Jaw surgery worth it for the aesthetics?
>LTM specifically
Other urls found in this thread:
what's SS?
Starting strength?
>tfw LTM at 15% bf and could probably reach something between DOM and STM by cutting down to 9-10%
life's good man
>cutting down to 9-10%
Isn't that unhealthy?
~OP here
It's not, it's just difficult to maintain for long periods of time if you've never strict dieted before. Some guys stay that way year round
Can you get big forearms only doing the deadlift/bench/squat/ohp?
When do you do low reps and when high reps? Doing low reps feels weird to me since you finish some sets in like 10 seconds.
Trying to build up my home gym.
Trying to decide between:
What do you guys think? Also how much should I be expecting to pay for barbell+weight set? Dick's has a 300lb set for $219.
Is the accessory work (italics ) enough for getting nice arms? The base routine is Laceks strength and conditioning program.
> pic related
If you are doing low reps sets that fast likely you're not using enough weights.
>Can choose any jaw in the world
>doesn't choose STM
I want to get in shape, but I can't drive, and I don't have a job, so I can't afford a gym membership.
What are some good fitness channels on YouTube with videos of workouts I can do along with the video?
I'm still moving up fairly fast on Squats (90kg today) and Deads (130kg) on Greyskulls LP but my bench (just about 70kg) and OHP (50kg) have been stalling like crazy lately. What do folks?
Is it ok to do pullups (palms out) instead of chinups when doing the sticky's version of SS?
I can't even grip my 195 lb deadlift properly for 5 reps. I feel like it's too early for chalk or mixed grip. Is there anything I can do to support my grip during deadlifts? Started 2-ish months ago.
Bump. If nothing else, curious as to what price to expect when buying a barbell and weights set.
Help me brahs
Still in puberty
Height; 5'4
Weight; 160
I have a muscle imbalance I'm pretty sure, when I try to bench literal baby weight (75 pounds) my left arm goes up perfectly and my right wobbles.
I think something is wrong, even when I do bicep curls (20lbs) my left arm can do way more reps.
Another thing is confidence, all my friends know me as a crazy fuark and strong when i'm really not. My friends have been at gym for 6 months and I started 5 days ago and we on the same leg press but they outperform me in everything else.
They thought I was fucking with them when I couldn't bench 90.
>tfw amazing wrestler can take down big niggas but can't lift
How do I get over this shit man oh and obviously the muscle imbalance how fix?
>Still in puberty
> wrestler
You should get a starting strength or westside barbell coach. You're literally all a coach could ask. With proper training you could get BIG quickly. As a bonus, a coach will teach how to fix your skinny ass imbalances.
Got a PT test to get into an academy coming up at the end of May, should I be using this time to bulk so I'm stronger for the test, or cut weight?
>19.5% bf at the moment.
Low reps heavy weights for strength training being 3-5 reps. In the 8-15 rep range with around 60% of your max you get your hypertrophy which builds size. Anything over is just stamina/endurance training.
>deadlifting today
>Most weight I've pulled in a year, it's tough but not impossibly difficult
>have to keep stopping mid-set to readjust grip (using fat bar; regular bars taken)
>during last set, notice tingling sensation in lower back on the pull after resetting grip
>get spooked as fuck and stop
I was wearing a belt at the time, what the fuck happened? I wasn't sure if that was me destroying my muscles or injuring myself
That's going to be ~90% of your forearm development
I've been using MapMyWalk for my daily 6-mile walks. Is there a better program to use for tracking my distance and calories burned? Does this factor in my weight that I have entered?
It's never "too early" for mixed grip; don't let your grip strength limit your gains
Try finding a skinnier bar with better knurling
There are a couple things you can do long-term to make your grip stronger
>farmer's walks at the end of a workout with a lot of pulling exercises
>pinch block workouts
>croc rows
>grip trainer squeeze thingies
They did a study, and it basically concluded that growth is the same for all rep ranges, as long as they are done to failure
Yeah, I can wrestle people MUCH larger than me just naturally because my cousin used to teach me some techniques in Sambo.
I don't know where to really find a coach and my imbalance really pisses me off.
pic related is me taking down a big black dude and putting him in rear naked choke
i dont get that chart, help?
So should I use right over/left underhand one session and then right underhand/left overhand to make there's no unbalance in my shoulders?
Whats the SS equivalent program for oly?
