Why are Korea and Taiwan 1st world countries 60 years after colonization but African countries aren't?

Why are Korea and Taiwan 1st world countries 60 years after colonization but African countries aren't?

Other urls found in this thread:

www2.psych.ubc.ca/~henrich/pdfs/Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology-2010-Broesch- Cultural Variations in Children's Mirror Self-Recognition.pdf

Same reason they were second world countries while Africa was in the stone age before 60 years ago.

Neither of those countries were colonized, except for technically Taiwan, but that was in the 17th century and for less than 40 years.

The introduction of Western government during colonization. Look across the border and you'll see that a corrupt dictatorship in Korea ends up the same way as in Africa

what the fuck? they were straight up annexed.

That corrupt dictatorship is capable of domestic nuclear weapons production.

Japan actually built infrastructure in Korea and Taiwank to develop the peoples in both those countries instead of setting up meme extraction colonies like much of Africa were.

Wait, we're counting what Japan did as colonization?

geography creating good conditions for industrialization

>stone age
>used steel weaponry and tools
what did he mean by this?

What geographical features do Taiwan and Korea have for industrialization? They are mountainous rainy shitholes with no mineral resources.

fertile land, deciduous forests

>not fertile land



skilled organized educated workforce and security


No, they basically had their program built by Pakistanis.

In 1945? they were all peasants.

>why is country that wasoccupied for like 20 years and country that was also occupied for like 20 years both of whom experienced massive ammounts of aid funding due to cold war politics with solid climates doing better than countries annexed for double that period of time with awful climates, no cold war funding constant outside intervention

The world will literally never EVER know

>Surrounded by Communist China and Bordered by North Kore

>bordered by Communist China

Who knows user


fucking kill yourself

Because they were treated as integral parts of Japan, a better comparison would be Algeria which was considered a department of France

Why do people always claim that Korea and Taiwan got massive amounts of foreign aid? Post some numbers why don't you.

I'm more well-versed in why Africa's had so many troubles than I am in the success of East Asia, but from what I understand, Korea and Taiwan actually were doing pretty bad in the postwar period. Taiwan was helped by having the whole ruling class and a lot of wealthy, experienced people flee to the island to kickstart development, while Korea was actually doing pretty hilariously bad for a while - until the mid-70s they were on par with North Korea, only breaking away once the Norks stagnated.

Africa, meanwhile, was actually doing far better than everyone expected in the immediate postcolonial period, growing far faster than anyone in Asia was, but they ended up getting royally fucked by the Oil Crisis of the 70's and the debt crisis that followed.

Asian economies had their booms originally from sources of cheap labor. While they may have been little better than Africa in many areas, they were far more urbanized, and, being right on the Pacific, they made for an easily accessible source of cheap labor. The decision to prop those states up to counter communist influence led to an influx of more advanced technologies, and as the economy of the country improved that allowed them to expand more into the high-tech markets.

Africa, meanwhile, was hamstrung by debt, foreign intervention, and neocolonial economic interests. Even today, it's a dumping ground for finished goods (which kills local industries) and is generally only an exporter of raw materials, which rack up huge trade imbalances and only slide the countries further into debt.

Because it uses resources for nukes instead of feeding it's people. Not feeding it's people is what makes it a 3rd world country.

>Asian economies had their booms originally from sources of cheap labor. While they may have been little better than Africa in many areas, they were far more urbanized, and, being right on the Pacific, they made for an easily accessible source of cheap labor. The decision to prop those states up to counter communist influence led to an influx of more advanced technologies, and as the economy of the country improved that allowed them to expand more into the high-tech markets.

Exactly. You know those "bad trade deals" that Tr*mp rants about? They exist because of a concerted effort to trade with and build up these countries through free market enterprise skewed towards these countries just enough to create economic powerhouses next door to the reds.

What trade deals are you talking about? Why don't you provide some specifics instead of talking out your ass?

t. kangz


>Ghana has comparable HDI to India now
W-what's happening?

