Is it even worth going to the gym if your shorter than 6'0?

Is it even worth going to the gym if your shorter than 6'0?

Short with a great body>Short with a shitty body.

If you're 50-59cm tall you should consult a doctor before doing any physical activity due to your condition.

I'm 5'10 n I workout don't see how working out could be a negative for anyone



Girls are retards that can't gauge height unless they themselves are taller than you

Just don't be under 5' 8" and you'll probably be fine.

you fucking morons and this height shit. This board is GARBAGE

This manlet will never learn.

Get this hotlet out of here.

>Is it even worth going to the gym if your shorter than 6'0?
Are you serious? Or is this just retarded-ass bait? It must be bait, no one could be this fucking stupid.

>that pic
Two can play at that game.


Eh bro that's not how bras work the number is a circumference. The higher the number the fatter the chick mate.

This board will say no, but honestly a lot of my crushes have been guys that are smaller than 6'. Being fit only helps.

>tfw 6' 2", both in height and width
I should have twice the bitches, yet I have none, whats wrong

>Wanting huge tiddies
fuck outta here you doo-doo-ass boob-man trash

Yes. Not all bitches are tall. You can find a qt 5'6 pretty easy. If youre 5'10 -11, you're basically 6'0 to them

If you didn't immediately recognize that this is bait, then (You) are that fucking stupid

You've obviously never had a girlfriend, or worse: only ever had a FAT girlfriend.

Underage B&, please leave.

Shut up, faggot.

nice digits
also i bet chicks think most 5'10 or 5'11 guys are 6'

fuck,don't even mention your height and as long as you're 5'8+ or at least taller than most girls and you'll be fine

Veeky Forums is a DFC board

>don't be under 5'8

yes because women can't tell the difference between 5'8 and 6'0 unless they are themselves between that range


>Mfw 5'11.5" but nobody will ever know

You're proving the other user's point with that pic. Being very petite, Angie wears a 32DD. Number is band size, letter is cup size.

Because it not about the body
> it's about the money

good thing my height starts with 4.

holy f***ing quads

>mfw barely at 5'8

>tfw 5"6

thats it boys im gonna use jedi powers to impregnate some tall amazonian lady so my son can at least be all like "i hate my dad but at least im not a fucking manlet", its the best i can do for my boy.

Pls stop bully me Veeky Forums

You forgot to include heels
5'10" minimum 2bh

a noble goal

Don't get sucked in by this site's shitty memes. I'm the same height as you and have literally never been starved of female attention. One of my best friends is 6'3", well groomed, and decently handsome, but he's autistic as fuck around girls and struggles to get with them.

Carry yourself with confidence, dress well, and present an interesting, unflinching image of yourself to those around you, and women will be interested.

Im 6'4'' 250lbs, people asking me if im on gear almost weekly (dyel normies). Still miring this shredded thic dude in my mma class whos like 5'2''. Its always worth lifting. Always.

>when her cup size starts with A

My mate is 5'11 I'm 6'1 we both have a similar build and similar level of face attractiveness and he has 0 difference in the amount of female attention he gets to me. Stop falling for the Veeky Forums troll

well 5'11 is just 2 inches shorter than 6'1. But what if youre 5'8?

is it worth living if you actually spend time creating these bait threads daily?
im only lurking and even i feel horrible, how you manage to not kill yourself user

Pfffff, when you're 5'11 no one gives a shit.

Try 5'9>

>tfw 5'8 with anterior pelvic tilt
m-maybe i can get to 5'8.5 after i fix it r-right guys?

I am 1,75m and actually there are lots of people who like my body. I'd say it's always worth it. if you are a pathetic shit who always desires and needs recognition from others then you're failing even if you are a tall fuck


>tfw went to the gym last couple of times since I am back from vacation
>tfw girls always stop and watch me doing pullups and other exercises

I don't know what the fuck is happening but this shit is getting creepier by the day. why do women stare at other people so openly?
