Prioritizing bench over OHP

Prioritizing bench over OHP
>Never gonna make it

but irl youre more likely to horizontally push something than lmaovertically

unironically the pic is using a non-optimal grip.

also press has no much carryover with bench.

Not lifting people overhead
>never gonna make it

Where can I find pictures like this for other exercises?

I want to learn more about exercise movements and what muscles they target.

>using anything but open grip for bench and ohp
Stay small lad

OHP for shoulders
Bench for chest

I do both but thats the reason why i do each

Not much carryover?

Cause you dont use delts during bench

and OHP doesnt increase delt strength...

"*Exercise* Muscles worked."

He's right. Alan Thrall even went over this recently.

Second, that would actually be a quality post on Veeky Forums

if youre gonna push anything irl horizontally youre supposed to use your legs and not your chest

only carryover to irl with bench would prolly be if somebody would lie down on your chest but honestly i have no idea why ever that would happen

Who else does kneeling ohp's here? It's a great exercise, you can't cheat your way out of those grindy last reps.

i meant grip width.
OP's is slightly too wide hence inefficient because there's still a moment arm with the shoulder and the elbow.

for OHP, when i use thumb-around grip somehow i cant lift the same amount of weight as i can with open grip...

bench has carryover to press but not viceversa - google it.

Grinding is not cheating.

the bench is a better exercise because it is not limited by the tiny muscles of the front delts

you can move more weight through a similar range of motion and you utilize the chest to a much greater extent, the triceps to a greater extent, and you still hit delts

feel free to prioritize OHP but if you're only doing it because your bench sucks shit and you can't get the technique down be honest about that

Think about pushing something along the floor with max effort. You lean forward, you push with your legs and your arms go out above your head. You don't stand upright and just push with your arms and chest unless it weighs fuck all.

Most horizontal pushing movements are approximately closer to an ohp than a bench. OHP has way more athletic carry over too.

Fuck knows why everyone decided bench was the best lift for sporting upper body strength.

Your shoulders help you more with real life movements.
How often do you do a movement where you specifically bring you elbows closer together.

This. Usually the case. I did only OHP for almost a year because my bench technique was just shit. I went back to benching and now I love it more than OHP.

There was not much carryover from OHP to bench at all, which agrees with common opinion.

My shoulders did get bigger but not by a large extent, probably would have been better benching/dipping big and doing some laterals or something.

because it trains more muscle mass with heavier loading

it's objectively better for building the upper body pressing muscles

you do know that ohp is a great way to improve your bench press don't you? retard.

Push press is genghis khan of pressing.

unless you have a front delt weakness in the bench press it will have minimal carryover to your bench press, and any time and energy spent training it could have also been spent on bench variations that would have carried over more directly

clearly you just read starting strength or something and are new to this lifting thing, so stop arguing on the internet until you have 5+ years of experience


Search in android appstore "MuscleMatics" bretty gud animations there, picrel

how accurate is this though?

i mean this is VERY basic science, my guy

never gonna make it

Prioritizing muscle over developement of the mind.

>do I even have to say it?

am I the only one not doing flat bench?
I just do incline and OHP.

>le mutual exclusion meme

>le renessaince man meme

Graduating high school doesn't mean you are intelligent.

Masaka....there's actually a serius discussion thread on Veeky Forums

Pump with OHP or heavy push press >>>>>> pump from bench

I see too many guys at the gym with big arms and babby delts and traps. Normies wouldn't notice, but do your fucking strict presses and deadlifts ffs

but that's wrong

Bench is a FUCKING meme exercise
OHP and dips all the way

Read the fucking SS.