Who said this itt?

Japan built a shit load of infastructure in korea while africa was just the place europe went to pick up raw materials
Korea is also the best point for the US to power project in asia
Africa doesn't have a potential rival and so the US doesn't care that much
>he fell for the HDI meme

How many km of roads and rail did Japan put down in Korea vs what a Euro country did in a comparably sized African country? Does anyone have any facts or are you just showing up to demonstrate confirmation bias?

Taiwan didn't receive foreign aid, instead, the people fleeing to Taiwan were overwhelmingly the upper class of China, who brought their wealth and expertise with them. The KMT government was also able to evacuate the Chinese gold reserves, which would prove to be handy for trade. The Taiwanese economy was able to hit the ground running.

Koreans are a bunch of filthy rats who cry about ww2 to steal reparation money meant for victims of Japan and use it to work on the infrastructure Japan made for them. That gravy train has done them a decent bit of good. Jews aren't the only ones who understand the monetary value of victimhood.

I think you'd have to mostly credit (relatively) good governments strongly supported by the West.

North Korea and Mainland China are shitholes, so it's not as if it was inevitable. And the difference in outcome can be found in the difference between the systems, not the people/culture.

Africa is a place where the average IQ is below 100. In some parts the average IQ is at the level that marks mental retardation.

The answer is really fucking obvious. The people in Africa are dumb. Anyone that wants to say otherwise has to make the case that an 80 or 90 IQ average has no correlation with a lack of intelligence.

www2.psych.ubc.ca/~henrich/pdfs/Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology-2010-Broesch- Cultural Variations in Children's Mirror Self-Recognition.pdf

Korea has had tons of aid over the years. Park sent over 300,000 of soldiers to Vietnam on the condition that we help him develop his economy.

Because exploative colonialism is different from settler colonialism and from non-colonialism like in Japan

we all know that african are subhumans

That isn't "aid" as in free stuff, which Africa receives plenty of to the point of having it's own charities. What you described is a genuine agreement where both parties give something up and receive something.

That's "aid" in the same way me going to the store and exchanging money for meat is "aid"


>Being this black

>Japan settled South Korea and Taiwan
settler colonialism is leftist meme, they try to bend everything to their narrative of big bad whitey

If anything, Taiwan was settler-colonized by Han Chinese via the Dutch.

If anything, the far left seems to hate settler-colonialism the most, given how much they froth at the mouth when you mention Israel or white-majority Commonwealth nations.

>ROK participation in Vietnam was made possible because the United States was willing to underwrite the entire Korean military and civilian operations in the coun- try. And for Korea’s contribution to the war, the ROK government was well com- pensated. Korea is believed to have earned US$5 billion during eight years of deploy- ment from various sources, including increased American military assistance to modernize ROK armed forces, special allowances paid to ROK soldiers in Vietnam, multi-million-dollar civilian contracts, and expanded trade with Vietnam.9 After the first two years of deployment, revenues from the war made up 40 percent of Korea’s foreign exchange earnings,10 and from 1965 to 1972, the country earned an estimated US$1 billion in hard currency.11
en.asaninst.org/wp-content/themes/twentythirteen/action/dl.php?id=4141 page 4

Are Indians and other groups subhuman by this metric?

Can we please refer to Taiwan as its actual name, the Republic of China? Just because the communists have cucked everyone into their idea of One China doesnt mean we have to

Europe is a barely hospitable shithole without modern technology.

>Ayo it ain't colonization if it ain't by Dem white skin ass honkey niggas

but no tse tse flies or malaria fucking your shit up

you realize europeans had to deal with the plague

Africans did too and the Tse Tse flies make animal husbandry unlikable in huge chunks if land and without an animal plow it has to be done manually which increases the need for more labour in a place where the labour pool is scarce.

