Guys i don't know what's wrong with me

Guys i don't know what's wrong with me.
I'm always sleepy. I sleep for 8 hours at night, go for workout, sleepy after I'm done. Afternoon post lunch I'm sleepy. Even after i wake up from a nap im sleepy within an hour or two. Wtf.
My supplement game is strong, I have a very good diet plan, and I'm considerably fit with about 12% body fat.

i cant sleep for more then 5 hours ( anxiety and depression )


Isn't this the normal state though? To be always kind of sleepy when there isn't much action?
Say a lecture is boring - isn't it normal to get sleepy automatically?

depression makes you sleep more


But I'm not depressed lmao. I'm just really tired throughout the day. I can't work for more than 2-3 hours with full focus and energy.

can you show me your diet? You don't need to go vegan but maybe eating more vegetables would help hit your micros (probably affecting your recovery).

most likely - low test
low possibility - anemia / zinc deficiency

Not him, but I supplement vitamins and still have those sleepy issues. Getting my 8-9 hours of sleep helps, but the tendency is stil there.

It can cause insomnia or hypersomnia, both is possible.

What are the other signs of low testosterone? I can put on muscle weight, without much issue

It can be due to deficiencies, sleep apnea, psychological problems, too much light/sound at night, not keeping a steady schedule or other things

Your body's ability to absorb multivitamins varies from person to person. If I were you I would:

1. Evaluate my diet. Am I hitting calorie needs for myself to be bulking/cutting? Am I hitting macros? Do my macros consist of really nutritious foods? On top of that what am I supplementing with.

2. Is my sleep quality good? Sure 8-9 hours is a great time frame, but is it quality sleep. Am I seeing a lot of screens before bed. Am I stressed out about school before bed? How often am I dreaming?

3. Test levels.

get ur zinc in breh

youre fucking bored with life

you need to do some exciting shit

I take one pill of zma before bed. Can masturbation be a problem?

Go to a doc and have your bloodwork done. Could be a deficiency or a cold that you haven't cured.

maybe you have chronic fatigue syndrome? i dont know a lot about it but i hear staying hydrated helps.

Yea I've tried to uptake my water intake. Have almost 4-5 litres a day

Masturbation to porn is a problem in itself. I wish I could find you the study, but it has something to do with over stimulation. Especially if you're jerking off to fetish porn.

Go to your doctor and ask for blood tests
I was sleepy just like you
Blood test showed I have 200% of normal calcium lvl
Parathairoid infection made me sleepy
It's never good sing OP

No I've almost quit porn, watch it maybe once every two weeks. Usually just masturbate using my imagination, but that too i masturbate 5-6 times a week. I can't seem to cut those numbers down. Plus i get regular erections, so it's not even like I'm force jerking it

relax bro it's just HIV

Jokes on you, Imma virgin

its most likely due to sugar crashing, its normal when you're eating a carb heavy diet, i don't get that as much on keto

Almost certainly due to diet. What and when do you eat? The fact you're sleepy after eating pretty much nails it. Water is another possible factor.

No, you should be consistent throughout the day if you're a healthy human with a good diet


Do you snore? You might not be getting good sleep. I'd go and have a sleep study done.


this, it could be sleep apnea

Getting an oxygen mask/raised pillow can be beneficial. Although in my ripe old age of 20 I feel ultra sleepy before my 8 hours of sleep, but fine after that.

I've been having similar problems. I haven't been to a doctor, so it could be medical. But i feel like it happens out of boredom and apathy most of the time.

I don't snore, but i do have a deviated septum. I'm a pretty deep sleeper too