On days when you gotta do OHP and Bench, which order do you do them in? I always do bench first but then I can't OHP close to my max

I never OHP and Bench on the same day, I live at least 1-2 days in between those two.

assuming you benched or OHP'd with any intensity or with any decent volume, you won't be able to do anything decent on your second exercise

just pick one to prioritize that day

speaking of OHP, is it normal the hardest part is getting bar from chest to chin? Or i should do smth to fix it and how?

strength training anatomy.pdf

sticking point is usually around the head, because this is where the front delts are at the biggest mechanical disadvantage

In the sticky you giant faggot

so that's why my pecs have a weird shape
>only doing horizontal bench press

OHP is the most nu-male exercise of our times

I like it though

>OHP has way more athletic carry over too.

Yep. It's why every athlete in the world does vertical pressing movements and doesn't give a fuck how much they can bench.

That's my sticking point. Managed 8 reps at 67.5KG Yesterday but always wind up failing just above the head. I thought that indicated triceps failing and so I should do more direct tricep work?

your triceps are very unlikely to be holding your overhead press back, you would have to basically never bench press or do any direct tricep work for this to be possible

characteristic and very common front delt weakness, just hit the OHP with more volume

Thumbless grip overhead press, represent

Ah I see. My front delts are pretty overdeveloped so i won't do any acessory work for them. Is just above the head a normal place to fail then I take it? Going for a PR next week looking to get 85KG OHP 1RM (currently I weigh 70kg)

push press isn't the same as OHP, m8

or are you a manlet?

yeah, it's perfectly normal

pretty much any lift has some portion of the range of motion that is the most mechanically disadvantageous, and having that portion be your sticking point basically means nothing is wrong and you should just continue training the entire lift more and getting stronger

you can bring up your front delts to press more, but that doesn't mean that sticking point will go anywhere - still the worst position mechanically, and still the smaller front delts will still limit your before your triceps, you'll have the same sticking point at a higher weight

>Irl pushing movements allow for some sort of t-spine support


I do -8 degrees decline and some incline

Solid response good advice cheers

how about this push pull:

Day 1
Squat 4x5
Pull up 4x5
Chest barbell row 3x10
Lat pullwdon 3x10
Plank 3x60
Side plank3x60

Day 2
Deadlift 4x5
Bench press 4x5
Dumbell fly 4x10
Military press 4x5
Side raises 4x5
Side plank

My tendon in my left elbow hurts when I ohp, is my tricep weak or is my grip wrong?

Noted. I've re organised my routine so that I don't have them on the same day

Go see a doctor bro

Grinding isnt cheating you dumbo, cheating is cheating.
If you use your leg drive or raise your heels off the ground quickly to get it up youre not OHP anymore anyway. I hate people who do cheat reps

what is a good push pull routine then?

how do you get out of a plateau for this exercise?

>Not replacing your flat bench for incline
confirmed dyel
I bet ya'll do bro splits too.

>honestly i have no idea why ever that would happen

You've been drugged and a fat bitch is sitting on you while her other friend is riding your dick. You're about to cum and you can't have this whale becoming a mother and hitting you up for child support while society commends her for how brave she is.

> not doing flat & incline dumbbell press
lmfao scrub enjoy your no gains

I wish I could weaponize this amount of autism. I do OHP on tricep AND shoulder day.

>I wish I could weaponize this amount of autism

>I do not have imagination or writing skills to fabricate a false story for the sake of humor.

I take it you have a hard time socializing with people because you lack any substance to your character.

Not only is it normal, it's a good thing because it means that it's quite a safe lift to fail.

I'm confused by what exactly you're arguing here, why would you not train both? They're different exercises for different purposes

You're in the wrong place for OHP advice man, I got called a liar by about 8 different anons for saying my OHP 1RM was 85 kg at 75 kg bodyweight

This, tbqh.

For elite pressing information check out the blog of Dezso Ban.

He has tons of old articles about old pressing routines.
>I am nobody and you have one eye

my bench increases like crazy with barely any effort so I dropped it for OHP for the last 10 months.

OHP is a demanding mistress but you gotta focus on your weaknesses.

how did you personally increase your OHP to 85kg?

i tried a TM split model with a volume press day and an intensity press day but barely increased it. i will try anything.

