Literally nothing ever happened here. It's worse than Africa, which at least has Egypt and Carthage.
>But the Aztecs
They lived in Mexico.
Literally nothing ever happened here. It's worse than Africa, which at least has Egypt and Carthage
Uma delicia
Norte Chico
Britain wouldn't have won either WW without Argentine beef and wheat. Up to 80% of beef consumed in Britain came from there.
Also, numerous discoveries and inventions which apparently you are too much of a brainlet to know about.
several of those countries were inca dominions, whether wholly or in part
you fucking idiot
why bully south americans when they have qt latinas and the inca?
go pick on negroids
Inca is mexico filthy sudaca
What is the purpose of this thread?
>comparing Egypt and Carthage to the vast majority of Africa
>i.e. sub-saharan and East/West African
>saying SA history is worse and less significant than Africa's
OP why do you shit up this fine board with your autistic opinions?
>murican education
Also, Incas (Peru) were more advanced than the Aztecs... they had metalworking, anti-seismic architecture, developed over 2000 varieties of potato to grow at different climates, and the largest paved road network since the Roman Empire.
While some instances of Inca sacrifices are recorded, they also weren't sacrifice-obsessed autists like the Aztecs were.
Human sacrifice was rare.
>what is Gran Colombia
>What is Peru-Bolivia Confederacion
>what is La Plata nations
>what is Brazil
If anything,I would want a timeline where countries like Gran Colombia and Peru-Bolivia survived
Incas > Aztecs
It has been here before, it's a b8 thread so people will say OP is a fag and then post everything SA related proving OP is an idiot but in reality is just a way for OP to get replies showing him/her what precolumbian SA achieved.
Anyway, in Monte Verde -Chile- you have the oldest remains of humans in the entire continent, 16500 BE which fucks up the whole behring continental bridge and supports the coastal migration thesis for human settlements here.
Also the chinchorro culture which momified their dead 4000 before the Egyptians made it cool.
Also the Tiwanaku empire that predated the Inca empire.
>Anyway, in Monte Verde -Chile- you have the oldest remains of humans in the entire continent, 16500 BE which fucks up the whole behring continental bridge and supports the coastal migration thesis for human settlements here.
Is there more genetic similarity between Polynesians and Andeans than North American tribes?
Yes, but it's almost none. The ones with most admixture are the amazonians.
Coastal migration from the Bering Strat.
A challenger appears!
I'm assuming OP is talking about the pre-european history.
>Inca is mexico
>African world
>what is the Roman empire
I don't understand what you are saying user.
I like my ancestors am pure incan
Those digits for such uhhhh.. post
Well I post here a lot, it was about time I got my fucking get. My only regret is I didn't post Rose or a Pregnant Anne Frank alongside.
>forget fire
>unlearn how to tame dogs
>lose a war to emus
The 3 most important milestones of australian history.
>forget fire
>unlearn how to tame dogs
Abos apparently didn't knew that sex produced children, and thought women would get pregnant if they went to swim.
Maybe they reproduced like fish by cumming in the water.
>CHI doesn't even know where Incas are from
>don't bullya palce cuz of the womans1
Muh dick much?
Boring git
today i was reminded
>Comes from /int/
>expecting Veeky Forums to be more erudite and refine.
>To be more cult and knowledgeable.
>This is what welcomes me.
>Abos apparently didn't knew that sex produced children, and thought women would get pregnant if they went to swim
The more important question is how retarded are YOU to believe this?
>Veeky Forums
>erudite and refined
You really need to look elsewhere, his gets trolled by pol all the time
>implying this thread is no he same fag every time
It's not.
Is this a bad thing? If WW3 every comes along South America would be the last place to die.
>What are the Wari, Tiwanku, Moche, Sican, Chimu, Inca, and every other urban state cultures in the Andes
How does it feel being retarded OP?
The Aztecs worked coppers and bronzes as well; though not to the same extent, and the in terms of population densities and city sizes mesoamerica completely BTFO'd the Inca and the andes in general. Cusco, the Inca captial, only had around 30k people in the city proper with the rest spread out in suburban and rural areas around the city, wheras the Aztec captial had 250k people in only 5 square miles, and had some of the most advanced hydraluic and sanitation systems in the world there. Based on what i've seen i'd also say the Aztecs/Mesoamerica had more advanced architecture, but I don't think any actual large scale inca temples or palaces are left to compare. Moche Hauca's are definitely pretty damn cool though, so if it's anything like that i'd consider them even, though Mesoamerica and the aztec IMO had better architectural aesthetics at least, with cement/stone buildings covered in smooth sutcco with columns and courtyards, a bit like the ancient Mediterranean, vs the Inca's cobblestone esque constructions.
Inca's domestication and selective beeding of potatos is mad impressive, but so is the Mesoamerican's domestication of corn, which was likewise one of the most impressive feats of selective breeding in history. They also obviously had the Chinampas artificial island system for expanding cities on lakebeds and to use as farmland, and had huge gardens, zoos, and nature preserves to stock food.
>la cretura
It had the Inca, which were superior to anything your eurangatan ancestors could conjure
>throwing pearls to swine
I have a slight interest in it's 20th century history, but I'm not really sure where to start with it.
