Despite the fact that it's recommended in the sticky there is yet to be a consensus. Is Starting Strength a meme? Will you end up looking like a fridge? Feel free to debate it.
Is SS a Meme?
Other urls found in this thread:
No. If you're doing barbell lifts you're gonna get stronger fast.
It worked for me
Use it to get your baseline for strength user, that shit isn't supposed to be done for 2 straight years or something. After you hit and maintain the working weight you want you progress to hypertrophy and accessory work to define and enlarge parts of your physique you find lacking.
It is only a meme because it works and people on brosplits don't want to start with that stuff and move straight to aesthetics work so they shit on it.
Do this
Workout A
Box Squat 3/5×4-6
Floor Press 3/5×4-6
Pendlay Row 3/5×4-6
Overhead Barbell Extension 3×6-10
Barbell/Dumbbell Preacher Curl 3×6-10
Stiff-Legged Deadlift/Good Morning 2-3×6-10
Weighted Plank 3×30-60s
Workout B
Box Squat 3/5×4-6
Paused Overhead Press 3/5×4-6
Trap-Bar Deadlift 2×4-6
Close-Grip Bench Press 3×6-8
Weighted Chin-up 3×3-5
Weighted Plank 3×30-60s
Who the fuck would actually recommend this atrocity of a program to an actual novice lifter
I agree with you. I fucked my back doing pendlay rows following SS sticky meme.
I think SS is retarded though, way too much stress on your legs than your upper body. I'd do SS but swap bench press with squats, bench 3 times a week, squat 3 times/2 weeks for more aesthetic body proportions.
It's a novice program dumbass
Yes and I'm saying it's a shitty novice program you fucking retard.
"This is a novice program designed for first year lifters. If you cannot bench 225×5, squat 315×5, and deadlift 405×5, then you are a novice lifter."
>proceeds to not include squat, bench, or deadlift
I wouldnt call it a good routine. I wouldnt call it a bad one either. It depends on your goals.
I've always seen much faster and better gains by focusing on progressive overload working on one lift 3x per week, and don't really see any decent gains doing lifts once or twice a week. I literally only saw squat progression doing SS. Any program that recommends you doing an exercise as low as once a week is a fucking meme. I didn't see bench or OHP progression and ended up straight overloading by attempting to keep on the progression path the program offered.
Learn training philosophies and methods and do your own programming to find your best results.
I am doing it at the moment and so far it been good my lifts have all gone up. You are probably not going to get the body of Arnold doing it, but thats not the point of the programm is it?
Do this if you're a fucking idiot.
Pendlay rows aren't in SS.
More suited to some people but keep at it and you will get strong, just dont expect to get fantastic numbers if youre built like a beanpole on stilts.
is not this way better?
Anyone have experience with this? Was looking at SS and this popped up in a post
Utter dog shit
Sincerely hope it's a troll
Greyskull LP is probably a better fit to the goals of 90% of new lifters compared to SS, but I'd argue that SS is still better for getting strong as fast as possible.
So more deadlifts
my plan is to do do Greyskull LP for 8 months and then jump into madcow 5x5. that should give me a strong 2 years core/foundation, then do whatever brosplit/aesthetic shit
forgot pic
Someone with an actual sensible long term view for themselves, fuck me you don't belong here.
In seriousness though if you can continue with a LP for longer do so, you will get stronger faster on LP than anything else. If you hit 8 months and still have no issues adding weight keep at it. Don't do what I did and neglect flexibility completely though, through in stretching or mobility drills or something at least a couple of times a week. Will be good for you long term
t. 32 year old wishing he had taken mobility seriously
Okay guys I pulled the trigger and ordered a copy
>Pendlay rows aren't in SS.
they are in the edited sticky SS though which is what OP is doing
Im a 31yo sad piece of shit, 32 in a few months. my main problem is depression, so my willpower and test are very low. also my mobility is shit, my body is fucked cause sedentary neet lifestyle for almost a decade. this last year, while being 30-31my body really start turning into shit. I was always a skeleton 173cm / 5'8", 60kg / 130lbs, 12-13% bodyfat. now, Im +4kg, 16% bodyfat and +1 size t-shirt just doing the same food/lifestyle as the last decade, and my joints are starting to hurt a lot: ankles, knees, hips and lower back. the +30 years old body/test natural drop is fucking real.
my plan like I said, doing LP + madcow5x5 the fisrt 2 years. I also want to recover my running/mountain biking cardio condition. In additional, mobilty/stretching. I got this so far:
shin splits (cause running):
upper body:
lower body:
>what are online .pdf
anyway, if money its not a concern its an ok purchase
rip knows people will add their own accessory lifts - ss is an ideal template for getting strong AND developing proper form
It does what it is marketed for. If you don't want to gain any fat don't use it. It isn't meant to make you an aesthetic god. What it accomplishes is maximum strength gains in minimum time. Pretty sure that Ripple toe's acolyte got past 1/2/3/4 in like 6-8 months using it. Or maybe it was a year or less.
Either way it was impressive "strength" gains.
If you want to never look bad then do a "lean" bulk for a few years and be content with minimal progress.
Gud for beginners
>For powerlifting/bench specialization consider benching days 1,3 and pressing day 2. I Was able to add 3 pounds per week to ohp only training it once a week and made the same bench progress as 3x week 3x5 benching
Has anyone ever tried this?
SS is a meme if you follow it as your routine for 4 years like a bunch of retards on this board did.
Right idea mate, consistency will be your biggest challenge, but if you stick to your plan you'll feel better and improve. Had depression in my late 20s, sucked ass, exercise really fucking helped (along with pills and a supportive family). If you're starting from basically ground zero all I'd say is ease into it, keep that long term view and at least that part of you life will change.
Can't say shit about your neet circumstances, don't know if it's by choice, disability or whatever. Physical improvement definitely will help with mental side of your life, and with some luck you'll get work/education in time mate.
Goodluck and keep at it, even a shit work out on a bad day is more than no work out on a neet day.
the SS book is good for learning the exercises really.
for proper programming you should have also bought Practical Programming as SS lacks most of it.
>on an Anonymous Nepali needle threading enthusiasts discussion image board
Shouldn't have done so much weight on the pendlay rows if you couldn't do the form right you goof.
this will only work if your OHP takes a week before you're at max strength again, otherwise you're wasting time and strength gains
I did it for a couple months and it got a good baseline for me. I've now moved on to a harder workout, but I definitely wouldn't be where I am without Starting Strength. It's not a meme, but it's not meant to be permanent either.
maybe we can still make it breh ;_;
Press is found by a lot of people to be a crap developer of the Bench Press itself, whereas Benching actually seems to develop the Press fairly
>will putting overwhelming emphasis and volume on lower body muscle groups make them grow faster and bigger than your upper body
ask yourself this
It's not a meme, it's great for adding on strength and muscle mass. However, most people will look at the most basic summary of the routine and bitch that there's too much leg work, when if you actually read the fucking book it tells you to start adding accessories like curls and chin-ups at the end of the workout around phase 2 of the routine. However the SS diet advice is hot salty garbage (example: GOMAD) and should just be ignored. Clean bulk with it if you're skinny, light cut if you are obese.
your point being?
>tfw 4 years into liftan and still finding helpful advice inside SS
>starting strength
>right in the name it tells you what it is
>a good starting routine for people who want to develop body strength
>retarded plebbit and 4chin users have decided that SS should be recommended to newcomers who want a good BODYBUILDING aesthetics routine
If you want to be strong, start with SS for 3-6 months and then move onto an intermediate routine.
If you want to look good, don't do SS because it was never designed to develop aesthetics.