Thanks for that blog.

Get that weak shit >>>outahere/

OHP are so much more fun than bench presses. and you can push yourself harder without some annoying DYEL spotter or the risk of hanging yourself.

Am I not supposed to wrap my thumbs?! Dafuq

>elite pressing
why is this relevant to anyone but world class lifters? intermediates wouldn't do any better on smolov squats than they would presumably on one of those programs.

We succesfully bullied the transgender brazilian homo that made those posts away.
We'll do the same with you.


IF you can't finish your sets, finish it off with push press and deload next week or w/e you do. I like to max out on push pressing some days, get you used to heaver weights(can push press 60 pounds more than I can OHP).

I left that for a guy who clearly had an interest in moving past advanced level into exceptional/elite. Some average guy thinking it's for him is clearly neither my intent nor my problem,
>you fool.

this is a bad troll, right?

Honestly I just busted my ass on it, really no secrets. Try adding some push press and behind the neck press and push press. I also have long arms which seems to give me good leverages on OHP.

I love cute retro chicks, man.

busted your ass how? how many days per week, hat set/rep scheme, what intensities etc

i've tried a lot of different approaches and nothing works. i have a high bench, high squat etc but my press will just not budge. i even use microplates

i have 2 more ideas: 5/3/1 and nuckols 3x a week bench with OHP in place of bench. if they both fail too i'm fucked.

after failing a rep and grinding doing the push isn't very safe atleast for me. Going all out means i've gone all out and i don't have the energy to do push press safely

1x per week, nothing so programmed

Starting from a warm up I work my way up to a max effort single, then back off just enough to do some slow controlled sets of 5-8 until I can't get a set of 5. Then I do a few other non-shoulder things then hit behind the neck press or push press depending on how I feel that day, either light controlled reps or heavy max effort doubles/triples.

As far as direct shoulder work that's about it, or I might add in some light sets of dumbbell press or seated press if I'm waiting for a bench or something to open up. My shoulders get hit pretty good 2 other days a week though when I do chest or biceps stuff. Take my advice with a huge grain of salt, it's taken me years to work up to that OHP and I'm sure you could get there way faster and easier with someone who knows what they're doing.

thanks, breh.

its a shame that people in general don't know what they're doing when it comes to this stuff. if you want advice on how to increase your bench, squat, deadlift, snatch, clean or jerk, there's more info that you could read in a whole year. no coach needs to increase their athletes' OHP optimally I think so the literature on it is scant.

>tfw want to get bigger delts
>tfw OHP hurts my back at any significant weight

Many ways to skin the cat.

Behind the neck press made the biggest difference for me.

Surprisingly, volume isn't the whole answer. I do volume at the beginning of the workout (15-30 reps), and then I move to heavy triples, doubles, then singles

This is oddly scary and convincing me to work on bench more.

I just got 60kg OHP at 80kg. I stalled for months at 50kg. What helped me get up a bit is OHP 3x a week and going lighter on bench so my heaviest pushing was always OHP. I also added in landmine presses with t-bars for volume. Its another shoulder push movement. I can only say that i got sudden new progress for me adding in those two changes. See if it works for you.

i'd prioritized OHP over bench for the first 3 years and only ever got to 70kg. then i prioritized bench over OHP for just 2 months and my OHP went up to 80kg. now i only bench heavy and do light assistance work for shoulders, which works pretty damn well.

have you checked your form my amigo?

>that conflicting advice
if i had to choose one, i'd pick the guy who presses 20kg more

eat more, shoulder accessories

Maybe find what works for you. Because you know like bodies are different. The guy who presses 20kg more also said it took him years. Im at a year and 3 months now of lifting so I might be better than him in a few months.

guy with 80kg ohp here. i stalled at 70 after about a year. the following two years, i tried a lot of things to progress, except for taking bench seriously for once. now it's still increasing bit by bit and i don't even care about ohp anymore