*does nothing*
*does nothing*
*raises taxes*
*humiliates Iraq*
*single-handedly defeats the soviet union*
*vomits on Japan's PM*
Posting in an epic thread
*gives my uncle a free Christmas vacation in Central America*
*ties up loose ends*
Which is why he was a good president
*Sets stage for 9/11*
*does nothing wrong*
>Triple 3's
Digits don't lie
Unironically best president in 40 years
He sent my Dad to the middle East for a year.
He wasn't bad, though. He was practical. But nobody wants practical anymore, they want to elect memes.
*Defends kuwaiit from Saddam Hussien*
La creatura invasora...
what did he do that was so good? the way I see it this dumb nigger relaxed regulations on the financial market paving the way for 2008 and also fucked up iraq even though he didn't give a fuck
Got elected on Reagan's coattails, threw it all away and got blasted in the reelection.
*holds a military parade*
(In reaction to Trump apparently wanting a parade, doubt its going to be like what he wants it but its not too unprecedented in the U.S.)
>ywn be stupid enough to blame both Sr and Jr for the 2008 housing bubble
feels good, actually
fugg, the thumbnail played a trick on me
got em!
None w/ taxes?
Last Republican to actually care about the environment
He gets a pass because he won a war
Trump has kinda won against Isis.
*leads and continues his legacy*
Weird way to write Putin.
Then parade all the US forces that helped to win.
Fuck this fucker for the "Americans with Disabilities Act" and creating a group of entitled cunts
>began taking the steps/negotiations necessary for NAFTA
>Immigration Act of 1990
Those two things alone should put him among the shittiest Presidents in history.
>if Perot didn't fuck it up he would have won again and we never would have had Bill, and therefore Hillary, and therefore Trump
Is Perot history's greatest villain?
>either of those being bad
Kek neck yourself
We're too busy betraying them to the Turks at the moment.
>people who can't use their legs are entitled cunts
*does nothing*
Isis lost 90% of its territory and most of its financial support before Trump was in office.
> Saw through the semi-orderly breakup of the Soviet Union
> Set reasonable goals for the Iraq War
> Started the transition out of the Cold-war military
It's hard to imagine now, but in 1989, few thought that the Soviet Union would be gone 3 years later, and even fewer thought that it would break apart with basically no bloodshed. The Soviet Hardliners were pushing for confrontation with the West while they still had a Union and force to back it up, and Bush Sr being tactful helped a lot to make sure nobody did anything stupid.
Was anyone triggered we had a cianigger president? Like the same way people are bothered Putin was kgb.
*takes credit for nothing*
Bill still would've won, Perot pulled equally from both candidacies
*does nothing*
No because Perot should've won. And it's Bush's own fault for just assuming his red states were secure and he didn't have to campaign in them.
The difference is that DBDU is aesthetic as fuck whereas I'd rather stab my eyes out with a Kabar than ever see digit or vomitcamâ„¢ ever again
*kills JFK*
*passes major healthcare bill*
*slows major recession*
*gets abducted by a red chinese submarine*
*secures saudi monarchy from collapsing*
>The Soviet Hardliners were pushing for confrontation with the West
Jr, Clinton, Sr, and Reagan are all at fault in some way
and now he's letting the Kurds get raped
>makes healthcare worst for the average American and the middle class
>does nothing economically other than manipulate the stats to make it look like the economy is recovering
Fixed those for you
*runs the CIA for 10 of its most divisive years*
>major healthcare bill
obamacare is literally dead without the individual mandate. It would be like if FDR passed social security, then he got voted out and the next president let you opt-out of the social security tax. social security would implode
its the same with the individual mandate. the individual mandate was basically another tax except they couldn't call it a tax because of phraseology and normies would get mad at more taxes. with it gone, people arent forced to pay into it
trump is not wrong when he says obamacare is going to implode. the only thing that will save it is if they somehow reinstate the individual mandate
Kurds should have known better
Its not like they have been sold out by the US in the past.
Non, ew taxes!
Read my lips? No. New taxes!
The us is a very honorable ally
>Retardlicans actually believe this
I actually think Bushy Sr. was one of our best presidents in the last 50 years... but that's REALLY not saying much at all.
