Best Joe Rogan episodes? Preferably non-political ones, I'm sick of politics after binging for the past year and a half.
Any of those will do. Gimme your favorites.
Best Joe Rogan episodes? Preferably non-political ones, I'm sick of politics after binging for the past year and a half.
Any of those will do. Gimme your favorites.
Other urls found in this thread:
The Alex Jones episode is podkino
alex jones, steve o, jocko willink
The ones with Graham Hancock/Russel Carlson are extremely good
episode 911 with alex jones is kino
>"People really need to be open minded and dont fall for bullshit and conmen"
>takes diet advice from paleo acupuncturist instead of real science based nutritionists
The fuck is the appeal of Joe Rogan? He's the male equivalent of a basic bitch. He's not particularly witty or anything.
>Dude weed lmao
>Dude MMA epic broo!!!
Hes really chill and smart. His show is great because hes a pro interviewer and gets the best guests on
smart :D
He's a pseudo intellectual nutjob
Listen to based Bill Burr instead
protip: listen top both
He's not smart he himself even admits that, his appeal is that he's open minded and open to learn a broader range of information.
Funnily enough, I only cottoned onto Joe Rogan after he made a few appearances on the MM podcast.
Definitely prefer Burr solo, but Joe's appeal to me is the guests. I don't think either could really do what the other does.
>dumb people can be multi millionaires
>dumb people train
>dumb people care about everyone's perspective
>dumb people are open to new ideas
The ones with Jessie Ventura or the ones with Chris and Mark bell
Dr Rhonda Patrick.
Listen to them in chronological order.
Sooper nutri-info
Any of the ones with Cowboy, Bas, and Barnett are great if you're interested in Fighters at all.
the tyrone biggums episode is my fav
This, but I wouldn't listen to them while training.
He's good at presenting his guests a platform where they can relax and just ramble on about whatever they want - in other words: Joe is a catalyst to bring out interesting thoughts from his guests.
My favourite in kickboxing is probably the one with Joseph Valtelini. I also liked the ones with Wim Hof (the iceman). Another fun one was with James Hetfield, lead singer of Metallica, where they only talked about bee keeping for an hour long.
alex jones is one of the greatest podcast episodes of all time
jon jones was good if you're into fighting
henry rollins was pretty fun to listen to.
Stay away from the political morons/athiests/sam harris bullshit
also the latest episode was complete shit
Absolutely this. Came here to say this. Also lol at all the butt hurt fags that hate JR because he's made it.
Jordan Peterson
Bill burr Usually
The Alex Jones one
unless he doesn't agree with you, then he rambles on about random shit for 3 hours so you can't get a word in
Is the jones podcast great because he's just a fucking insane person and it's hilarious to watch or are people memeing like Jones spits some truth?
I'm the kinda guy that can't handle retarded logic and baseless assertions, I don't know if I could handle an hour of Jones talking
It's a bit of both. He spits truth during the first hour, then he gets drunk, then stoned, then right in the middle he's like shhh shhh gather round I got shit to say and goes on about the most retarded interdimensional alien pedofiles that control the illuminati and the world by proxy and you're like whoa this dude is fucking crazy BUT then he quotes some extremely obscure law about something right off the top of his head and you get the idea that he really puts a lot of time into research but takes wayyyy too much dmt and salvia
forgot to add Gary Taubes, really breaks down the high carb fallacy
> He spits truth during the first hour
Kinda doubt that but I suppose a broken clock is right twice a day
Yeah but that doesn't happen so often, only if you challenge him on his position on drugs, like Steven Crowder did. But when it comes to Trump for example, he will have a good talk with both Sam Harris and Gavin McIness, who are on quite opposite sides.
lost it at monoamine oxidase
He s a bit right about the whole pedo thing. Ever since Trump got elected a fucking lot of international(usually with links in the US) pedo rings, human trafficking, humanitarian organizations that took in kids that were never heard of again etc etc All went down in FBI investigations during a very short timeline which means they were being suppresed. There was a giant fbi backlash against the CIA and the NSA during Obama so it's partly related since the CIA is heavily involved in human trafficking and peddles kids to people in power to blackmail them
Steve O was hilarious. I enjoy the ones with Duncan Trussell or Brian Redban because I like listening to random topics with silly retarded humor.
The really early ones (like first 100-200) are also pretty cool because it's fun listening about upcoming technology from that time, theories etc.
grahm hannock, any alternative history shit is interesting. Watch some shit on psychedelics.
Jordan B Peterson
Alex Jones
Gavin McInnes
Bas Rutten is the best MMA guest with funny stories
I just saw him live last weekend. He was hilarious. Definitely make an effort to see him live
Didn't mean to quote. Enjoy your free (YOU)
>plaeo diet
>gluten free
>functional strength
He seems nice and all but he is a fucking idiot.