Any of you faggots eat sugar on daily basis?
If you think you dont, just check the nutritional value of beverages and sauces you consume daily and try to measure the grams of sugar so you could see it visually.
Any of you faggots eat sugar on daily basis?
If you think you dont, just check the nutritional value of beverages and sauces you consume daily and try to measure the grams of sugar so you could see it visually.
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Literally everyone here drinks nothing but water and black coffee
And Monster Ultra
> tfw about to have first sip of the day
One teaspoon in my morning coffee. No more, no less.
i even cut that shit out. Coffee without sugar tastes like shit but i am getting used to it. But i just discovered how good tea tastes without fucking sugar.
About 6 teaspoons a day. 2 per coffee, the rest I get from fruits. Most of the stuff I eat is prepped at home.
agree on the tea.
I've been wondering if honey would be an improvement to sweeten coffee.
Drinking black after waking up kinda ruins my morning. Doesn't bother me during the day though.
Any of you put sauces on chicken? Check the sugar on those, youll be surprised
I've been drinking a bunch of Arizona Sweet tea lately. Just fucking kill me. I need to drink more water and sips
I always thought coffee tasted like shit with sugar.
I need a squirt of cream though.
I put 0 cal buffalo sauce on my chicken, it has sodium up the ass but it makes chicken breasts taste great
Ice tea is fucking evil. Blew my mind the first time i saw how much sugar is in that shit. And i was drinking 1.5l per day of it
Considering sugar doesn't kill me I drink/consume it every day
> using any sauce other than Frank's Red Hot
Never going to make it
>using sauces
>making it
pick one
>implying Franks red hot buffalo sauce was what I wasnt talking about
> grammer, not even once
How unhealthy does this look?
Peanut butter has some sugar, is it okay?
Must. Resist. Bait.
im bulking for winter so dont give 2 fucks
>tfw had 3 Dr. Peppers today
Feels good man
> he fell for the sugar is evil meme
Yeah too much can fuck you up, but in moderation it's fine.
Natural sugars in fruits and nuts are okay
just fucking blend those nuts yourself and dont buy PB from stores. save money and no sugar
fruit juice is just as bad though.
> fruit is only available in juice form
No it isn't.
>inhaling even a single atom of sugar
enjoy overloading your body with estrogens, losing all your gains and turning female
learn how to make coffee properly
But sugar increases testosterone.
Yeah, let'signore all dietary recommendations put out by experts everywhere on the planet and instead stuff our faces with saturated fat, cholesterol, salt and highly processed animal protein all day every day and then get our knickers in a twist because there is a few grams of sugar somewhere, WOULDN'T WANT TO JEOPARDIZE OUR HEALTH NOW WOULD WE.
Sugarphobia and carbphobia are truly the hallmark of total idiocy. I especially enjoy the arrogance of this retardation.. "Lol I said fructose and insulin, I'm such an expert xD"
The internet was a mistake.
>he puts sugar in his coffee
never gonna make it
its just as bad as drinking coke.
Refined sugar is widely consumed by world-class athletes as well as everyday athletes as a cheap, effective and quickly absorbed source of energy. You would actually have to know nothing at all about sports or nutrition to be scared of sugar. Which makes sense because this is Veeky Forums after all.
Many fruit juices have more sugar by volume than sodas. And no fiber to help you digest it. I work in a restaurant and it has always driven me nuts when parents wont let their kids have soda but they let them get lemonade or apple juice.
>not drinking green tea with sliced lemon for vitamin c and general health benefits
Never gonna make it
>Coffee without sugar tastes like shit
Buy some decent coffee then
>same thing
pick uno
Who here are world-class athletes you fucking sperg
No, it would kill you instantly on its own, luckily it's counterbalanced by the 800 fat calories per teaspoon which are really really good for you.
drinking black coffe right now
Why didn't they complete the pyramid for the can?
fuck didnt even think about that. I guess its just to fuck with us
itt: morons who think sugar is bad for them
i was trapped at my mothers mouse for a week, and i didn't bring any water with me, and only thing she had was coke and grape pop.
it was my first time drinking a pop in like 3 months.
on the bright side, i still hate pop
>existing on the same physical plane as sugar
Enjoying blowing up to 8x your original size in fat while your mantits grow 25x in size and you start cumming out of them on a constant basis because your own penis is fucking you
just drink tap water dude. Bottled water is the biggest scam there is.
Yeah i do. I consume a lot of sugar. Sugar is in my blood. I drink 2-3 red bulls daily,0,5 bottle of coke,eat a lot of sweet stuff.But i drink tea without sugar
Have you EVER seen the Olympics? The Tour de France? Athletes drink sugar water all the time, they also get sugar into their blood via skin patches and any other available means. It's all sugar sugar sugar because nothing gives you better performance and faster recovery than refined sugar. It also improves insulin sensitivity which is what you want
>He hasn't cut out caffiene yet
Sorry but you're still a pleb
>People burning multiple thousands of calories a day need to replenish them as efficiently as possible
damn better start putting sugar in my water or I'll never get to their level.
I hate honeyed tea because I drank a lot when I was sick as a kid. Makes me puke almost.
>unsweetened tea with an occasional touch of lemon juice however is pic related for me
Where else am I gonna get natural Spring water?!
what is phytochemicals
Really makes you think.