I don't know enough about the Inca to compare their military complexity, their education systems, or the arts I know like the Aztecs/Meso., the Inca valued the more intellectual sides of the arts greatly, and like them had philosophers, but I don't know if they practiced poetry or had actual written works like them: Do we know if quippu were a form of writing or not?
In terms of craftsmanship, painting, and the physical sides of the arts, I know obviously the Inca and andean were master goldsmiths, but I'm not sure i'd say they were better at it then the meso., and I do feel quite confident in saying that the Meso. were superior featherworkers. I don't really have much to compare here, but i'd buy the Inca were better at cloth then the Meso., given what i've heard about them and theiir love of fibers. If the inca were as good at murals/frescos as the Moche, i'd also be willing to buy they are on par with Meso. there; though I haven't seen sculptors as complex as in Meso. (pic related) anywhere from the andes, though their non-aristic stoneworkl (esp. Pumapunku) is insanely impressive. In terms of education, the Aztec had an entire state/municipally run education system for all childern, regardless of social class or gender, did the Inca have a state education system or anything similar?
Militaristically, I know that the Inca, like the Aztecs/Meso., had actual organized armies,but I don't know if they fought in formation or had formal rank systems like the former did. You'll have to clarify. In terms of their military accomplishments, both basically dominated their respective cultural regions, though the Inca more completely so AFAIK, but I also know that the andes had more "dead space" then meso. did, and AFAIK less cities and political states, so that might have made it easier on them.
Now don't be like that user, there are still people that contribute on this board and can appreciate the info dumps.
There's a reason I only visit Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /k/ and Veeky Forums... last good boards in this shithole
You make very good points, but the population disparity can be explained by the much harsher climate and soil in the Andes. The entire Inca political system and organization was geared towards exploiting and making the best agricultural use of otherwise very poor farmland.
The need for crop rotation explains the Mit'a system and the need to prevent famine (of which there is evidence from previous Andean civilizations), their communal social organization.
>tons of gold to Spain
>exploration of the Amazon
>discovery of the Pacific Ocean
>wars of independence
>Nazis hiding there
>Many world football champions
>drug trafficking
>Che Guevara
>a cold war playground
Many things have happened there, being an illiterate just like you doesn't make them disappear
Vos sí que sos una bestia
Tu si che sei una bestia
You are such a monster
Not actually. This is probably a b8, and a low quality one.
Your list reads like a bunch of stereotypes rather than actual interesting things that happened.
By the way, silver was more important to the Spanish than gold in South America.
I read that as anti-semitic architecture
Showing OP's retardation and also b8
Peru-Bolivia was Wrecked the fuck up by chile; TWICE.
Gran Colombia went to shit because of Bolivar
Argentina is several dominions that banded together and began to work by carefuly tuning their political system.
Its basically how you would see a Gran colombia be.
Remember; Argentina used to be the "Argentine Confederation"
Alright Veeky Forums, inform me: is norte chico/caral a meme or not?
Was it actually the start of urban state socities in the andes? It doesn't seem like any other ones pop up till around like 300AD at tthe earliest. What's with the almost 3000 year gap there? Was caral just an early outlier? I've also heard itt compared to Göbekli Tepe rather then an actual city, so more a pre-urban monolotthiic site or a proto city. Is that more accuratte
Precolombine American civilizations have all these massive lakes in which everything vanished, it's likely that several collapses akin to the bronze age collapse happened, only of much bigger scale and impact.
The whole thing is really fucking spooky.
t. Inca-shit
>Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation
It was shit. I wish Portales was never born and Chile was incorporated into it, maybe then a true incan nation would've been born
God had to strike down the Injuns, if not they would've conquered the globe
Caral was based around a lake?
I think lake is used as a figure of speech here.
Beef that sustained both world wars
Early 1900's Argentina was on it's way to becoming the southern US but they fucked up and now they are a shithole
A Power Rangers team up that killed like 80% of Paraguay's population
The independence wars are kinda cool
Favelas and little kids with rocket launchers
>Literally nothing ever happened here.
Rain happens there a lot, its the wettest continent. Its not as good for human population though.
OP absolutely BTFO.
Start in New Years Eve 1899. Everybody is drunk and having orgies in the streets because the end of the world has been predicted.
Silver was more important because there was a huge mountain of silver in Bolivia, which had superficial ore, meaning only a handful of forced labour with shovels and carts could mine it, no tunnel or more.complex techniques required. It was cheap to mine and quite valuable, gold was harder to find and mine.
Ofc they depleted it and then ruined their economy by not investing in industry but economic theory wasn't a thing so they didn't had a chance at knowing it.
Mexico City is the most densely populated city in the world even today, Mexicans breed like roaches, that doesn't mean they're more advanced.
Portales was the only sensible man in the continent at that time, he recognized it was impossible to make a single nation out of multiple cultures composed mostly of confused mestizos and poverty.
>many world football champions
The absolute state of shitskin defenders
Any Incaboos want to enlighten me on what their philosophy was like? I focus on Mesoamerica but I don't know too much about the Andes.
t. Abbo
You think this by relying on ridiculous stereotypes. One can devote a lifetime to study the history of any of these countries.
Correct, but that's mexico city today and modern spics, not the Aztecs.
At the time, yes, it would have been impressive, since there weren't slums and ghettos and having like 5+ children didn't happen in Aztec society.