Be a 18yo 7/10

>be a 18yo 7/10
>going to club for the first time next week
what situations should I expect and how should I act?

Prepare to feel intimidated by the scene, then just try to start going up to girls

Are you a guy or a girl?

If you're a guy, be ready to be bored as all fuck unless you get drunk.

If you're a girl, just act like a bitch and grind all over your girlfriends.

>any of those girls
I'd rather pass.

3 might be cool and the 2 on the right are probably the best.

dance with whoever looks cute. I remember my first time at a club, I was also 18. took some shots and next thing you know some short chick was grinding on me. don't worry about it, also the worst thing you can do is not do anything. I have a friend who is an 8/10 and never gets grinded on at raves because he never approaches girls to dance

Be prepared for it to be so loud you can't fucking talk without yelling and your alcohol costs 5x proper prices. And random assholes going around fighting people

I've had some great times and pulled girls in clubs but I can't fathom how this shit got popular, it's fucking garbage. I went to a pool bar a few days ago with lower volume music, less packed - holy shit it was so much better

IDK how people even hit on girls when you got to yell. The first time she says "WHAT?!?" I'm already fucking done with the conversation

Fuck clubs shit only got popular because of the media and music industry pushing how cool it was. They're shit compared to literally every other type of party


first one on the left is a goddess and all the rest are 7/10s easy

There are other type of parties other than private parties?

Too loud music and personalities more shalllow than you would expect

If you are curious about getting laid, definitely bring a condom, getting girls is a numbers game, and they are just as worried about looking unattractive to you as you might be to them.

She already looks like she is about to hit 30, she ages like shit.

>hitting on girls in clubs

bro u just dance until u make out with them, there's no conversation.
i realize you are an intellectual maybe a library or a starbucks is a better place for you to meet girls

Ignore all of them as much as possible.

Basic game:
A) Go in expecting nothing
B) Enjoy yourself
C) If you're focusing on a particular girl in a group make sure you keep you win them all over
D) Cockiness and arrogance is good if you're attractive
E) Physically escalate as soon as you see she's into you. Pull her to dance or some shit if she play punches you over some stupid shit.

Oh yeah.

And remember that all women are whores incapable of love. The kind of drunken whores you will meet at a club are intentionally sadistic. Don't take anything personally or it'll be percieved as insecurity or attachment.

Last time I went out my roommate intentionally flirted with dozens of guys only to "dance" away and lead them on all night.

Formals, house parties, parties hosted in restaurants or bars, parties hosted in a banquet hall, frat parties, lawn keggers, tailgate parties. I'm sure I'm missing a few

Ynow what fuck them all. Why can't we turn down the goddamn music what the fuck is with my generation and needing to have their ear drums blasted out at every venue?

this is gonna sound autistic as fuck but how do you dance/grind? do girls care if you get hard? for some reason i imagine they only wanna grind dudes with big dicks/chads.

>bro u just dance until u make out with them, there's no conversation.

Yeah that's what happens, but it gets gross. Rubbing tongues with random herpes sluts

No seriously what girl just makes out with a guy based on looks? I've had it happen to me, but one time at a frat party I made out with a girl and later found out I was the 5th guy she'd made out with

That's fucking gross kissing strangers is gross

Used to go to clubs literally every weekend in college (and even a few times in high school). I live in New Orleans, so alcohol was extremely easy to come by, cops don't give a shit if you're drunk or drinking in public, and Bourbon Street bouncers rarely ever care how old you are as long as you have money to pay the entree fee.

I pulled bitches, had a blast with friends, got black out drunk MANY times and consider it a miracle I never got in any car accidents because I was always the designated drunk driver. Looking back on it, the club scene is dumb as hell, but it's a phase I think we all need to go through.

When you get older, you'll find that bars and "hole-in-the-wall" places are really where the fun is. The alcohol isn't terribly overpriced, the women there are older and therefore not a bunch of snobby college bitches, and you can actually hear other people talk without screaming at each other.

don't go

nothing good comes of it.

dance with your hips and shoulders, don't make your hands too much. stay on beat, practice at home in your apartment man, no shame in it. as far as grinding when you're dancing with a girl they either turn around and start grinding or you turn them around hold them by the waist or something and grind. it might take a few attempts, maybe go and observe the first time or two.

make sure u stay in the club after the club closed, best chances of getting laid. im not a master myself, but that's how it normally is from my experience.

sometimes outside the club girls will come to u and hit on u.

It's literally the most devolved form of dance on the planet, it's impossible to fuck it up

You move your hips around while she moves her hips around on your lap. Maybe to a beat, but these days nobody holds the beat it's just a bunch of dry humping on the dancefloor to shitty EDM.

And they want you to get hard, that's the reason they're dancing with you. They're trying to feel a cock against their ass for validation, make sure she feels it

>do girls care if you get hard?
No they like it. Just pull them into a bit. Same thing if your cuddling and watching movies ect. Most girls will start to get turned on as they think about it.

k then dont go to a fucking club then

>Why can't we turn down the goddamn music what the fuck is with my generation and needing to have their ear drums blasted out at every venue?
Because when patrons can't hear themselves talk they drink more/buy more drinks.

Pretty much.

You have to learn not to be insecure and needy. Which might be why women enjoy dancing. If you just enjoy yourself and don't go in expecting pussy then you'll not seem like an absolute sperg even if you dance stupidly.

Believe me. Most people don't know how the fuck to dance, but i've done alright. And then sooner or latter a drunken slut will probably rub up on you if you're actually a 7/10

Fuck ya m8 it's all people do these days when they go out. I only use those nights out as validation

To be honest if anyone that says they enjoy clubbing and is anything less than a celebrity, baller, or fucking buying out the VIP then they're a basic dipshit degenerate

I didn't even know I had this opinion until I saw this thread. I went clubbing a week ago. But I only go because that's all young people fucking do now at night, bars and clubs

fuck this I hate the whole thing

3 5 6 1 2 4


Yes, this is it

Special occasions like halloween can be fun. If its super crowded then it can be a hot, sticky, energetic, vibe.

But fucking hell walking into a undercrowded club and then shelling out tons of money for drinks is shit.

WTF I hate clubbing now.

When I was doing my bachelors in engineering I basically lived in a bar near my house Thursday-Saturday. Around 10 all the college kids start piling in, usually had a few DJ's and held 250 people. I would mostly socialize with women then and only dance if I was pretty drunk to begin with. But then because I was social I'd also end up invited to house parties once the bar closed which would also be crowded as fuck but only for about an hour. Usually I'd leave the crowded as fuck dance floor in the house party and explore the house finding groups of people in various rooms. These girls were the ones I always went after to get laid since it wasn't so loud in other rooms you couldn't talk to each other and everyone's friendly usually. Talk to the girl I'd want for an hour or so, maybe dance some then go back to her house or mine.

Bars and clubs are different all over. Just find the one that you like. I loved that one strictly because 3.25 for a rum and coke.

Just learn to muzz brah and you'll become a sickkunt in no time

>pic related