Mixed grip should be a last resort fix to poor grip strength
Question: if i have a fat gut but making gains on a dirty bulk at 194lbs, and want to loose the gut, should i just cut out fat and continue with a lean bulk or just do a quick cut?
This is not a good way to lock your legs. You can pretty easily break someone's ankles if they do this.
You should double overhand.
Stop ego lifting. Get some forearm gains.
Hookgrip if you must.
I stopped lifting after two consecutive although unrelated injuries, ankle and lower back, and after a 2 year break I'm back.
After a month of lifting, how the fuck am I able to both OHP and bench 1pl8 for reps?
Squat is down to 2pl8, and I can't deadlift due to that lower back injury(which was judo related).
You need some fat to live. A quick cut can help but most likely will just remove all your water weight only for you to regain it all later.
Stop the dirty bulk and go clean or cut. You won't lose the gut no matter what as long as you're bulking, but you can get better muscle growth so you at least don't look AS fat. A long term (12 week) cut at a daily 500 cal deficit will do you good as far as a cut does
I've been doing both SS and C25K for three weeks now. However, I see that Rippetoe has written an article saying that you should not do running while doing SS. I also see that Wendler in the description for the 5/3/1 program (which I'm planning to do after SS) says that you should do walking instead of running. So should I stop doing the couch to 5K program? Or should I keep doing it? I am very skinny and not trying to lose any body fat, just get muscle mass, but I also think it would be useful to build some endurance.
guys, am I being meme'd by trainers?
they put up three sequential exercises for the same region
ie three triceps, three chest, and so forth
but what I see other places always mix them up
inb4 personal trainer is bullshit
these are just trainers that make your schedule according to objectives and teaches you, free included with gym fee
Titan t3 pal
BJJ nigga here, if he said he did Sambo he prob doesn't know much submissions and maybe he was setting up to put his legs elsewhere.
Always did that, except it's usually 4 exercises.
Worked pretty well, but I had to stop lifting midway due to some shit.
My classmate at the time, who kept going to the gym(and introduced me to the program), looks amazing.
Here's how it usually goes:
4 chest+4 biceps
legs - 5
4 shoulders+4 triceps
6-7 back
I add something here or there occasionally for fun, but this is the basic outline. I'm back on it now and it's still great imo.
What's a better overall lat and bicep workout?
lat pull down
High rows
My tailbone hurts after and when doing deadlifts, the pain is bigger the bigger the load (duh), the problem is, I'm still at lmao1pl8 and my squat is starting to catch up, I tried fixing my form many times but I think I already got it nailed down (I've asked three guys already if my back is straigth during the lift, they all said yes).
I already tried resting until the pain goes away and trying again, same shit.
Guys, I need to stop ageing. In fact, I'm 22 now but I'd like to look like a teenager for as long as possible. I'll do anything. Wat do?
Fruit, IF, Sunscreen, Skin care
I heard these memes work
Kill babies drink there young blood and get youth gains
Maybe your lower back is super weak and shitty. Are you sure it's not just doms but it's actual pain
Chin-ups definitely
IF? Intermittent fasting?
Im pretty sure it is actual pain, it start during the deadlift and on the next workout it is still lingering.
I doubt my lower back is that shitty (well, it is, but not compared to my body), since I did some meme routine for some time which included back extensions before starting SS, even then I started deadlifting from 75lbs like a fucking retard.
Being for specific on the pain, it happens just below the protuding bone over the ass
Sounds sucky idk if your sure it's pain maybe see a doc
At 181 lbs, do I stop doing SS when my DL hits 275 lbs or when it hits 315 lbs?
Other than the standard strength chart, how will I know when I'm done with SS?
Your not done.
Sometimes when I wake up in the morning I can't move my arms because I must cut blood circulation to them by sleeping weird.
Is this killing my gains
Pls respond
What's a good replacement for upright rows? Preferably a barbell exercise.
I tried some meme stretches (piriformosis stretches or something like that) and now it is my back upper hips that hurt now lmao
How old are you?
You probably aren't extending your lumbar spine enough. You need to really push it. Watch videos of the starting position. It's awkward and painful. You need to maintain the same awkward/painful back extension throughout the lift.
I'm looking for 1 assistance shoulder exercise to add to my routine.
What's something that I could do for 2x8 that would benefit me for Presses?
