
How is it possible for Canadians on a limited budget (university) to eat lean sources of protein when everything is completely overpriced?
$19.52CAD/kg ($6.64USD/lb) for chicken breast is insane.

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Go to the Chinese supermarkets for cheap. Where in canada r u.

This. Plus, lentils are cheap as fuck esp if you get dried type.

Eat pork dummy.

wait until something is on sale then stock up

a-atleast you get free health care and some hockey teams in the playoffs this year

Yea, guess that makes OP's dilemma a non-issue.

>boo hoo breast

>$19.52CAD/kg ($6.64USD/lb) for chicken breast is insane.
Holy shit, it's almost like you're living in the icy north!

>meanwhile, I get hormone-free chicken breast for less than 2$/500g, because I'm not an icenigger

A Canadian team hasn't won the cup since like 1990 and that'll continue this year.

>tfw your country is so pathetic that it can't win at the sport it invented.

I'm an American living in Canada. I've been here for 11 years. Fuck, I want to get out of this place now.

wtf? $30 for inorganic steroid chicken?

How much is a whole chicken? Lookup Jacques Pepin deboning a chicken. Gets easy with practice. You get tastier variety of meat, and can use bones to make stock.

in the US i pay 5.99/lb for natural, cage free, vegetarian fed, no preservatives, no antibiotics no hormones chicken breast. For this quality meat it worth it, 6.64 is rather pricey though

But chickens aren't vegetarian... They're supposed to eat insects.

where in canada? I live in ottawa and its nowhere near that expensive...

Chinatown, ethnic grocery store, farmers market (sometimes), budget grocery store, wait for a sale, buy thighs, etc.

I've actually seen worse in a Metro I used to live near. 24/kg for normal boneless skinless chicken breasts.

What university?

Victoria, BC.
I could check Chinatown.

the good Canadian players play on american teams because you pay more for them. ever wonder why Canada wins Olympic hockey all the damn time, meanwhile the US haven't in over 30 years..

Yea dude, its not Canada, its the west coast in general. Too many fucking chinks polluting the BC economy.



I just buy a lot of ground beef and make meatloaf, or ribs on sale in a slow cooker, or ground chicken, or chicken thighs when they're on sale for 8-10 dollars a kilo.

Its the only way. If i bought boneless skinless all the time i'd have spent

Or just eat baby meat.

You can buy it wholesale from abortion clinics.