Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?

Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?

5'7 138 pounds 17-20% bodyfat
Max bench 135 pounds
Max deadlift 205 pounds
Max Squat(estimate) 180 pounds
Max overhead press 82 pounds
Max Chin ups: 8 reps
Max pull Ups: 5 reps

I've been working out for almost 11 months and I just turned 18.

Are you sure about your bodyfat percentage?

No not really, My abs aren't visible at all and My veins don't stick out much (with the exception of a couple. Why do you ask?

Looks normal to me but your progress is shit for 11 months.

Probably just have shit genetics

>37kg 1rm after almost a year
>1pl8 1rm bench after almost a year
holy shit nigger what the fuck are you doing with your time at the gym man like what
are you going twice a month or something ?
are you malnourished ?

>138 pounds

I think I might know what your problem is op

how much weight have you gained in 11 months?

Looks normal to me. Even at 17% body fat (you're not if abs aren't starting to be visible), your FFMI is under 18, which means below average but not total skelly. You have below average but not total skelly lifts. Don't sweat it.

I'm a legit 18% body fat (DEXA scan) and I have

>visible bicep veins that stay visible up through my shoulder
>lots of vascularity in forearms
>top abs peeking through fat, bottom abs hidden

So you're potentially over 20%.

Either way, don't sweat it. You'll make it, faggot. I was worse off than you starting out.

More like 3-5 times a week @1 hour and 45 minuters.
I used to get great gains for the first six months especially during my bulk. Went from 42.5kg to 50kg max bench in like 1 month.

About. 14 pounds but My bodyfat has gone down a little

Thank you for this post, your giving me hope!
Only problem is that I only increase in Say bench is around 3 pounds per month so with this Speed I'll reach 200 pound bench in like 2 years :(

Dude att what age did you start lifting and how Long have you benen working out? How have you progressed? How much did you overhead press when you started working out and how much can you press now?

If you reply I'll be very thankful

you are severely underweight

you should be gaining that much weight over 2 months, not 11. stop worrying about bf%

also is not "great gains" its complete shit. Im not saying this to put you down. Im saying it because you should be aiming for more

Dude you know I'm 5'7 right? Maybe your right about the bodyfat part. Should I just cut and then do a Lean bulk for a year?

Forgot to reply to the last part of your comment. First and foremost I truly appreciate the honesty. The second thing is that I'm hoping that I'm actually doing something wrong so that I know there is potential for me to gain faster when I figure out what the problem is.

With that being said at what speed are people expected to gain muscle? Isn't 7.5kg gain in max bench considered great or at least good progress in only a month? If not, what is?

Im 5'9 and went from 55kg bw to 85 in less time than youve been training

I think you should go straight to bulking. dont bother with a cut. you need to build mass. youre going to get a little fat in the meantime, but in the long run you wont regret it

>severely underweight

lmao you fucking retard. Only in the context of muh bearmode echo chamber is 5'7 138lbs "severely underweight".

How much of that is fat and how much have your lifts gone up?

>30kg gain in less than 11 months

No fucking way is that mostly lean mass if you're natty.

OP you need to leave this thread and keep doing what you're doing. People lie about their progress constantly because they have mental illness / self-image problems. The important thing is to lift regularly using a sensible compound-lift plan and eat at a slight surplus (250-500kcal/day). Don't worry about micromanaging and comparing to people who may or may not be (a) lying (b) on steroids (c) genetic freaks (d) any combination of abc.

whats considered good progress varies from person to person, but the fact that you made that progress without gaining much weight would suggest you could do much better if you bulked harder

I would say that depending on how youre built (eg if you have short arms 2pl8 bench will be easier to reach than 4pl8 dl) 1/2/3/4 should be achievable in 1 year of training give or take a few months

Op is not startinout. He has been at it almost a year.
Fyi Op is manlet too.

Im not fat but Im definitely not lean either. youre right. I understand that if I want to make progress I have to sacrifice abs for a year or 2

my lifts went from
bench: 22.5kg -> 105kg
squat: couldnt squat the bar -> 160kg (I didnt squat for the first 4 months because it made me dizzy)
dl: 70kg -> 160kg (my worst lift, very ashamed of it)

Im running texas method and making good progress on all my lifts still

I would partially agree about comparing yourself to others. you should be focused on yourself. but when you see a flaw in your training (your weight/diet in this case) you should fix it

I also think comparing yourself to others can spark a competitive fire in you, making you try harder, but this might be less effective for some. I found it really useful in motivating me

no offence man but vascularity isnt a good indicator, i have a friend whos well in the 20s % and he looks like 1 papercut and this nigga dead type material

he doesnt lift either

what site is this

Im up to 90kg Bench for 3x5 after 3 Months.. 5'7 also but I weigh 77 kg or 170lb.

Eat more, Drink more water, Sleep more.

This. what tracks all this stuff

It's called symmetric strength. All you have to do it look it up