How would a 5'8 141lb rapper fair against a 5'11 205lb average Joe, with some training in muay thai in a fight?

How would a 5'8 141lb rapper fair against a 5'11 205lb average Joe, with some training in muay thai in a fight?

they'd get kiled you idiot.

rappers are musicians not fighters


>Implying getting into brawls isn't part of the lifestyle

are you talking about a fight? or which women would like more

cause women (on average) would like a musician more than some random dude. looks don't really matter, if you've got money or status you're probably more attractive. it goes both ways, it's not only women that feel like this

Most rappers either pussys or complete coons
So they either pay others to do shit for them or just wild out and shoot

Yeah, that ended in 2001.

they say it is but its not

One on one, the manlet would get wrecked. If you're in the hood, though, expect about 8 of them to jump you.

Anyone who has achieved 1/2/3/4 can annihilate Tyga in a fight. Especially if they have 30lb+ on him.

How much is that?

is this a .5 plate dl with a terrible form?

upright rows 95lbs

I bet I could kill all three of them with my fucking fists alone. I've been boxing as a hobby for almost a decade.

Could be, or RDL or upright rows. He's still tiny regardless of whatever it is

>Nigga looks like he has leprosy or some other skin shit.
>it's just a shitty tattoo

Has he never walked up a hill or something in his life? Look at those small fucking legs

>only having two pounds on your girlfriend
Kek! I bet he can't even pick her up and fuck her.


>mfw it's true

Not well seeing as he will have some 6'3" 230lb body guards around him.

>Implying this '""lifestyle""" isn't just an image

maybe in the 90's and early 2000's

Imagine having smaller legs than your gf.

the guys got smaller arms than her, i dont think i see any chicks with arms bigger than my forearms that arent obese

more like imagine having smaller arms than your gf

More like imagine having a gf

i do.........all the time..................