Transformation thread
Recovering fatties and bulking skeletons get in here and post for some motivation.
Body Transformation
Max resdefault is a pretty common name here
it's a youtube thumbnail default name
Here's one for the skeletors.
something wrong with his chin...
>tfw will never be truly aesthetic due to loose skin/stretch marks
Should I just go for being /thicc/?
Absolutely, you're hairy too so it works.
Is that drake?
Progress from 98kg sedentary body to 87ishkg.
this guy was muscular in top left. you know how i know you don't lift?
Not even sure if you're tickling my nutsack or not. The guy on the top left just got out of a year long relationship with a gf that would always eat takeout and wouldn't let him go gym. It was a bit of a slump but I came out all the better for it I guess.
Top kek
This is mine
Really really good job! You should be proud!
thats pretty cool.. U gettn alot of pussy singing songs?
give numbers? U get a new slut after each show, do they come up to you?
Good lad, you made it. Awesome!
>That Adolf haircut
tell me you story user, so i can go 3 times as motivated to the gym today
2010 was a bad year for me, man...
Your facial gains are even better than your muscle gains
Post routine
How did you escape without stretch marks or lose skin?
Good for you but you still have a long fucking way to go before worrying about what physique you should settle for buddy.
I used to be fat but now I'm not
I was fat all growing up so I gained the weight slowly so no stretch marks. I do have a little loose skin on my chest, but its not too visible. I lost the weight pretty young so that helps.
it's like he has energy in his eyes now. good for him
It's not that I'm particularly fat, and I am fairly fit even but THERE IS ONE THING THAT ENRAGES ME
What the flying fuck can I do about them?
Is my only solution to get really ripe?
If not, is it a testosterone thing?
Halp me Veeky Forums
Post nips pls.
Here goes...
>fairly fit
Don't know if you can really see from the right perspective but when I wear a t shirt and the light comes from above it looks ridiculous (although I suppose not as much as some other people out there)
Still pisses me off
Yes ok, what I meant was I play sport regularly, I don't lift
But I can play a lot of sport and I'm not weak either
I'll admit the "fit" I'm talking about isn't what you'd think
Squat 5x8
Barbell lunges
Sandbag carry
Bench 5x8
Dips 3x10
DB curls 3x10
Rows 3x10
Sled Pull
Deadlift 5x8
Front squat 3x10
Sled push
OHP 5x8
DB incline bench 3x10
Pullups 5x5
Farmer walks
You're fine.
Just get a little bit of chest muscles to take away attention from the nipples and you're golden.
Thanks user, but do you know the quickest way to do that?
I'm one of those who easily give up if not given the exact things to do... bit ashamed of that
That's cause he's pinning a high dose of test on a regular basis
Has anyone EVER made it from skinny fat? You can only make it from skeleton or from fat fuck, but are skinny fats fighting an unwinnable battle?
bulk and cut at the same time kek can t say that out laud
If you go to the gym, do some upper body program ( google ).
If not, do pull ups and push ups. Get some app to gamify it.
Oki dokes, cheers lad.
Really appreciate the help coz it's been driving me crazy for a few years now, well just made me uncomfortable around people when Inm in a t shirt
How are you doing yourself? I suppose good yeah?
What a difference some roids make
24 little cycles
I considered myself skinnyfat (entering fat as fatass mode) back then, and made some decent progress
Yeah I plan on another 35lbs or so.
Too bad you can't lift your way to non shitty skin.
Last two pics are 5kg difference? No way.
They are, but the left one had a shitty angle and I wasn't flexing
This is me.
It's all shit and I think skinnyfat means an extra 6 months before you can start looking even remotely acceptable (relative to your own insecurity though).
When I was trail running and climbing I managed to get baby abs and a 'toned look' but shit college diet has me skinnyfat again. Been lifting twice a week on and off for the past 3 months and beginning to see some improvement. Dont cut or bulk, eat just above maintenance on workout days and let your body do its thing.
How old? How long?
That's The Joke
posted a few times here b4
Fake, the tattoos are on the wrong side
>What are mirrors.
Yeah it's fake.
5'5 140 lbs in first pic, 135 in second.
I need moar traps, I know.
The last picture is my goal. Fucking mirin' user.
I made it
Eat almost all of the calories of maintenance and lots of proteins, little fats and carbs. Also intermittent fasting is literally made for skinny fats
6'6 former skelly reporting
need to take new pics soon, chest already looks better than in this pic
Excellent job bro
there's no way you're 6'6
Time frame? Pls pls
Looked better @250
Knew it.
Why am I not surprised.
Are your women tall af too?
>can't exerice the peenus
This is my 4 month transformation from the end of my fall semester this year to now. Granted the lighting is alot better but its a huge change for just a few months of lifting.
t. 6'0 Dutch manlet
colour me surprised
How many of these pics are using roids ?
How can mirrors be real if our eyes arent real
Holy fuck, you became a manlet
>Are your women tall af too?
The average is somewhere around 5'8 i think, but that includes all age groups, younger people seem to be even taller and it's not uncommon for dutch girls to get to 5'11
As a 6'0 male I still sometimes feel like a manlet in Holland, average height is fucking insane here
what is your cycle user, please be honest
I can finally live my amazon fetish
>tfw 5'9 manlet
Damn son, that's a big change for 4 months only.
Routine? Diet?
Any tips man? I've been trying to settle for a routine but there is so much info and fake info out there.
Im on a college budget so sometimes i dont eat for a day at a time. But I eat alot of chicken and pork with veggies when i can. I also use a mass gainer powder to get extra calories. My routine is the pic attached. I also do abs 3-4 times a week too with crunches, weighted planks, and leg raises.
Pictures are from 2012 to 2017, I think thats easily natty for 5 years
Thank you so much user! You're awesome
Heres mine. First photo 2013, second 2014 third 2016, and last is recent after a mini cut
not op but: cunt
How tall are you?
Nigger trying to be funny
Bro, why'd you destroy that fantastic waist hip ratio? You gave up every opportunity to be a trap.
normie memes
Got about 15 pounds left and this pic is a little outdated but might as well share it.
No later than the end of next month should I be done with cutting to which I'll move on to bulking.
Question by the way, is the abdominal area normally the last place people lose weight, cause that's where most of my fat is.
No problem man, I also forgot to mention i have a bad back and knee so cant squat or DL. Also for shoulders I do extra stuff on machines since it's only 3 exercises on the list.
he used roids, thats how