Im overwhelmed, im a beginner

I just started working out but its overwhelming, idk where to start. i read the sticky but the tips there were pretty general.

ATM im 170 pounds, 5'4 tall male. all my fatness is in my gut and a little bit on my legs. my goal is to be like 150 lean muscle. i dont want to get big. i just want to be nicely proportioned. i can figure out diet and stuff but i was mostly looking for some advice on what kinda of exercises to focus on. i want to lose my gut fat. make my chest and arms a bit bigger.

The pic is kinda what my goal is.

read the fucking sticky


read my post , i did read the sticky, and as i said it was very general and didnt answer my questions.

Achieving that body type at 5'4 is quite difficult in terms of most short people who do bodybuilding get THICC fast.

If you srsly want that bodytype and you aren't fat and already lean and skinny you could just gym and you'd have it in like 4-6months.

If you are overweight right now then you will need to lose weight first.

For that body type with your height its more about you just losing weight, obtaining that body can pretty much be done on any routine that concentrates on hypertrophy.

genetics... they fucked me up

i see, ok thanks for the advice, ill do a bunch of cardio first then.

step 1. lift heavy ass weight boi

step 2. eat big/clean

step 3. repeat

start with 4 day upper/lower body split, work your way into isolation work as you get more solid in your compound lifts

You didn't read the sticky it has like everything to do with diet and eating less calories...

yeah, see that would make me get really big, which im trying to avoid. i want a leaner look. im already short, if i get super wide to ill just end up looking even shorter then i already am.

i dont need help on the diet, i need help on the types of exercises. im a cook, i know how to make meals that fit my dietary needs.

lhaw works until you hit your desired goal, even (especially) losing weight

you're not gonna turn into a scary bodybuilder overnight

the body type you want quite literally will take you 3-4months


>be me
>7th grade
>4'5 80 pounds

How big you get 100% depends on how much calories you eat compared to how much you burn, whether its fat or muscle depends on how much you train the muscles.

atm my average daily intake of calories is about 1500-1700 but i can change that to fit my needs.

>170 pounds, 5'4 tall male
this has to be false. I'm exactly a foot taller and I weigh 175.

op is a chubster

pic related isn't him, it's his goal body

Thought I was the only one

>5'4 174lbs

It's not that hard dude. Pick up heavy things then put them down. And repeat it over and over again.
Eat less to lose weight/fat
Eat more to gain mass.
Exercise your whole body and mind