Arnold press, behind the neck overhead press.
focus on strength if its only going to be a month of bulking
How do I stop the barbell hitting my dick during deadlifts?
got it m8
btw, is it a good idea to try to practice power cleans instead of deadlifting next workout? of course assuming I still suffer lightly from the pain described
Hello, this is my current routine, i've been doing it for a long time switching it with similar routines, im sure you'll say its shit but here it goes:
Day A
30 minutes cycle to college (where my gym is)
bench press 3x10 (current weight 70kg)
incline press 3x10 (current weight 50kg)
lying down dumbell flies 3x10 (17,5kg dumbells)
planks 3x40 seconds
side plank 3x40 seconds
30 minutes ride back
Day B
30 minutes bike ride to college
pullups 3xmax ( i usually do 7-5-5)
assisted pullups 3x10(i use around 40kg assist)
lat pulldown machine 3x10 (50kg)
planks 3x40 seconds
side plank 3x40 seconds
30 minutes ride back
Day C
30 minutes bike ride
dumbell military press (12.5kg dumbells)
dumbell side raises (10kg dumbells)
dumbell front raises (10kg dumbells)
squats 3x10 (only the bar see explanation)
deadlift 3x10 (only the bar see explanation)
planks 3x40 seconds
side plank 3x40 seconds
30 minutes ride back
Some important points:
-My stats are 173cm 85 kg, my goal is to cut and mantain as much muscle as possible.
-Im on a 1200-1500 cals diet, which usually results in a deficit of about 700 cals.
-Im working trough a lower back problem and the doctor forbid me from doing squats and deadlifts with any significant weight, i just do them with the bar to practice my form while im at it. That's also the reason i have ab work, it's part of the therapy
-I dont isolate biceps or triceps because i hit them enough with the compounds.
-I aim for 10 reps because thats what i think as hypertrophy. I try to improve my lifts but they are kinda stalling at the posted rates.
What tips do you have for me? im sure youre gonna shit all over this routine, do you think it can be fixed? should i start with another routine? should i switch to lower reps? remember that i have those lower back issues that don't let me do squats (for the moment) and the bike ride is inevitable for me because thats the only way i can go to college.
Thanks in advance for any tip
I know over training a mucle before it recovers is bad and ruins the gains. If you do it once or twice is it bad?
>had plenty of time Sunday so hit chest and arms
>did back today so bis still get activated a little bit and were even more sore after today
Am I fucked?
just follow common sense and dont be a psycho
So I fairly recently started getting these red rashes on both my hands. I did also recently start eating better and lifting but I don't think it's related. If I slap a ton of lotion on it for a few days it seems to go away but comes back fairly fast. What's going on?
but question is,
do you do these back to back?
and how do they compare on doing them mingled
that sequence you described even sounded like way overkill
distributed that in two days? even then it looks like it would take too much time
If you want a more direct exercise, do farmer's walks.
I heard some good shit about zinc ,can I get a quick rundown/suggested dosage?
when I attempt the clean upper rack position, my wrists and lats feel very uncomfortable, is it supposed to be like this?
This is not good advice, there's no arbitrary standard for "how much you should be able to lift" to be finished SS.
You do SS until your gains plateau, then re-evaluate, and most likely pick a different routine with more volume.
The reason behind this is because it's a novice routine. It's purpose is to allow you to learn the basic barbell movements.
arnold press is for shoulders, and this routine is not specific enough about what types of exercises you need to do for "triceps", "biceps" etc.
It seems like it would be enough volume though. Just make sure you pick appropriate exercises.
Kaya, O., Gokdemir, K., Kilic, M., & Baltaci, A. K. (2006) Zinc supplementation in rats subjected to acute swimming exercise: its effect on testosterone levels and relation with lactate. Neuroendocrinology 27(1–2):267–270
>...zinc supplementation leads to a significant increase in testosterone levels and a significant decrease in lactate levels.
>...physiological doses of zinc supplementation can be useful for performance.
Over the counter 220 mg doses of Zinc Sulfate, should be a fine dosage daily without problems.
Do you work as a dishwasher? Or have your hands submerged in hot water regularly? Wear nitrile, or latex gloves regularly? Did you start using a new soap in your home, or in your job? Address these common causes first, and then consider consulting a physician.
I do have to wear latex gloves a lot but I have been wearing them for 7 years and this only recently started happening
Seems very uneven. For example, other than planks the unique exercises you do on B are just pullups/lat pulldowns, very targeted.Then on C, you do both squats and deadlifts, and DB OHP, and delt raises.
Advice, move some stuff from C. There's way more on that day than there needs to be.
