Is cupping a meme?

is cupping a meme?

wet cupping is
dry cupping works

Does it look like a meme?

Yes, also why would you trust athletes, theyre dumb af anyways. Why do you think kinesio tape is so widely used.


Kinesio tape and copper bracelets are basically legal performance enhancers.

Unless a trustworthy m.d prescribes this- no.

ye as far as the placebo effect goes


Not if you get it done by an ancient Shaolin monk.

we all know where he really gets his talent from

well bathmate is cupping for your dick and it makes it bigger, so i guess you can get gains all over your body by doing them

They do N O T H I N G

Clarence Kennedy does not use them, he is an amateur who is nearly as strong as Klokov. He doesn't even use creatine. Ergo if he thought they worked, which they dont, he would use them.

THe only athletes that use them are beta males and dumb bitch beach volleyball whores

>he is an amateur who is nearly as strong as Klokov. He doesn't even use creatine

h-he's natty guise, we can all do it

I'm honestly baffled by your arguments... He is amateur, so why the fuck would he do anything in particular? A professional would likely do anything legal and not so legal to win since their livelihood is based on performance, an amateur has no such requirements. Could be he can't afford it, doesn't like it, simply has no need even if it is effective because his ability to eat isn't based on him lifting more. Also wtf has creatine got to do with anything? Similarly wtf does his strength being nearly the same as Klokov have to do with anything? I wear a lifting belt, so does Clarence, therefore Russia was right to invade Ukraine. That's seriously the level of logical jumps you're using.....

you best be joking...

>what you got there Phelps? Looks like some illegal substance burning in a glass device
>it's uh uh uh just like a uh advanced... cupping device?

Clarence has said he does not use creatine because the effect is too small.
Of course the effect is negligible when you're roided from top to bottom .

as I remember roids also increase production of creatine

Broscience: The Thread

>Shaolin monk
its a slav thing, both my grandmas were applying those on me, even convinced my mother to buy a kit.

You can DIY if you have a friend, just apply some fire to create vacuum in an upside down cup and then quickly put it on your back.

Yes, of course it is. It's also very popular in professional sports circles, specifically because of Phelps and his success.