>human is the same thing as carbon since it contains it as one of its elements
Are you clinically retarded?
ex spooky skeleton here
soda is the shittiest way to get calories. and diet soda is autistic, but sugar isnt a bad thing. milk has sugar, fruit has sugar.
makes you think what? that you know anything about chemistry or biology? that you found a picture on the internet and now you know how starches are broken down? kill yourself
>Ice tea
First, its iced tea.
Second, you don't have to drink it with sugar. It tastes much better without!
Wow I got BTFO. I guess sugars aren't carbs now.
Wait, are you genuinely under the impression that sugar(s) are the same as carbs because the body breaks both down into dextrose?
Wew, american education in action lads
subset of != same thing
Nice backpedal WHILE carrying the goalpost.
are you literally retarded
Somewhat related, even though I don't have a kid and may not have one any time remotely soon.
But how would you deal with your kids and sugar? I imagine it's not a great idea to keep them away from sugar entirely, not sure how much you'd moderate it. My parents never moderated my sugar intake, luckily I never got fat and now I can make the decision on my own to cut all unnecessary sugar out (soda, sweets, sugar in coffee, etc) but this seems like a 50/50 chance whether you'll end up with a hambeast offspring
Are you?
Capuccino is better and contributes to your GOMAD intake
No sugar tho
I caught the flipside, my parents never moderated my sugar intake and I was a fat fuck all the way from kindergarten to 8th grade.
I only started enjoying sports when I turned 17. It makes me sad to think how I missed the chance of having fun and playing football and shit with other kids because I was a fat fuck.
Whenever I see a fat kid I feel pity because they don't know what they're missing out on.
>Drinking anything but water/milk
Never gonna make it
I don't eat refined sugar but instead I gobble down about 6 pieces of fruit a day
drink water, coffee, and smoothies, except im not afraid to put dairy in any of it because im not a fat fuck
Obese children generally have an excessively high fat intake that creates and sustains their obesity. Sugar is not the problem. It just happens to be the case that these types of parents are nutritionally illiterate and pass their lack of understanding to their children, so they grow up to think that donuts, chocolate and ice cream are primarily sugar (when they are, of course, primarily fat). On a population level, this creates what is known as the USA
Please stop.
Only on the run. If I can I'll put in Splenda and half&half.
The average obese child eats very little in the way of actual dietary fat in the western world.
It's basically all simple sugars and lack of activity.
Learn what words mean.
I literally have a cup of black coffee and a few bottles of water next to me right now.
I've started drinking seltzer with the goal of completely eliminating soft drinks from my diet.
Unfortunately I'm 18 and live at home (will be moving out soon) and my mom keeps buying soda.
I think through seltzer I've realized that what I'm addicted to is the carbonation.
Drink tap water you mong.
"My mom keeps buying soda."
Stop drinking it. Are you retarded?
>The average obese child eats very little in the way of actual dietary fat in the western world.
Are you aware that believing and saying things does not make them true? It's very obvious that you have never looked at the actual data. That's a problem
>implying I don't drink water also
Also, it's extremely tempting to grab a soda when you're cutting and your stomach is restless.
You don't need protein shakes or energy drinks, shit is bad.
Reminder that fruits are perfectly fine and healthy. Cut refined sucrose.
Okay then.
Post it.
Never gonna make it bruh. Black tea and water it is.
>amerifats drinking cola
it's crazy how far gone americans are. lived in the US as a child and I was drinking a bottle a day. america should promote water and tea much more
>europeans and americans think they are drinking proper tea
>"proper tea" in their eyes means teabags
hahahaha, it's always funny how people think they know what tea is if they have actually never been to asia. forget your "health benefits" if you are using tea bags from supermarkets
>all these faggots giving up all sugar
>giving up fruits
Jesus christ Veeky Forums how fucking retarded are you
You're pathetic. Get out.
>you can't plant shit at home to make your teas if you're not in asia
>Obese children generally have an excessively high fat intake that creates and sustains their obesity. Sugar is not the problem
Fat people are fat because they eat a fuckton of calories
You can eat 10k calories of fat or 10k calories of sugar and both will make you the same level of fucking fat
You give it in moderation and teach them why you limit their consumption
Literally point to a fat kid and say "this is you on sugar"
No, but, you see, fruit sugar is OK sugar -- unless it's Monsanto fruits, then that's bad sugar.
Sugar > sugar, OK?
What's the deal with sugar in fruit? Why is it suddenly 'pure sugar' if you juice it and drink it, or blend it up in a smoothie?
What if you eat it whole but chew it for ages until it's basically been blended? What if you swallow it in in-tact chunks?
You can control your child's diet completely, just don't buy sugary things for them. If all else fails tell the school/other parents that they have an allergy and not to give them whatever food you don't like.
>What's the deal with sugar in fruit?
>implying you can grow proper tea at home
what the fuck are you even talking about? you have to be retarded if you think that you can grow proper and especially good tasting tea at home. you must be american
It's far more easy to eat those calories with simple sugars and preprocessed pseudo sugars.
Fat, even in shit junkfood is more satiating and it will be pretty hard to eat that much unless they are morbidly obese already.
>forgetting sips
Juice is bad because the sugar gets absorbed a lot faster and you get the insulin spike you want to avoid. Also effectively removes the fiber and some other phytonutrients I forgot the names of. Just eat your fruits like a normal person.
imagine being this addicted to sugar that you can't drink coffee without it