If you're having problems with your back. Doing squats and DL on the same day isn't going to help. And furthermore, If you can't add weight, don't do them. Its a waste of time.
Is this a 3 d/wk routine? If it is, your lifts aren't going to progress very quickly. You only do bench press/chest 1 day of the week, that's nothing, you need more volume. Same with OHP.
Basically, your routine looks like horseshit.
It's really hard for me to say whats causing it. It could be so many things. If your hands have been sweating a lot in your gloves, that's a common cause for rashes.
Beyond that it's a rabbit hole of questions. Like I said if its something that you've had for more than a few weeks now, consider seeing a doctor, and asking them.
if you're upper AVM+, then no.
Are these things any good? Do they help at all?
What's a good multivitamin? Looking to hit a diet soon
>If you're having problems with your back. Doing squats and DL on the same day isn't going to help. And furthermore, If you can't add weight, don't do them. Its a waste of time.
my idea was to do them to work on my techinque in the meantime. the doctor said they were ok as long as i dont act significant weight
should i do leg excersises with machines in the meantime?
leg press would be similar to squats right? what would work the muscles for deadlift?
if you have some problem with your occlusion, yes
jaw surgery is pretty ballsy and they won't do it on non medical cases
do girls like feet like how guys like women feet?
>Is this a 3 d/wk routine? If it is, your lifts aren't going to progress very quickly. You only do bench press/chest 1 day of the week, that's nothing, you need more volume. Same with OHP.
>Basically, your routine looks like horseshit.
could you give me alternatives?, both splits and whole body routines.
im starting to suspect,by what you said, that splits only work if you hit them very often.
keep in mind i cant do squats or deadlifts
bros help how do I cure bad breath
apparently everyone at my job has been talking shit behind my back and I only found out 3 days ago. how do I get fast breath gains. I don't want my breath to smell like nothing like most people, I want my breath to smell like fucking scandinavian wind. that'll show 'em.
I quit caffeine cold turkey a week ago and I'm still getting dull headaches throughout the day
Are these supposed to last this long
some girls do at least. also, normal people dont particularly like a women feet, its just a fetish, but i know some girls like it because i've been asked by sloots to send feet pictures
wash your teeth correctly regularly
also, dont have stomach problems
How can I prevent my lower back from bending during heavy deadlifts?
I've been doing them for a couple months now (after 2 years of letting but no dears) and am up to a 3plate max, but once I get past 2plate, my form starts to suffer. Had a friend film me when I maxed out the other day and I had an absurd back-bend going on, the kind that gets posted in snap city threads.
I've been doing hip and back stretches since mobility was my initial problem but it feels impossible to keep my back straight when I lift, no matter how many different ways I try.
There hasn't been any pain or snapping but I'm worried that something will happen if I keep going up in weight.
Will a belt help with form (I haven't been using one) or is that just a crutch?
I brush twice a day and floss before bed, but I'm gonna start brushing + flossing after every meal
what constitutes stomach problems m8
I'm pretty sure it's my weakest muscle group relative to everything else. I never work on them, because I bought the meme that squats/deadlifts develop them sufficiently. Now I just look weird naked because I have huge thighs, a nice chest and nice arms, but a pretty flabby tummers.
Can you pals give me some great exercises that crush abs that I can do about three times per week?
Thanks brahs.
Would like to add: I'm not sure what the root of my problem is; when my friend is maxing out he'll start shaking and turn bright red but his back never falters at all.
Meanwhile when I lift I feel like I'm focusing all my energy into not letting my back fold in half, energy that could be spent lifting harder.
Does leverage (based on femur vs tibia length) play a big role in how the stress is distributed, because I've noticed that a friend of mine with long-ass femurs (like me) has the same problem while my other lifting friends with short legs don't.
Not that I'm looking for an excuse, but I'm interesested in knowing more about how the system is working during the lift.
Try doing the thing where you lie on the edge of a bench (with your ass just hanging off) and slowly raise and lower your straight legs while holding onto the bench behind your head. Once you git gud, dragon flags. I superset these with crunches to burn out my abs at the end of workouts if I have a few extra minutes.
Some people swear by ab wheels but they always just hurt my back, I don't know.
like with calorie counting and fatties, consider the possibility that youre not brushing your teeth correctly.
acid reflux fucks up your breath
What method should i choose, if I want to be /greekgod/ mode? Fully aesthetic. Currently doing 2x full body a week for 3 months. Should i jump to something different?
Chew gum all the time.