The us could have not do.e it but it needed to so it could proprietary korea up. This case it's going to the store to buy the meat of a friend who's business frankly us pretty bad. You could be a patron at a better store but you don't because you are helping a friend in need.

your graph shows its as fertile as america though

So this is what anime people look like irl

>had a nightmare where i contracted sleeping sickness
genuinely made me afraid of those fuckers for a few weeks

Korea and Taiwan had money pumped into them to make them look better than their communist counterparts

It's bullshit.

No it doesn't. Learn to interpret maps.

Now find one for the 50's and 60's

foreign aid over what time period


Nope, burden of proof is on you

Ukraine has some of the most fertile land in the world in large quantities yet it's the poorest country in Europe bar Moldova.

t. Red Button
Stay mad sea barbarian

which year, there is a big difference between foreign aid given in 1971 and 1946

How much foreign aid was given to Korea and Taiwan in 1971? and how much was given to comparably sized African countries in 1971? You fuckers have no idea yet keep spouting off muh massive foreign aid meme.

retake your homeland first and we'll talk

If you are one of the posters who jumped into claim that Korea and Taiwan received massive foreign aid, then you are the one who should be finding foreign aid infographics for the 50s and 60s. You need to prove your own assertions, not wait for someone to prove you wrong like it's some retarded /v/ thread.

Blacks are dumb though. Stop making excuses for people and assuming idiotic ideas like everyone has the same intelligence

>The Korean War decimated South Korea's population and destroyed much of the country's economic and military capacity. The United States worked to rebuild its shattered ally over the following decades, investing roughly $35 billion in economic foreign assistance (adjusted for inflation), and working to secure Korea from future North Korean aggression

>no mineral resources

>stoopid niggers XDDD


By virtue of Mandate of Heaven, the Red Dragon is in ascendancy over the White one. Thus making it the true China.

Africans are genetically inferior

It's 100% true for Korea though, you're just denying Cold War history at this point.

Based california
Y’all hate us but you keep buying our produce

Because it's not your precious "colonization" made Korea and Taiwan into first world, they made it happen by themselves, you fucking moron.

Japan/Korea/Israel have received the lion’s share of US aid because they all serve a strategic purpose to the United States. Israel is the US foothold into the Middle East; Korea and Japan are our foothold into Asia. Furthermore they are all the first line of defense in any global conflict, as the Muslims have to conquer Israel before moving on anywhere else, and the Russians/Chinese have to get through Korea and Japan before they can reach the US, then of course you’ve got Canada there and Alaska as a northern border. The strategically-important locations get the most love, this is basic statecraft

African countries was riddled with corruptions and their leaders was a bunch of opportunists, who will say that colonization is why they was bad leaders instead of facing their responsabilities.

Search about George Ayittey

This paper is bullshit compared to his book(pic related) but anyway I share it.


Also the AU is an organization that has done next to nothing to help Africa, they're the same people who always say colonialism is the reason of their idiocy, and then say that they won't change border inherited from colonialism

Because they had functioning institutions and werent held back by tribalism and crony dictators (for the most part)

Because Africa choosed socialism.

So did Japan, actually.


Really makes me think

WELL, I can tell you what it certainly ISN'T, and that is IQ-difference, haha, oh noo sir.

Hint: It's IQ.

>geography environment is solely responsible for the development of civilization
>has nothing to do with shaping the genetics and inherent ability of ethnic groups

fuck off Jared Diamond

>Korea and Taiwan
Imperialism isn't the same thing as colonialism, dudes.

Obvious race bait thread , but technically speaking only the south of Korea is prosperous. The north, as you're undoubtedly aware, is less so.

Hell no. Hell even in the socialist parts it was in name only fir most of it

>AU is an organization that has done next to nothing to help Africa,

It has helped though alongside organisations like Ecowas

Lmao you pedantic faggot

It's not pedantry when there's a meaningful difference between the two. The Empire of Japan was not a colonial empire and its former possessions have different identities and face(d) different challenges than most ex-colonies.

Koreans although they culture was oppressed were considered equals and korea was part if the Japanese state and administered as such.

america welfare, same goes for europe too.