Why do so many humans dream about getting into an intergalactic war with a dangerous alien race...

Why do so many humans dream about getting into an intergalactic war with a dangerous alien race? What makes us long for such horrible, dangerous conflict?

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Because in the context of the galaxy, we're the Mad Max planet, we're the 40k Orks, we're the Rowdy Three of Douglas Adam's novels. Basically we're on all the posters all edgy teen aliens have on their walls.

Stealing thread. Is a alien force invading the only way for humanity/countries to unite under 1 banner?

Not even God could unite humanity under one banner.

Neck yourself scum I'll sooner side with the murderers of Klendathu then stand with a schlomo or a muzzie.

>God splits up mankind after Babel
>confuses tongues
What did he mean by this?

Heheheh UR A F A GG OT And people le litereally don't do that

Survival of the fittest

>tfw no qt edgy alien teen has a poster of you in her wall

If history shows us anything, no. An alien force invading would probably only divide us further as millions side with the aliens.

>Not even God could unite humanity under one banner.
>>God splits up mankind after Babel
>>confuses tongues
>What did he mean by this?

God never did that - that's terrorist propaganda.


Anyone who sides with the Ayy should be beheaded.

I'm sure that's what the Aztecs said about the Tlaxcala. Right before they got fucking conquered.

Then alien germs will just wipe us all out

>horrible, dangerous conflict


Go back to Antarctica Adrian

or human germs would wipe out the aliens, Actually high key this is probably why there hasn't been contact

user, if an alien species has the technological ability to efficiently travel between solar systems, what makes you think they wouldn't have the medical know how to prevent getting wiped out by diseases from a planet they already know about? Hell, what makes you think their biology would even be similar enough for our diseases to infect them, or vice versa?

Playing Halo from the age of 7 onward.

>not accepting your Benefactors as the wise and just rulers of the Earth


We are all potential psychos with ugly urges and desires. Taking them out on non-humans will always be preferrable to doing it on other humans, and harming animals is seen as monstrous.

Not unless we had a very apparent chance to win. You can bet some countries would side with the aliens.

Ba'al is a title, not the name of a single god.

God didn't do that, you did. I KNEW IT YOU'RE A FUCKING NARK.

This is extremely dubious. There's basically no chance we'd even have compatible biochemistries. To put it simply, we wouldn't be able to eat each other.

>the Virgin intergalactic war vs the CHAD functional galactic society

>mass effect universe
>not in a state of constant war

Any humans who chose to ally with Aliens would be genocided like no others in history

They would be the only humans that survive. All the nations of the world working together wouldn't be able to defeat a single space-faring society.

>hasn't been contact

What makes you say there hasn't in the face of overwhelming evidence there has?

Fuck. I still remember when I got an Xbox for Christmas with Halo 1, the nostalgia feels are through the roof now.

>God never did that - that's terrorist propaganda.
This is the quality of post I've come to expect from you.

For now

Assuming that we're not visited by benevolent aliens, for the next 1000 years, assuming that we last that long.

The MEU is incredibly peaceful. The last major wars before the events of the game were the Krogan Wars (1,500 years ago) and the Geth War (300 years ago). The only major problem in the galaxy pre Reaper was geth, and as ME3 showed us they were a few years from getting eradicated if there were no Reapers around anyway. The vast majority of people live in a borderline post scarcity multi species galactic society with dirt cheap genetic engineering that has more or less erased disease and birth defects while expanding lifespans to 150+, near unlimited land to settle, and technology so efficient and advanced that every idiot is carrying an FTL communicator and 3D microfabricator on their wrist (that also functions as a self defense weapon, a smart phone, a personal computer, a medicinal dispenser, a universal translator, the list goes on).

The Terminus Systems basically are in a constant state of war (literally the AnCap ball meme) but they're a galactic minority (and I'd still rather live there than pretty much anywhere on modern Earth). And they're not Species vs Species wars either, they're multi species worlds and organizations fighting each other. The whole system works pretty well. I mean shit, the so-called "First Contact War" had less than 1000 fatalities and that was considered notable. Things are so peaceful that even the default "soldier race" has an absolutely tiny space Navy relative to what they could actually build, because there's nothing to use it on.

The Reapers throw that all out of balance of course.


Because they literally won’t be human plus they’ll be invading
It plays on everyone’s primal desire to declare a ‘Them’ and ‘Us’ and fight to destroy ‘Them’ in defense of ‘Us’

Think about it an army of a billion ayys come down and start colonizing us and forcing us from the land or killing us outright
The destruction of the greys would become the largest genocidal slaughter ever witnessed by human eyes
And many would applaud it

Those who are motivated by the accumulation of profit will most definetly side with the extra-terrestrials. But, humanity's inherent fear of the unknown will always prevail, therefore it's not really difficult to imagine all of humanity uniting under a single polity once there is an external threat present.

I want to murder things but i don't want to have to feel empathy for them.

This video makes no sense, but I assume it is trying to connect the similarities between biblical theology and the theology of the surrounding areas from throughout the centuries? I am getting this right correct?

The idea of a successful confrontation with a vastly superior, mostly unknown and in many cases incomprehensible force appeals to anyone who idealizes temporal glory.

Diseases are pretty fucking incredible. They’d find a way eventually.

leftovers from genetic programming by the nephilim

Let's be honest here, all the aliens would have to do to conquer Earth is promise everyone pussy.

Even the straight women?

Nah, once you have the men on your side you've got all the soldiers, much of the workforce, and most of the politicians. At that point who cares about promising dick to women?

You might need some boipussy for the gays though.



Fucking skinny.

Put on your fucking tripcode so I can filter you you schizophrenic piece of shit

>innate desire to fight and kill
>instinct not to kill other humans unless nessesary
>animals are incompetent and dumb, not even fair
All we want is a fairly even fight with someone we will have no remorse for killing. Is that too much to ask?

That’s actually the scary thing about pathogens, the most foreign ones are usually the most dangerous, as they accidentally kill so fast that both the host species as well as the pathogen die off.
Most deadly pathogen are native to other species for a reason, they don’t want to kill us, just to reproduce, we are their cattle.

Daydreaming about doing dangerous things =/= actually wanting to do them.

You have to explain to me how we'd win. All they'd have to do is chuck a meteor or two at earth and we'd surrender.

Well, 1/8 of earth is russia, and 1/4 of the year is winter, so in the event of an invasion, there is a 1/32 chance (just above 3%) that we win by default.

Genetic memory from the when we competed with other intelligent hominid species.

Yeah but again, they don't even need to come to earth to beat us. We have an entire belt of ammunition for them right outside Mars

ywn fight in the great ape wars
ywn eat the babies of your slightly harrier more apey cousins to secure your ape peoples survival
Why even live?

>ywn crush your rival apes head with a rock and use the female ape as your sex slave in the cave and killing her after giving you offspring for being a member of an inferior species

No, I bet Israel would start selling info to the aliens as soon as they had a chance



Because soft sci-fi space battles are inherently cool. Look at Star Wars, for example. Say what you will, shit was cool as fuck.

I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my administration here; in the citadel so thoughtfully provided to us by our Benefactors. So, whether you are here to stay or passing through on your way to parts unknown, welcome to City 17. It's safer here.