Cut down to sub-8% body fat over the course of a year

>Cut down to sub-8% body fat over the course of a year
>Binge on 5000-6000 calories every day for a week on vacation

How much progress did I undo?

I've read that fat storage a phase your body enters after a long period of caloric surplus, rather than a short-term reaction to overeating, and therefore I would not have gained anywhere near as much fat as the numbers would indicate if taken without context. Is this true?

You fucked up, your body has basically resorted its self back to fatso mode and you'll not be able to control yourself as well for the next few months senpai.

I've got that covered bro. Going on a clean bulk now as planned, going to avoid any overeating whatsoever. I'm just restrospectively worried about whether I've just wasted 1-2 months of strict dieting.

bumping for help

You gained back like 2-3% of bodyfat.


You don't shoot up 10-12% from one week user. I'm sure you feel bloated as fuck and depressed as hell from your metabolism freaking the fuck out, but you'll be fine when you go back to your normal caloric intake.

Fine as in no noticeable fat gain?

Why is legendary in quotes? Does the author of the picture want us to know that he is using the term figuratively, and that his cheat day is in fact not actually a legend?

It means he is quoting someone, probably The Rock himself.


Never go immediately into caloric surplus after finishing a cut.
Lyle McDonald has an interesting article about this. Your hormones are messed up after a long cut and need at least 2 weeks of maintance calories before they are at normal levels again...
He recommends even 4 weeks maintance to be on the very safe side, but also says no one is that patient usually.
You will gain fat back more quickly after a cut because your body hasn't adapted to its new state of composition.

The good thing is that maintance calories are already a lot more food than when cutting so its still annoying if you want to bulk and get big but doable.

I already figured that much, but it doesn't answer my question...

What's is your question?
6k cals x 7 days = 42k cals
42k cals - your weekly TDEE = ?
?/3500 cals = potential pounds of fat gain
You fucked up dude, you put on pounds of fat, get over it

My question is essentially: is it that simple? or does overeating after a long hard cut not result in fat storage to the same extent as it would normally?

For the most part yes. I don't know why it became so popular that your body enters "modes." There isn't such a thing, all it is doing is processing food. If there is more than it needs it stores it, if there is too little it takes it from somewhere.

That is the worst it could be. If anything your body might not have processed all the food very well because it hasn't been used to so much.

Why don't you just weigh yourself or look in a mirror? Or better yet, assume you gained like 6 lbs, now you have to diet for 4-6 weeks to get back to the same place. Oh no, whatever will you do?

8 Percent bf is retarded does your dick work properly?

Well hello, I think you've wondered out of your designated thread, let me help you get back to the right area

Thinspo,Ana threads etc belong on /fa new friend

Imagine the shit he took after eating all that.

Not bad.. last time I had pizza was in 2007.

Last time I had caffeine was 2006. I know green tea and decaff coffee have 1% of it......

In the past 20 years, most I've gone without alcohol is 10 days. Twice.

>I'm working on it. Sort of.

Likely that nobody here knows even though they may claim otherwise.

Report back with first hand experience in a couple weeks