*creates NWO*
They're fucking terrible. Same as Reagan's amnesty towards illegals.
*uses the apparatuses of state law enforcement and intelligence agencies, the court system and fault research paid for by his political party to spy on a citizen with whom he disagrees with and doesn't like to protect his dwindling legacy due to being a manufactured egomaniac and then lies about having any knowledge of any of it while the media covers for his actions that were worse than anything Nixon did with Watergate in your path*
*wins the last American war that was remotely justified or had a remotely positive outcome*
>Vietnam wasn't justified
>Fighting against the Taliban isn't justified
Wew lad, communism and genocidal islamists a shit
>Been in office for one year while being accused of increasingly nervous Democratic Party still trying to call him a Russian shill, and making making a mockery of our judicial system in the process
Too bad sending dreamers home, being against abortion, and trying to reform ICE so people can't just overstay their visas and get away with it for 20 years is seen as some kind of Holocaust , and therefore justifying the slimiest politics pseen since LBJ and Nixon
Killing JFK was "nothing"?
Oh, you mean the deal for absolute border security that once amnesty was declared, the demorats threw in the trash.
Never trust a demorat. Not once, not ever. They're evil parasites.
>thinking Vietnam came after the First Persian Gulf War
>thinking the invasion of Afghanistan has had a positive outcome
You don't read too good, do you?
Not him but you said "or had a positive outcome", not "and had a positive outcome".
>Afghanistan didnt have a positive outcome
It ended an entire country being turned into Outer Heaven for islamist terrorist and harboring an autistic billionaire who was using his vast wealth to fund commando tier terrorist operations against America.
I honestly dont know why people think Afghanistan is a "bad" or useless war
Afghanistan isn't an Islamist's dream anymore? The Taliban are defeated and the country is secular now?
Do you think the Taliban were behind 9/11 somehow?
you forgot Jimmy Carter
>thinking Vietnam came after the First Persian Gulf War
I said this where?
>Fighting the Taliban had no positive effects
Wew lad
They deserve it
>Afghanistan isn't an Islamist's dream anymore?
>The Taliban are defeated and is a sexual country now
Who said it needs to be secular, the Taliban just can't be in power
>Taliban were responsible for 9/11
No, but we are responsible for arming genocidal maniacs
Good, Kurds a shit. The SDF better give back the land to actual syrians and not keep it for muh Kurdistan. Also gas the PKK plz
>the way I see it this dumb nigger relaxed regulations on the financial market paving the way for 2008
What did he do? I understood it as Clinton being the guy allowing people who shouldn't have sub-prime loans to access sub-prime loans.
no you dumbass. The Taliban hasnt been in power since dec. 2001 when they got BTFO by coalition forces. And the Taliban were harboring the guy who did 9/11 as well as the 93 trade center bombing, the bombing of the african embassies, the bombing of the cole, and the attempted bojinka plot and the attempted millineum bombings.
And yet, people with disabilities overwhelmingly vote Democrat.
Gee, the GOP forced lazy public school teachers to teach kids with disabilities and forced liberal hypocrites to not discriminate against people with disabilities, Democrats do nothing to change the unfair SSI laws that keep people with disabilities from getting married or even saving money and they vote Donkey every year.
The truth is that most Democrats don't even CARE about people with disabilities.
>people with disabilities overwhelmingly vote Democrat
Especially mental disabilities.
>And yet, people with disabilities overwhelmingly vote Democrat.
We know that, user.
He started and ended the last war America ever won.
He was behind the Kennedy assassination and probably also the attempt on Reagan
>we could have had an orthodox president
feels bad man
Trump isn't Russia, Assad, or the Kurds
It was an image problem too. Who is the average American gonna vote for? A hip young governor who plays sax or a uncharasmatic old man who wears glasses?
>Assad won against ISIS
Everyone since Reagan up to Obama contributed to that shitshow by deregulating finance, and Obama didn't do nearly enough to fix the underlying issues.
Thanks Hutz
>thinking the invasion of Afghanistan has had a positive outcome
user that's not the point, it was a group that attacked us. We had every justification for the invasion, it wasn't like Iraq where it was controversial.
That raised taxes when he very publicly said he wouldn't.
I don't get how his presidential campaign got bombed by this one photo.