reached the floor, it tanks another 10%. It's actually quite beautiful

Holy shit user, saved, where do I give you gold.

You only lose time by holding onto bags for years at a time as you lose money. Cut you are a losses. Move on towards!

Damn. Now I'm 20k in debt.

im no pajeet user. i have enough. thanks tho

Please post your bags. Post your LINK in your blockfolio

Teach me the art of swing trading, thanks in advance.

I'm down 124k and feeling comfy as ever. I honestly don't give a fuck.

My phone is downstairs charging and I'm not arsed. Most link holders are deluded here, I said it in a different thread, this suits me down to the ground. Im gonna be busy for te next few months and will only be watching crypto for likr 15 mins a day if even, so I can just hold once Im done. ideally would have liked to get to 100k, maybe thi announcement & devcon 3 will bring it up a bit. Got some whale support there.

The real scam atm is liqui not letting me with draw my 1.5 btc worth of TaaS

Pmsl at the state of all of this. Only weeks ago every other thread was hyping link, now look at you. This happens to every shitcoin on Veeky Forums. Shill, hype, collapse. Rinse and repeat.

Makes my gains feel even better knowing that others are losing money.

dito, down $35000 (29%) comfy af. i know it will go up again. just wished i bought later (like right now) so i could have even more. but well, its still enough to make it

Pajeet, learn some fucking english before you try to manipulate people.

why are pajeets even allowed to post here ? All IPs should be blocked except for US and EU

Keep moving on towards, deluded linkies.

Anti-linkies remind me of Anti-Trump fags during the election. They all wanted Trump to lose because of how powerful he could become if he won.

In this case, all the FUDers want to lower the price so they can buy in.

nigger it's already so fucking low no one's falling for your shit

Well it's sub ico now so they've achieved their goal.

ok thanks just sold 100k link because I don't want a retard to get into the top 3 coins

Crazy mother fuckers ; ) I like it.

it's not you retard

I bought ico and still 20% down...

down 20k niggers i will make it


>market open

>swing trading
>in a consistently falling market

We're not all retarded. Why are you married to your coin faggot

OK, there was an user who asked me why I think LINK is useless in a thread. I didn't reply and they called me a gullible pajeet.
Gonna reply here tho.

So listen up.
You see what is Confido doing? They gonna use their own node for their needs. SO basically they gonna be payin themselves with LINK for doing the work they need. In such case LINK price can be anything. It can be $100 or $0.01 — doesn't matter as long as you pay yourself.

Other companies gonna do the same. This won't create any value for LINK.

The only increases that LINKERS will be seeing this week is an increase in their suicide rate.

i done have nearly 50k link like you do

It will drop below 10 cents within hours. That free fall

Also, check this out:
Ppl been comparing LINK crash to DGB.
Nobody even expected it to tank this much. LINK may unironically hit under-ICO price.

Say all you want about revolutionary tech, but this tech doesn't need LINK to operate

>literal trash coins and scams above chainlink
>some random garbage

What the fuck does that even mean? you have 50k link or you don't?

I had 95k Link at one point and sold it, and bought more and sold and bought more and sold higher.

Do you want me to send you my whole exported trading history of LINK from binance?

You're shit at this. Face it that some people aren't and didn't just join crypto in 2017 you pleb

i dont have anywhere clos to 50k link

That's what I'm talking about
Half of these coins is pink wojak choice awards winners, another half is so shit that even Veeky Forums has not heard of them. And then there's LINK at the very bottom of it. Soon we'll need to scroll to page 2 to see LINK

ha I made 3k into 130k with PURA stay mad

You can't even afford 50k LINK and you think that successful swing trading in this market isn't happening?

That's the point I was making. You stay poor and I'll make money. Fucking handicap

What the fuck is this shit, literally 12000x in 4 months.

well hey at least youre making more of tokens that are moving to being worth nothing

A shitcoin that was formerly called Icash. After name change, it mooned haard.

This. I'm down 40% but I've never been comfier. My only regret is not holding out for a lower buy-in.

holy shit. dont put a cent on that crap.

i was oggling marketcap and saw that shit. i visited their webpage and saw they had a section called "cryptocoins in south america"

being a spic and all in south america i read through the entire shit. they were saying they were inspired by costa rica and some more garbage, plus that they were working on debit cards for ATMs that would work here

i left a comment letting them know costa rica is not in south america. i also inform that there are many countries here that have made all cryptocurrencies illegal

the fuckers don't have the decency of making my comment public, but at least they changed the title of the page to "cryptocoins in latinamerica"

stay the fuck away of that shit


I am all out now :)

The delusion in this thread is incredible. Did you ever think for a moment whether link can actually make enough money to justify its current market cap? Holy shit.

How's that plexcoin working for you?

go back to english class, mr. pajeet

What delusion? We have a token here from a company that works together with SWIFT and it is undervalued as hell because of the Binance bots. There have been coins in the past that mooned for jackshit like OMG and the whole Apple thing. Yet Chainlink is a number 76 coin and below literal scamcoins like Bancor. If you think this won't moon way beyond its ATH in the next six months, then you are the deluded one, retard. This is one of the few tokens that actually has ties to big bussiness. It's just working around its obstacles now. ADHD traders who looked for a quick 3x are fudding now to justify their cutting of losses.

If you don't own Chainlink by now, you literally hate money.

>muh bots

>not buying link at this low

larp or straight stupid

i want to believe but the flushing noise intesifies

If you never sell you can never tell anyone "I lost all my money on LINK"
Your "Pride" is getting in the way.